35-Its Not Too Late

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*leahs pov*

"You look fine!" I assure Jen. "Are you sure it's not too slutty? I don't wanna give your parents the wrong idea." She says and looks at herself in the mirror again. "Babe, it's just a dress, who cares, you look good." I say and walk around her getting a good look at her ass.

"Ugh, fine..." She says and starts brushing her hair. I walk in the bathroom and re apply my lipstick. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, and a loose white crop top, with a light grey zip up hoodie. I'm not really getting too dressed up since it's just my parents, but Jen is freaking out.

I fix myself up, then I go back in the room, but I don't see Jen at the mirror. Then I see the reflection of Jen sitting on the bed with her face in her hands. I turn to the bed and walk over to her. I lift her head and her mascara is starting to run a little. "Babyyy, calm down, what's wrong?" I sit bedside her.

"I can't get my other eyelash on..." She says shakily. I sigh and walk in the bathroom to grab makeup wipes. I come back and sit facing her. I clean up her face, and re apply her mascara. "Where's your other lash?" I ask and pick up the wipes off the bed.

She points at the vanity with the mirror, so I walk over and grab the lash and the glue, setting down the wipes. I stand in front of her, and tell her to close her eyes. She does, and I eventually get the lash on once the glue dried. "There, beautiful." I say and peck her lips. She smiles and stands up.

She finished her hair, then we threw on our shoes, and got in the car. About 30 minutes into the drive, and Jen is already having another panic attack.

"It's not too late to turn around right?" She asks and looks around outside. "We're not going back, we're already half way there." I say and continue driving. "Mmmm." She wines and lays her head back. She starts to play with her fingers, and I can tell how nervous she is.

I grab her hand, and bring it to my face, kissing it. "You'll be fine, my parents are cool, ok?" I assure. "What if I'm too weird, are they ok with you dating a Hispanic girl?" She looks at me. "What?! Of course, my family is the definition of weird, and they have no problem with diversity." I tilt my head and she sighs.

"Don't even question that. I've always been the minority because I like girls, but they don't treat me any different, I'm the same person I've always been, they know that, they're accepting." I squeeze her hand tighter.

"Ok...." She sighs and closes her eyes. "Just chill out, I'll let you know when we're there." I say and she nods and lays her head back.

An hour passes, and we're finally here. Jen has been asleep for a little, so I shake her a little as I turn off the car. "Jen." I say a little quiet, and she immediately jumps up. "Are we here?" She asks in a scratchy voice. "Yes baby." I say and unbuckle my seat belt. She pulls down the mirror and fixes herself up.

"Do I look ok?" She asks and puts the mirror back up. "Yes! C'mon." I say and get out. She gets out and pulls down her dress a little, then she looks up at the house. "This is....really nice." She says slowly.

I laugh a little and held her hand as we walk up to the front porch. I knock on the door, then I just open it and walk in. "Ma?" I call out, but no one responds. "They're probably outside." I say and close the door behind us.

I walk to the back door, and Jen slowly follows behind me. I slide open the door, and I see my mom sitting at the chairs by the pool, talking to my dad. "Mom!" I say happily and she quickly turns her head and smiles big. "Hi Leahhh!" She stands up and quickly walks up to me giving me a huge hug. "I thought you'd be here later?" She says still hugging me.

"Well it didn't take as long as I long as I thought." I shrug and she pulls away and kisses my cheek. "I haven't seen you in forever." She exaggerates. "Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes.

"It's good to see you Leah." My stepdad says and gives me a light hug. "You too." I smile, then I look behind me at Jen who's kind of distancing herself. I grab her arm and pull her a little close to me.

"Mom, George, this is Jennifer, Jen, this is my mom, Vicki, and my stepdad." I say and laugh a little. "So this is who you've been talking about?" My mom asks and I roll my eyes.

"She's a good one." My mom smiles at Jen, and Jen blushes a little. "Mom!" I laugh and so does everyone else. "It's so nice to meet both of you." Jen says and shakes there hands.

"You too." George smiles and my mom nods. "Why don't we go inside, and I'll make us something." My mom suggests, and we all agree and head inside.

"What do you like to eat Jennifer?" My mom asks once we get in the kitchen. "Um, I'll be fine with whatever." She says sweetly and smiles. "Ok, what about you Leah." My mom asks and turns to me. "I don't care, surprise us." I shrug and she nods.

Me and Jen sit in the kitchen, and talk to my mom while she cooks. "So Jennifer, Leah told me that you're a teacher?" My mom turns to Jen as she cooks on the stove. "Oh, yes!" She nods. "Do you enjoy it? I know it must be a hassle sometimes." My mom says. "Most days I like it, and others I don't, it's a love-hate relationship." Jen explains and my mom nods.

"Your dad should be back soon, with Nicole." My mom says to me. "Nicole is coming from California?" I ask surprised. "Did I not tell you?" She asks. "No, you didn't mom." I say. "Well she's visiting for the week, your dad left to get her earlier." She says. "I thought he was just going to the store." I tilt my head. "He is on the way back from picking her up." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Who's Nicole?" Jen asks me. "My sister.." I say bluntly. "Is that bad?" She asks quietly and I just shrug. My sister has just always been difficult on everyone I've been with. I don't know if it's just a big sister thing, but she's never like that with our youngest sister, Shannon.

Eventually my mom finishes the food, and we all go ahead and sit down to eat since we're hungry. "This is really good, thankyou for cooking." Jen says to my mom. "Of course." My mom smiles big since she loves when people compliment her food.

"Yeah mom, it's great." I agree with Jen, and right when I say that, the front door opens and my dad and my sister walk in.

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