36-The Big Step

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*jens pov*

"Hi Lee-Lee!" Leah's sister calls out and runs up to Leah giving her a hug. "Hi Nicole." Leah says happily, but I can tell she's being a little fake. "It's good to be home." She pulls away, and realizes Leahs mom, and runs up to her, hugging her next.

She didn't even notice me, but that's fine with me. I'd rather distance myself. "We already ate, but I know you too are probably hungry." Leahs mom says and walks to the kitchen. "Oh, definitely." Nicole says, then she turns her head, making eye contact with me.

She stops for a second, and makes a double take. Then her facial expression kind of changes. "Oh, I'm sorry, who is this?" She says being polite, or at least trying to be polite.

"I'm Jennifer." I say and smile. "Hello Jennifer, so is this a friend of yours Leah?" She asks interested. "No, she's my girlfriend, Nicole." Leah tilts her head and holds my hand. "Girlfriend?" Nicole asks and furrows her brows.

"Yep, for awhile now." Leah nods. "Well you didn't tell me about a girlfriend, I didn't know you were seeing anyone?" She says confused. "Well you never really care about my personal life so-." Leah's mom cuts Leah off. "Girls." Vicki says stopping them. "C'mon Nicole, come get a plate." She says and Nicole eyes me down before walking to the kitchen.

Leah sighs and shakes her head. "Now I get it..." I say quietly. "Yep...I'm sorry." She turns to me. "Don't be, its ok." I assure her and kiss her cheek. She smiles and looks away. Nicole stays, and eats in the kitchen away from us in the dining room. I guess she's just catching up with her mom.

So Leah took me on a tour of the house. We finish up, and it's a really pretty house overall. We come downstairs, and Leah's mom comes out of the kitchen with a pie in her hands. "Desert anyone?" She asks happily. Leah looks at me and smiles since she knows I have a sweet tooth. "Yes please." I say excitingly.

We all go to the table and eat a piece, and I have to be honest, it's pretty awkward with Nicole. "So what does your family do?" Nicole asks me and puts down her fork. "Well my 2 sisters work a business together, and my parents are retired." I explain and she just nods repeatedly.

"And what do you do?" She asks getting more into depth. "I'm a high school teacher." I smile. "Pfft, a teacher?" She rolls her eyes. "Yes...is there a problem?" I ask. "I just don't see how one can commit their life to such a sucky job. I mean you get walked over by kids all the day, the pay is shit-." Their parents cut in. "Nicole! Enough!" Vicki says and their dad shakes his head.

"I'm not wrong..." She shrugs and leans back in her chair. I get ready to say something back, but I feel Leah put her hand on my thigh and squeeze, basically telling me to leave it alone. "Well everyone's entitled to their own opinion." I shrug and she nods.

The day goes on, and it slowly becomes night. After desert, me and Leah distanced ourselves from everyone, and we just went outside by the pool. "I dare you to jump in." Leah says randomly. "Yeah right." I roll my eyes and she giggles.

"So do you like my parents?" She asks as we sit down on the chairs. "Yeah, they're sweet." I say and smile. "And Nicole?..." She asks. "Uhm- she seems, nice....I don't know, it's hard when she doesn't like me." I shrug. "It's not that she doesn't like you, she just doesn't know you." Leah says and I tilt my head. "You just have to stick around and get to know her." She says and I smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." I smile and kiss her lips, we kiss for a little, until we get interrupted. "Woah, get a room." Nicole says and we both pull away, and I look away from Nicole since it's awkward. "Shutup." Leah says kind of jokingly.

"Mom wants you." Nicole says and I look at Leah. "I'll be right back." She touches my knee and stands up. She walks away and I watch her until I make eye contact with Nicole.

"So, Jennifer, what's up?" She asks and sits in the chair Leah was in. "Nothin much." I shrug being nonchalant. I was nervous around her at first, but now I'm not afraid to be just as bitchy. "Nice. so do you 2 live together yet?" She crosses her arms. "No, not yet." I say and she lets out a sigh of relief, and I raise one brow.

"But we actually plan on it pretty soon." I blurt our just to get a kick out of her. "You do?" She asks and her mood changes. "Mhm, she wanted me to meet her family first, and now that I have, well, I'll be moving in with her." I say and make a bitchy smile. "Hm. How exciting.." She says slowly and I nod.

"So have you ever been with a man?" She asks randomly, and it takes me by surprise. "Uhm, I think that's my business. Does it really matter?" I ask and she shrugs. "Just wondering if you've gotten some of both genders, and not just pussy." She says. "What is your problem, I haven't even said a word today and you already hate me. What's wrong with you?" I ask getting kind of mad.

"I'm just trying to figure out what you want with Leah, she's my sister, it's my job to look out for her. And I can always tell when someone is using her." She says and I furrow my brows. "What is that supposed to mean? Why would I be using her?" I ask confused.

"Maybe for the fact that our dad owns a huge chain of businesses, which puts a lot of money into this family, which also let's us afford things like this big house." She says, and I just sit there in shock.

"Look I don't know what is going on in your head about me, but whatever you're thinking, is wrong." I say before standing up and walking away. I find Leah in the kitchen helping her mom.

"Hey baby." She looks back at me and continues what she's doing. "Hey, I'm getting kind of tired.." I use as an excuse. "Really?" She asks and stands up from looking through the cabinets. "It is getting kind of late." She says after looking at the clock in the stove.

"Are you 2 gonna get going?" Her mom asks. "Yeah we probably should." Leah says. "Aww, ok, well visit again soon." Vicki says and gives Leah a big hug.

"And it was so nice meeting you Jennifer, I look forward to seeing more of you." She winks at me before giving me a hug too. I smile and happily and hug her back. Leah finds her dad and says goodbye, then Nicole comes back inside and gives Leah a hug.

"Bye Lee-Lee." She says and pulls away. Then we both start to walk out the door. "Bye Jennifer." She says and I turn and just smile. We walk out and shut the door.

"See that wasn't so hard." Leah says as we walk to the car. "Mmm, yeah right." I laugh a little.

"Other than your sister hating my guts, I had fun, I really like your parents." I say once we get in the car. "Well I'm glad. You were freaking out about nothing, I told you they'd like you." She says and pulls out of the driveway. "Shut up Lee-Lee." I mock and laugh. "Oh my god, do not start calling me that." She says and laughs a little.

"It's cute." I say and tuck her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, for a little girl." She shakes her head, and I laugh.


Eventually we get home, and I'm really tired now. We both take a quick shower, and I plop on the bed in just a big t-shirt and panties. "You tired?" Leah asks as she's sitting on the bed. "Mhm." I groan. "Ok." She says and reaches over turning off the lamp. "Are you gonna get under the covers the right way?" She laughs, and I pull myself up so I can actually get in the bed.

I crawl under the covers and lay facing her. "Leah?" I say softly. "Hmm?" She hums. "I'm ready..." I say and she raises one brow. "To move in." I say and she relaxes her brows. "Really?" She asks happily. "Mhm." I nod. "Are you serious?!" She says a little more excited. "Yes." I laugh, then she jumps up and kind of squeals with excitement.

Then she crawls on top of me and just hugs me. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that." She says straddling me. "I can start packing tomorrow." I say and stroke her hair. "Yesss." She says buried into my neck.

"Oh my god, we're gonna have so much sex-." She sits up and says like she's shocked. "Really Leah?" I laugh out loud. "I'm serious! That's so cool..." She shakes her head and looks out at nothing, like she's just imagining our life together. It's sweet that she's excited. I am too, I really love her, and I'm ready for this step.

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