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*jens pov*

I walk through the front door of the school and head into the office to sign in. But I stop while I was walking in when I saw a familiar face.

I walk all the way in, and I realize it's Ben signing a paper at the front desk. I don't really wanna get his attention, so I act like I didn't see his face and just wait for him to leave. I look over my shoulder a little and hear him say thankyou to the lady at the front desk, then he starts to turn around, so I quickly look the other way.

"Jennifer?" I hear him say a little bit closer to me. "shit.." I whisper to myself and slowly turn around. "Ben? Hi." I smile.  "Hey!" He smiles too. "Uh-What are you doing here?" I ask. "Oh, I just had to sign some papers for buying the schools new history textbooks." He nods. "Oh, wow, well Thankyou, we really needed those this year." I say actually being sincere.

"Of course, no problem." He says. "So, I thought you were gonna let me know when we could see eachother again..." He tilts his head. "Yeahhh, sorry about that. I've just been so busy with work." I say and he raises his brows like he doesn't believe me.

"A-and my mother, uh, she's in the hospital, so I have to visit her here and there.." I lie and his brows go down and his mouth opens a little. "Oh my, I'm so sorry." He shakes his head. "It's totally fine. It's just...been hard.." I say and look away like I'm sad. "It's ok.." He says and pulls me into a hug. "I-ok." I say since he did that out of nowhere.

"If you ever need anything, you have my number." He says and pulls away. "Of course, thankyou." I nod. "Well I should get going. I hope everything gets better." He rubs my shoulder. "Thankyou again, bye." I say and he nods and leaves the office.

Thankgod all those years of acting classes finally payed off. My mom is totally fine, I just needed some type of lie. Some people say I come off as a fake person, but there's a difference between being fake, an just trying to be nice. Oh well.

I head to my classroom and decide to stop by Angela's classroom. I usually call her Ms.Hill since that's the "professional" thing to do. But when it's just me and her, we call eachother by our first names since she's the only teacher I'm close with.

We were both new to the school at the same time, and we kind of clicked. We're not best friends or anything, we just get along really well.

"Hey." I say and peak my head through her door. "Oh hey!" She says. "What's up?" She asks. "So I was wondering if Mr.Smith told you if we were doing a final exam for art history or not? All the kids keep asking me soo..." I ask her since she's the art teacher. "Ohh, yeah, they keep asking me too, but he hasn't told me anything about it yet." She shakes her head. "Well that's ok, I was just wondering." I say and sit on one of the desks.

"So how was your weekend?" She asks and stacks some papers. "Eh, pretty good, what about you?" I ask. "Same here, I'm just ready for summer, it's so close I can taste it." She over exaggerates and I giggle. "I know right, I love these kids, but I can only take so much of them." I shake my head and she nods agreeing with me.

"Hey, do you happen to know somebody named Leah?" I ask and she stops what she's doing and looks at me. "Leah....?" She tilts her head. "Oh, I don't know her last name. Uhh, long brown hair, brown eyes, resting bitch face." I describe. "Yes, I know Leah, Leah Remini." She says and continues what she's doing.

"Remini?" I say to myself but she nods. "Huh.." I shrug. "Why do you ask?" She tilts her head. "She was at the carnival, and I wanted know if you knew her since you literally know every single person that donates to the school." I explain. "Oh, well, yup, I know her all right.." She sighs. "What?..." I ask since she started acting weird.

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