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*jens pov*

It was 2 am when I was woken up by my phone going off. It was a text message from Leah. I was confused as to why she was up so late, but I was also happy to see her name on my phone. I unlocked my phone to a video she sent me. I raised one brow and clicked on it, then it began to play.

I felt my heart drop, and my smile fade, when I saw her with some guy, making out in what seemed to be a club. I blinked multiple times hoping I was imagining all this, or that it was just a nightmare. But my eyes teared up when the video was still playing in front of my face.

I paused it and threw my phone on the ground since I couldn't watch it anymore. I sat up and put my face in my hands as I just cried and cried.

I don't even understand, why would she do that- was she drunk? But she promised me. Where was she? Who was that?

My mind is overflowing with a million thoughts. And I can't even think positive since that was Leah, my Leah making out with some random dude. There's no hope in this situation.


I woke up the next morning, and the video replayed in my head. I don't even remember falling asleep. I probably passed the fuck out since crying makes me tired.

Thinking about it made me hurt, but no tears came out even though I did want to cry. I'm just numb.

I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. My eyes are all red and puffy from crying, but I don't even care. I still have 3 more days until Leah gets back, but I still don't even know what to think. I wouldn't even be able to look her in the eyes right now.

Is she the one that sent the video? Does she even know I saw it? Fuck. All I want to do is just curl up in a ball and go back to sleep. So that's what I did, I called in sick, and went back to bed.


I woke up from a 3 hour nap, still feeling like shit. I'm so upset, but I don't know what to do. I want to call her, but what would I say? Suddenly Blue comes running in my room, and he jumps on the bed. I softly pet his head, but he keeps nudging me, wanting me to play with him. "Blue no..." I say not in the mood. He stops for a second, but gets more energetic since he thinks this is a game.

I just roll my eyes and lay back down, thinking. Until my thoughts get interrupted by him getting on my chest, and licking all over my face. I quickly sit up and he jumps a little. "Get the fuck down!" I say and point to the floor. He doesn't hesitate to jump down and run downstairs.

I sigh and look over to my phone, still on the ground, and cracked since I threw it last night. I get up and pick it up, I immediately see all the text messages and missed calls from Leah. Just seeing that made me tear up. I'm so fucking mad at her, even if this isn't her fault in anyway, she still went out and let it happen.

I unlock my phone and read her text messages from after the video was already sent.

"Oh my god Jen, I'm so sorry, I didn't send that, I wasn't even the one with my phone last night. Idk what happened, I didn't even know that happened until I went to text you, and I saw that the video had been sent."

"Please reply, let me explain at least."

"Just answer the fucking phone Jen, I promise you that there's a completely good excuse to all of this."

"Jennifer I know you're up by now."

"I can't do this, I'm coming home."

I read all the texts which were sent at different times. And I don't even care. I walk downstairs and grab something to eat since I've been asleep all day. Once I sit down, all my feelings hit me again. She said she didn't even remember that happening. So she was drunk. Just the fact that she promised me and herself that she wouldn't do that, breaks my heart.

That's gonna effect her so much in the future, she might start drinking again, and I don't know if I'll be able to help her through that. Of course I'd try, but after all this, and how far she's come. I don't know if I'd actually be able to stay by her side.

I layed on the couch for the rest of the day, and eventually it became night pretty quickly. I've been drowning my sorrows in pop tarts and Greys Anatomy. I just needed to distract myself from crying.

*leahs pov*

When I checked my phone this morning, and realized that Jen saw the video, my soul left my body. Somebody must've gotten a hold of my phone last night and recorded it. I checked earlier to see if it was sent to anyone else, but it wasn't. They probably just sent it to the number I text the most, which is jens.

I feel so bad even though it's not my fault. It's really frustrating me knowing that she doesn't know the full story. And she won't talk to me, so that doesn't help.

I needed to figure out a way to explain things to her, fast. I care about her more than any business trip. So I left. I left, and I'm on a plane back to New York right now.

Ava gave me more validation of what happened last night since the video didn't explain much. She told me that one of those guys probably put something in my drink since she knows that I wasn't drinking either.

I was shocked that anyone would be stupid enough to do that to their boss. But I cared more about talking to Jennifer than confronting them. So I guess I'll have to save that for when they all get back.

Until then, I'm on my to jennifer, anxious as fuck to tell her what she doesn't know. But I'm scared if that will even do any good. Could I have stopped it? I keep thinking it's my fault. I don't know. I just know it's probably best that I left anyways.

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