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*jens pov*

"Eat it!" I laugh as Leah is making a stank face while I'm holding a piece of shrimp in front of her face. "Stoppp." She giggles and pushes my hand away. "You're so picky." I roll my eyes and eat the shrimp. "What do you wanna do after this?" Leah asks and sips her drink. "Mmm I don't know. Ouuu we've passed a couple of those cool tiki clubs that are by the beach, we should go to one later." I suggest.

"That could be fun." Leah nods. The waitress comes over and takes our plates since we're done. Then we leave the seafood restaurant and just walk around the shops. "Hold my hand." I say to Leah and she turns and holds her hand out. I smile at her and she can't help but smile too.

"Let's go in here." I say and point to a cool looking hippie shop. "Ok." Leah says and we walk inside. We walk through a bead curtain, and the smell of wood and burning incense immediately hits our nostrils. Leah wonders off to look at the crystals, and I look at  these cute little Buddha statues.

Eventually I came across this door in the store that read "Fortune teller. Palm readings, future predicting and more". I got excited and found Leah. "Let's get our fortune read pleaseeee." I say and hold her arm. "What? Why?" She asks. "I just wanna try it." I pout. "It's probably fake Jen." She says and continues to look at whatever. "Please, who cares, it'll be fun." I say. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Ok fine." She says and I smile.

I took her over to the door, and she just waits for me to open it. "Uhn uhn, you do it, I'm scared." I say and she sighs. She slowly twists the knob and opens the door. There was a short hallway, and an opening on the right at the end of the hall. We slowly walked down the hall, and walked in the opening. We looked around and just took everything in.

There was a crystal ball in the middle of the floor, with a couple of pillows surrounding it. It was dimly lit with glowing stars and candles, tapestries of tarot cards hung from the walls and a cute cat crept from out of a box in the corner, and made its way over to us. It rubbed up against Leah's legs, and we could hear it purring.

"Hi kitty, what's your name?" I say in a sweet voice and bend down to pet the cat. "Luna." A voice says and a lady appears from behind some curtains. "Hi Luna." I say and pet her head. "Can I help you?" The lady asks. "Um we were looking to get our fortune read?" Leah says and steps closer to the lady. "Really? I mean, yeah of course, take a seat." The lady says and motions her hands to the pillows on the ground.

I stand up from the cat, and we both walk over to a pillow, and sit down in front of the crystal ball, with the lady on the other side of it. "I'm madam Lorraine. Tell me your names." She says with an interested look on her face. "I'm Leah." Leah says then looks at me. "Jennifer." I say and smile a little. "Nice to meet you, Leah, Jennifer." She nods and pulls out some small candles.

"Are you 2 siblings, friends, lovers....cousins?" She asks. "We're a couple." I say and smile, and so does Lorraine. "That's sweet, you 2 make a great couple, I'm getting very loving energy." She says and I smile at Leah. The lady finishes lighting the candles, and sets the last one on the table.

"Here on vacation?" She asks and I look at Leah all shocked since she probably is a physic and she read that from our heads. But Leah just rolled her eyes. "Yeah we are." Leah nods. "I see..." Lorraine says.

"Join hands please." She says and holds her hands out. We both take her hands and we hold hands, making a circle. Lorraine takes one of her hands and drags her fingers over it like a paint brush, then she takes Leahs hand again.

She closes her eyes and kind of jumps, like she's seeing a lot. "I see...acceptance in your future, someone letting you in and listening." She says and continues to think. "I see maybe...a driver...a car...a new car!" She thinks of and I look at Leah happily.

"Hm, the only other thing I can make out, is a great deal of excitement, good news, or maybe a surprise...something unexpected, yet good." She says and looks up at Leah, but Leah looks away.

"What else?" I ask since I'm genuinely interested. "Everything else is too- blurry.." She says and lets go of our hands. "But what I've informed you about, I feel very strongly on, so keep a look out." She says and winks at Leah. "Thankyou so much. How much?" I ask and we stand up. "Eh don't worry about it." She shrugs. "Are you sure?" Leah asks. "I'm sure, nobody even comes back here, so it's on me." She says and smiles. "Wow, thankyou again." I say and she nods. "Of course. Have a good day." She says and we go out into the hallway and out the door.

"Told you it'd be cool." I say and nudge Leah's arm. "Yeah, that was fun." She agrees and looks away. We both left and continued to walk around. We came across this little park that connected to the beach, so there was palm trees and people playing volleyball. We sat at this bench under a shady tree and just talked about stuff.

"I got you something." Leah says and picks up her bag. "For me?" I ask excitingly as she hands me the bag. "Mhm." She nods and I take a really pretty pink crystal out of the bag. "It's a rose quartz, they're known as the "crystal of love"." She says and I smile. "Awe..I love it." I pout and kiss her lips. "That's so sweet, thankyou baby." I say and smile. "Of course." She smiles too, and I continue to look at the crystal. 

We only have 2 more days left of the trip, and I really don't wanna leave. I feel like all my stress and worries have been lifted while we're here. And everything is just so beautiful and carefree. I also enjoyed the fortune teller, I've never done anything like that, so it was definitely an experience to remember, especially if her predictions are right..

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