4-This Is She

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*jens pov*

"Ben?" I say confused through the phone.

"We're you expecting someone else?" He asks.

"I-no,no. Um, what's up?" I say trying to play it off.

"Nothing much, I was just thinking about you.." he says.

"Thinking about me? We've only ever had like one conversation." I say.

"Well, yeah, but still, I want to see you again." He says.

"I see, well, maybe we can hang out some day. I'll save your contact and let you know." I say knowing good and well that I'm not going to let him know.

"Great, I'll talk to you later." He says and we hang up.

I literally forgot that he was like a person in my life. That's why I was surprised that it was him and not Leah.

Now that I think about it, I'm kind of disappointed it wasn't Leah, I really got my hopes up, then it ended up being Ben, the dude I met at my school carnival, how romantic..


It's been about a week since I've heard from Leah. She's the one with my number, so its not like I can text her first. I don't know why I'm so anxious, we barely even know eachother and i'm already acting a mess.

Its the weekend right now, so I'm just walking around downtown like I usally do, stopping in shops here and there, and of course I got starbucks earlier.  I alway love walking around New York, its never boring, there's always something to do. I also just love the lights and all the excitement, it makes me happy. 

I'm usally a very happy person in general, and I love to make other people happy too. But honestly, I've been kind of out of it lately. I just don't feel like myself, and it really bothers me because I can't just act "happy" and call it a day, thats not how it works.

I've talked about it to my mom, and she thinks it has to do with my dating life, but I think she is 100% wrong. Well, maybe not 100%....but I don't need a partner to make me happy. I can be happy with myself, like c'mon now, I'm a great person, with a great personality. Too bad I don't have anyone to share it with....no, fuck that. I'm fine, it's all good. I'm an independent woman who can pull anyone she wants at anyti-

Then I snapped out of my thoughts and came back to reality when I saw James walking down the sidewalk across the street. At first I wanted to just avoid him so he wouldn't see me, but I took a double take, and I realized he was holding hands with some girl. 

Anndddd, not gonna lie, that kinda makes me jealous. I'm a very jealous person overall, so it doesn't take much to get me feeling a certain way.

They keep walking down the sidewalk, and I just watch them happy as ever, livin their life. Eventually it gets to a point where I cant see them anymore, so I decide to just go home and chill.


I get home after stopping to get something to eat, and I just watch some tv. James comes back to my mind since I'm still kind of bummed about it. I know I didn't even really like him, but he moved on so fast, so it just makes me think I was nothing to him.

I drown in my thoughts, just overthinking for a good 5 minutes, until my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and answer it, then my whole mood changes.

"Jennifer?" She says through the phone.

"This is she." I say sounding all professional and clueless even though I know exactly who it is.

"It's leah, remember?"

"Oh! Of course, hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, I was just scrolling through my contacts, and I forgot I had your number."

"Haha, ouch." I giggle.

"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you."

"Hmm....ok, what do you have in mind?"

"How about lunch tomorrow?"

"That sounds great, just text me what time."

"Ok,I will, bye Jennifer."

"Bye Leah." I say and hang up.

Right when I heard her voice I forgot all about James and his new girlfriend. Even though I know for a fact  that I don't like her like that, how could I. We don't even know eachother. But I just can't stop thinking about her. Who knows, I guess I'll just have to see what happens.

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