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*Leahs pov*

Me and Jen got back to my place last night. After she returned the favor, she ended up sleeping over, but she left in the morning.

Now I'm bored, she had go since school starts tomorrow. I hate the fact that she's a teacher, I know teaching can be hard, I don't want her to be stressed, or her to change. I'm gonna try and talk to her about it.

I mean worst case, I just pay her bills, and keep her steady. I wouldn't mind at all, caring for her would make me so happy. I could never get tired of her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to work and pick you up?" I ask through the phone to Jen.

"Yes, I'm sure baby, you wouldn't wanna get up that early anyways." She says.

"I don't care, I'd do whatever if it means I can see you more." I say and she giggles.

"It's fine, really." She laughs.

"Okayy.." I say in a whiny tone.

"Ugh, ok, how about tomorrow you can take me and pick me up, only for my first day though." She suggests.

"Yesss." I say happily. "What time should I pick you up?" I ask.

"About, 7:30." She says.

"I- ok, that's fine." I say shocked and she laughs.

"Told you." She says.

We talk about some more random stuff, then we hang up a little later.

I end up stopping by work today, since I forgot all about those resumes I had to look over. I wouldn't go if it isn't a big deal, but we really need these spots filled.

I get to my building and head to my office, but the papers I needed to look over, weren't on my desk.

"Hey Devan do you know what happened to those resumes you left me?" I ask Devan through my office phone.

"Oh yeah! I saw you left them, so I went ahead and gave them to Lisa for her to look over them, since we need those spots filled." He explains.

"Oh, ok, that's fine, Thankyou for doing that, I forgot all about them. So did anyone get the job?" I ask.

"Umm, I heard something about someone, but I'm not completely sure, you'd better go talk to Lisa." He says and I agree, then we hang up.

I head down the hall to Lisa's office, and I knock on her door once I get there. "Come in." She calls out and I open the door and step in. "Hey!" I say. "Hi Ms.Remini, what's up?" She asks.

"I know you looked over those resumes, so I was just wondering if we got any new workers." I ask. "Oh yeah, there was only one to look over, and she seemed pretty good. So I interviewed her, and she got the job." She explains. "Oh, that's great! Is she already in her own office?" I ask. "Yeah, it's room 203, if you wanted to stop by and meet her." She says and I nod.

"Ok, thankyou Lisa." I say, then I head out and make my way to room 203. Once I get there, the door is already half way open, there probably getting there office set up.

I knock once, then I let myself in, and I see the back side of this girl. "Hi, I just wan-." I stop when she turns around, and my heart drops to my stomach when I see her face.

"Hi boss." She says and smiles. I look behind me in the hall, then I step in and shut the door. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask getting pissed.

"I needed a new job." She shrugs. "So you decided the best place would be here?! Out of everywhere else that's hiring. Are you fucking stupid?!" I ask getting louder.

"It's not that big of a deal.." She crosses her arms. "You know Ive always loved those interior decorating shows." She tilts her head.

"You did this on purpose didn't you? You're still trying to be in my life." I say and she rolls her eyes. "Leah you might as well accept the fact that I'm working here now". She says.

"Don't forget about the fact that I'm the boss here Kate. I can fire you at any time I want, no questions asked. It's gonna be your word against mine." I cross my arms and she rolls her eyes. "It's not gonna look too good when you fire me for no reason. What are you you gonna tell everyobody when they ask why you fired me? Because I'm your ex? Bringing up the past. It's kind of petty if you ask me." She shrugs.

"You're ridiculous, how childish can you be?" I ask and she shrugs again. "Fuck. Kate, you better watch yourself, one wrong move and your out. You think I give a fuck about what these people will think of me? This is me being nice, don't fuck it up. But knowing you, that's gonna be pretty hard." I say being a smart ass.

"Whatever you say boss." She shrugs. "It's Ms.Remini to you." I eye her up and down before leaving her office. I lean against the door and sigh. What am I gonna do about this, I can't handle her.

I doubt she'll make it through without messing up at least one thing, so right when that happens, I'll fire her without even thinking. She has a history with being fired, so I should be fine...I think.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I lift my head up and silence it. It goes off again after 5 minutes, I groan and sit up to turn it off again, then I realize it's Monday, and it's 6:53, and I have to pick up Jen at 7:30.

"Mmm." I groan and move the blanket off of me. Blue comes running in the room, and jumps up on the bed licking me to death. "Blueyyyy, I gotta get ready." I say and try to to stop him. I pick him up and take him to the bathroom with me. "Ugh, you're so thick Blue." I laugh and set him down.

I do my morning routine, then I start my makeup, since I'm getting up so early, I might as well start my day too. I leave my hair down natural.

I throw on skinny jeans, and an adidas hoodie, then I grab my keys and head to Jens place. I decide to stop at Starbucks since I still have some time. And I get Jen an iced coffee and a croissant.

I pull up to Jens building, and I text her I'm here. About 7 minutes later she comes out of the front doors, and I have to say. She looks extremely sexy. I've only seen her in her work clothes once or twice. And I love it.

She had her hair blow dried and full of volume. Her makeup was light and glowy, she had on a tight skirt the stopped right above her knees, and a flowy light pink blouse that was tucked in.

She pulls the business woman look off very well. "Hi mama." She smiles as she gets in the car. "Hiii." I smile and lean over to give her a kiss. "You got here on time." She says happily as I pull away from the building. "Surprised?" I ask. "A little." She giggles.

The whole ride I was debating on telling her about Kate or not, but I couldn't get the words to come out. And I didn't want her to be worried or stressed out on her first day. So I'll tell her another time.


"Remember, school ends at 3." She says before I turn down the road of the school. "I know, I know, have a good day." I say as she gets out of the car. "I will. I'll see you later." She says and shuts the door. She starts to walk away, but she stops and quickly comes back.

She opens the door and leans across the seat grabbing my face and kissing me. "Bye mamì.." She bites her lip, and gets out of the car again. I watch her walk up to the school. Well, I'm looking more at her ass, but, ya know.

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