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*jens pov*

I woke up with the sun shining through my apartment window. I never get tired of the city, but I do get tired of that damn sun always waking me up at 6 am. It's actually kind of nice though since that's the time I need to get up and ready for work.

I've lived in New York for most of my adult life. I moved here the day after I turned 18, I couldn't wait to get out of North Carolina. I was ready to start my life, and I knew I wanted it to start in the city, away from all the farmland and cow shit.

Once I got here, I knew that I needed a job to actually afford things. But I didn't want to just work at a gas station or McDonald's. I wanted a profession, so I decided that I'd go to college. I ended up going to NYU, which was amazing since it's a really good school. I got my degree in English history, and went on to become a high school English teacher.

After a while, my mother and her clingy ass, started to miss me a lot. So she decided to move to New York with my dad to be closer. Luckily they're not my neighbors or anything, they don't even live in the same city as me. But they visit every chance they get.

So I usually have to make up some lie to get out of seeing them. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but it gets annoying when I'm just trying to live my life.

I roll out of bed, and gather myself trying to look presentable like I do every morning.  I honestly don't dread getting dressed in the morning since I love looking nice and just getting dressed up in general. I like to look nice and wear nice clothes, but recently, the principal at the school I work at, told me that what I've been wearing is "distracting" to the students. "How so?" I asked him looking for answers clearly confused.

But the thing is, the other teachers would wear the same type of clothes. I think it's just because I actually have an ass, and what I wore, showed it off a little too much. There should be nothing wrong with that, but of course, high school boys are going through puberty, and their just horny in general.

I stop at Starbucks on the way to work like I usually do everyday. "Good morning Mason." I say and smile at the man behind the counter. "Morning Jennifer, lemme guess, iced coffee?" He asks. "You know me so well." I smile. He nods and puts in my order, I pay and he goes to make the drink. I come here everyday like I said, so me and Mason have gotten to know eachother, which is nice I guess. We usually just have small talk since I only come on the way to work.

Eventually he comes back with my drink. "Have a good day, see you tomorrow." He smiles and puts my drink on the counter. "You too." I smile and grab my drink. I get to work, and almost immediately get stopped by the principal as soon as I walk through the door. "Jennifer!" He calls out and startles me. "Mr.Harrison! Hi." I say once I turn and face him.

Mr.Harrison is a pretty young man, he's very tall and he has dark skin. He has a nice smile with white teeth, and really pretty light green eyes. He's one of those cool adults that all the kids like. He's always energetic and in a good mood, he also always has sleeves rolled up.

"Good morning!" He says after catching up to me. "Morning." I smile. "So I just wanted to let you know that the schools fundraiser is tomorrow afternoon at 5." He says. "I know Mr.Harrison, you made an announcement on the speakers yesterday." I say and laugh a little. "Oh, right, well then I just wanted to remind you." He smiles and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Well Thankyou, highly appreciated." I smile. "Of course Jennifer." He nods and walks away. He's actually a pretty great boss which I am very thankful for.

I get through the day slowly but surely, correcting grammar, grading papers, telling kids to shut up and catching some kids staring at my ass. Overall I'm a pretty easy teacher, if you're cool with me then I'm cool with you. I don't really care if they have their phones out, or if they say "shit" here and there.

I get kids, it's not hard to, I mean they're kids, what more explaining do you need?


3 o'clock hits eventually, and it's time to go home finally.


I'm just chilling on my couch watching a movie since I don't really do much after work. Then I get a notification from my phone.

James iMessage 4:30 pm
"Hey beautiful."

James is a guy I've been seeing, obviously. He's very sweet and handsome, he's a really great guy. But, I don't really think that I want to take things any farther with him, and I know exactly why.

"Hey" I text back.

"Can I come over?" He asks.

"Hm, I don't think that'd be a good idea.." I respond.

"C'mon please??" He texts back.

"Ok fine, just for a little." I give in.

Eventually he shows up, flirty as ever. He's very charming, and I find that attractive. "Let's go to the bedroom.." He whispers once our lips separate. "No, let's stay here." I say and kiss him again. He gets more aggressive with our kisses, and his hand starts to travel in between my legs, but I stop his hand. "Is there something wrong?" He asks. "No-no, you're fine." I say and peck his lips.

"Are you sure?" He asks while on top of me still. "Yes, I'm sure." I say. "A-are you a virgin?" He asks hesitantly. "What-I-no! No, it's just too soon. Ok?" I assure him, then he gets off of me and I sit up. "When is it not going to be "too soon"? We've been dating for 5 months." He says kind of annoyed. "We're not dating." I say quickly. "Then what are we?" He asks. "I-I don't know." I stutter.

"You're not into me, are you?" He asks. "No-I....I am into you.." I say. "Well there has to be a reason why you don't want to go further." He says and I just sigh and look away. "Just bare with me ok? We have to take it slow, baby steps." I say and put my hand on his leg. "Ok fine, baby steps." He nods. "Thankyou for understanding." I smile. "Of course." He nods and smiles.

"I should get going...I'll see you soon, ok?" He says. "Ok." I nod, he leaves and I'm finally alone. I really just wanted to blurt out "I like girls" that whole time. But I don't think I could ever tell him, or anyone. It's just too much for me, I'm not ready.

Now he thinks I just want to go "slow" with him, when in reality, I want him to move out of the way so I can get me a fine woman. That sounds mean, but it's true, I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with him, I just hate to hurt people.


Hey dudes, so this is my new fic. It seems kind of boring right now, but I promise once Leah comes into place, everything will be Gucci. (Also James is supposed to be James from shades of blue, I just don't like the name Gino😭, so you can envision what he looks like if you've seen the show.)

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