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*leahs pov*

"It's only for a week!" I say and Jen rolls her eyes. "We just moved in together, and you're already leaving. I don't think that's the best for our relationship." She says getting overdramatic. "It's not like I'm leaving you. I'm just going on a business trip, I can't miss this just because you'll be butt hurt over it." I say and she widens her eyes. "So you don't care about my feelings?" She asks and crosses her arms. "No! I mean yes! I do. But I have to go.." I say and rub my forehead.

"Can't I come with?" She asks with attitude. You can't take a whole week off from teaching. And I promise you, you would be miserable. You'd be left alone in a hotel room everyday." I say and she sighs. "Where is it even at?" She asks annoyed. "..Virginia..." I say hesitantly.  "Are you serious?" She asks and makes a resting bitch face. I nod slowly and she rolls her eyes hard.

"Wow, well knowing that your ex lives there, makes me not want you to go even more." She shakes her head and sits on a stool at the kitchen island. "I doubt I'll even be in the same town as her. And if I am, then nothing would happen anyways." I assure her. "I believe you, but you know she's a crazy bitch." She tilts her head. "I'll be smart." I say and walk over to her, holding her hands.

"I know...just- no drugs, no sex, don't even party, and certainly no drinking..." She says and lifts her brows giving me an intimidating look. "You know I'm clean Jennifer. I would never purposely do that to myself. Not after everything I've been through. I won't even have a glass of wine." I say and she forces a small smile. "I trust you." She nods and I lean down and give her a kiss.

"Thankyou...I'll FaceTime you every night. I'm leaving this coming Sunday, and I'll be back on the next Monday." I say and she pouts a little. "You'll be fine, Blue will keep you company." I say and she can't help but smile. "Sorry for yelling." She says and I tilt my head." It's ok." I say and smile at her.

She just doesn't want me to leave her, but I know that she's also worried about Kate, and me...But I'm trusting myself. I'm staying away from all alcoholic beverages, even if I have to leave whatever building I'm at, just to get away.  I don't wanna fuck myself up again. Especially since I have her now.


"Fuck you look sexy.." Jen says once I walk out of the bathroom. I smile and shake my head. "Look at you." I say and walk behind her, grabbing her ass and pulling it against me. She laughs out loud and try's to pull away. "I'm trying to finish my makeuppp." She wines and we both laugh.

We're getting ready to go to a fancy restaurant to celebrate moving in together. "I need to get my eyebrows done.." She says leaning in close to the mirror and looking at her brows. "Yeah right, they're literally perfect." I say and go on my phone. "You don't even know." She says. "Well we can go and get them done together sometime this week, before I leave." I say.

"Ok, but you're paying since you're leaving me." She says and faces me. "You got it babe." I say since I don't mind at all. "Ok, I'm ready." She says and puts down the brush.  "Mk lets go." I say and stand up and start to walk down the door. But I stop when I feel Jen pull my dress down from behind since it's really short.

"Really-." I laugh and she stands up straight. "What? Can't have anybody lookin at what's mine.." She says and winks at me as we walk out the door and downstairs.

Eventually we arrive to the restaurant, and we get seated. "Here you go, and I'll be right with you." The waiter says once she gives us our menus. We thank her and she walks away. "Have you ever been here?" I ask. "No, have you?" She asks and I shake my head no. "The food looks good though." She says and I agree with her.

I look up at her as she just looks through the menu. And I just admire her. "What-?" She asks with attitude once she notices me staring. "Nothing, you just look good." I shrug and she blushes a little. The waiter comes back and asks if we're ready. "You know what you want babe?" I ask and she shakes her head yes, and begins to order.

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