19-What Are We?

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*jens pov*

I woke up not wanting to get out of bed, but I remembered that Ben wanted to see me today. Something about "Having a serious talk" I don't know, but it's whatever.

It's been a week since the double date, and other than the fact that me and Leah ended things there, I still giggle at the thought of that date.

I roll out of bed and get ready for today. I end up meeting Ben at some park by the water.

He walked with me, holding my hand, until we got to a bench and we both sat down. "So what's up?" I ask trying to be causal. Ben looks out at the view, then he looks down and sighs. "Jennifer, what are we?" He asks hesitantly. "We're humans, living people." I say playing dumb and I giggle.

He forces a soft smile and he shakes his head. "I mean our relationship..." He says and make eye contact with me. "What about it?" I tilt my head. "I mean, one minute you're dreading kissing me, and the next minute you say we're dating out of nowhere, I'm just confused, I need validation." He explains.

I sigh and play with my fingers. "I like you Ben....I do. But- I'm just not ready for a fast moving relationship like this yet." I explain and he nods even though I know he's confused. "Technically, I guess I'm willing to be with you, without actually....giving myself to you....ya know?" I try to explain and he furrows his brows.

"You mean like-....we can't have sex??" He scratches his head. "Not yet, not in the beginning...that's what I mean by moving fast, let's just take this slow. I need time.." I say and put my hand on his.

He sighs and nods lightly. "You're not a virgin are you?" He asks and my eyes widen. "What?! No! God- what's up with that?" I take my hand back and rub my forehead. "I'm sorry." He says and I shake my head.

"But, just to be clear, we are dating?" He asks with hope. I sigh and look at him. "Yes." I force a smile and I immediately see the happiness in his face. Then he pulls me in for a hug.

I slowly hug him back and laugh a little. Then he pulls back and looks in my eyes, and he brings his lips to mine. I was shocked at first, but I might as well get used to this, so I close my eyes and kiss him back. Great.


Another week goes by, and I still have had no contact with Leah. And if I'm being completely honest, I don't think I can take much more of this. But I guess it's better for me to stay away from her as long as she's with Kate, ugh, I can not stand that bitch.

I watch as people walk in and out of the doors of this bar I'm at. And I'm kind of hoping that Leah walks through the door in my mind, but what are the chances of that...

I raise my hand a the bartender signaling for a another drink. He nods and grabs my glass to refill it. I slowly turn side to side in this spinny stool chair, just lost in my thoughts.

I get interrupted when all the guys start reacting to the football game on the tv. I figured one of the teams scored a touchdown or something. I slightly roll my eyes, and decide it's time for me to go home.

I pay for my drinks, then I stand up to walk out. But a certain something catches my eye.

I see James sitting at a booth with another dude, and I must say, they look pretty comfortable...

I laugh to myself and decide to walk over there. "James! Hi!" I smile and lean on the side of the booth they're not sitting at. "Jennifer? Uh-hi.." He says kind of nervous. "Who is this?" The dude asks and crosses his arms. "I'm Jennifer, an old...friend...of James." I say and hold my hand out to shake his.

"And you are?" I ask him. "I'm-." He gets cut off by James. "This is Evan, my friend." James says. "Friend? I'm Evan, his boyfriemd." He says with attitude.

"B-boyfriend?" I ask and try not to giggle. "Is that funny to you?" Evan asks. "Oh no, no. It's just, only 5 months ago, James was trying to get in my pants." I explain and Evans face changes completely. "Really?" Evan asks. "Yes...we used to see eachother, but that was before I met you, and....before I found out I was gay." He says hesitantly.

"So you are gay?" I ask and smile. "Yes Jennifer, I'm gay, so what? Do you have a problem with that?" He asks. "Oh of course not, to be honest, I've always preferred girls." I explain.

His mouth opens slightly. "So that's why?..." He starts to realize. "Well that makes sense." He says. "Mhm." I nod and look around.

"Well it was great seeing you again, and nice meeting you Evan." I smile and wave. Then I walk out of the bar still in disbelief of what I just witnessed. He's gay? I would've never guessed that, being that he tried to have sex with me how many times?

Oh well, at least he's happy. I'm glad he figured himself out. Everyone deserves to love who they want. Wow, I'm one to speak...

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