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*leahs pov*

I rolled out of bed as I heard Blue barking at my door. I got up and opened the door, he ran up to me and jumps all over my legs. "What, what?" I ask annoyed and pick him up, placing him on the bed. I walk downstairs, and go to check on Jen. I walk over to the couch, but she wasn't there. I check the bathroom, she wasn't there either.

I get confused, and check all the other rooms. "What the fuck?" I mutter. I call her a couple times, but she didn't answer. I plop on the couch and shake my head. She probably got up he morning and went to work. But I'm kind of pissed off since she didn't let me know shit. I was freaking out, but I calmed down once I actually thought about it.


The majority of the day was just me laying around with Blue, waiting for 3 o'clock, since that's when Jen gets off work. "Ughh, Blue, I need this girl to move in soon." I groan and Blue tilts his head at me.

Suddenly my phone vibrates, and I see Jennifer's name pop up on the screen. My heart skips a beat, and I grab it, answering it.

"Hey. Sorry I got an Uber this morning and headed home so I could come to work." She explains through the phone.

"Uh, yeah I figured you headed to work. I was just worried about you. You didn't text me or anything." I say and I hear her sigh.

"Yeah I was in a rush this morning, then I had class, so.." She says and I nod.

"Ok, well, I'll see you later. I mean- do you wanna come over, or I could-." She cuts me off.

"Yeah, I actually have a lot of papers to grade when I get home. So I'll probably just get those done, and go to sleep." She says.

"Oh-ok..." I say slowly.

"Maybe tomorrow though, I'll let you know. But I gotta go now." She says.

"Ok, bye, I love y-." I say but she hangs up before I could finish.

I throw my phone on the couch. "Welp, I guess it's just me and you Blue.." I say and reach to pet him, but he jumps off the couch and runs upstairs. "Or just me..." I say quietly and rub my forehead.


*Jens pov*

It's Thursday, and me and Leah haven't talked since Monday. I mean, we texted goodnight and stuff, but that's it. And I'm aching to just be with her, permanently. I'm ready to move in, but I'm still figuring some stuff out.

I get home after school, and just lay in bed. Like I've done all week. I'm getting tired of this loop, I like being active, and having someone to talk to, specifically Leah.

I just feel so empty without her. Like I'm nothing, like I'm missing part of myself. And it hurts knowing that we're both thinking about eachother everyday, eager to see eachother. But things are just so complicated right now.

I know I love her, and I want to be with her. I just haven't been able to use my head properly, and I feel like I'm fucking everything up. All I know is that I need to move in quick before I start changing my mind, or questioning what I want to do.

I end up falling asleep for a little, but I wake up to someone knocking at my door. I move all my papers out of the way, and roll out of bed, waking to the front door. I smile a little knowing that it's probably Leah. I open the door, and my mouth drops a little when it's not Leah standing there. It's my mom.

"Mom- what are you doing here?" I ask in shock. "Jennifer I couldn't stand not talking to you after the way you left." She says and let's herself in my apartment. "Does dad know you're here?" I ask as she sets down her purse. "Of course not." She says and I look down. She tilts her head and sighs. "I love you Jennifer, your father is a tough man, but he loves you too." She says and walks up to me.

"How can I believe that when he shuts me out like this?" I ask and feel myself get weak. "You know your father, he's stubborn, he'll come around eventually." She says and holds my hand. "You say that, but he will never "come around" that's not something he does. It's either his way, or no way." I say and let go of her hand, and sit on the couch.

She follows and sits beside me. "Ok, well if he doesn't, then you have my support." She says and I turn to her. "So you're ok with it?" I ask surprised. "Of course, I mean I don't prefer it, but this is about you not me." She says. "Are you sure? I'm gay mom, I don't like men." I assure her and she looks down. "If that's what you want, and that makes you happy, then I'm happy." She nods and I smile.

"Thankyou mom." I say and a tear streams down my cheek. "I should probably start heading home now before your father starts worrying." She says and stands up. "Ok, well I'll walk you to the lobby."

We go in the elevator, and I take her down to the lobby. She was about to walk out the door, but she stops and turns to me. "I almost forgot." My mom says and digs in her purse. "Here." She says and pulls out a key and hand sit to me. "What's this?" I ask and take it. "It's the key to the storage unit." She says and I tilt my head.

"Won't dad find out I'm using it?" I ask and she shakes her head. "He forgot we even had it until you brought it up. You'll be fine." She says and I smile. "Thankyou again, I'll call you." I say and kiss her cheek before she leaves.

It is nice that I have at least one of their support. Knowing that my mom is ok with it, makes me feel so much better, and not as lost. Maybe she's right and my dad will come around. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Sorry it's been a while lol. I lowkey don't even know what day it is. And I kind of forgot about this book, so yeah. I'm gonna try and update more, but thankyou so much for all the reads!💕

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