3-Rough Night?

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*jens pov*

"Ok everyone, have a good weekend, and don't forget about your thesis statement, it's due next Wednesday." I say like the kids are actually listening to me. The bell rings and they all immediately stand up and rush into the halls.

I gather the papers I need to take home and grade. Then I head out of my classroom. Right when I step outside, I get a text message, and of course, it's James. He loves to text me on fridays, I'm basically his weekend toy.

James: "Let's go out tonight."

Jen: "I have a lot to do, maybe next weekend."

James: "It'll be fun, papers can wait till tomorrow."

Jen: "Where to?"

James: "I was thinking a club."

Jen: "Of course you were."

James: "Is that a yes?"

Jen: "Fine, but no drinking."

James: "You got it."

Great, now I have to go out. I love to party and drink, but it's better when you actually want to get fucked up with the other person. And I do not want to get fucked up with James, I'm not risking it. Imagine if we ended up having drunk sex.

I get home, and eventually I end up getting ready for the club. I go in my closet and throw on the first cocktail dress I find.

 I go in my closet and throw on the first cocktail dress I find

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I curl my hair, and put it half up half down. I put on some heavier makeup than I had on before. Then I finish the look with hoops and a pair of heels.

I take the elevator down to the lobby once James texted me that he's here.

"Damn you look good." He says as I get in the passengers seat. "I know." I say and shut the door. "Don't be mad, we're gonna have fun, I promise." He says and grabs my hand, then he leans over and pecks my lips. I roll my eyes after he kisses me, but I make sure he doesn't see.

We get to the club and we ht the dance floor right away. We dance some together, then we end up sitting at one of the couches. "Anything to drink?" A waiter comes by and asks us. "2 shots please." James says and I shoot him a look. "I'll have a water." I say to the waiter and he nods and walks off. "I said no drinking James." I cross my arms and look at him.

"What is 2 shots gonna do? Huh?" He asks. "I'm not drinking one." I say and look away. "Fine." He shrugs.

The waiter comes back with our drinks, and James shoots both the shots down right away. Then he looks at me and gives me this dopey smile. "Fuck you." I say and laugh a little since he looks stupid. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He says. "Ok." I say and he stands up and walks away.

20 minutes pass and he hasn't come back yet. I called him twice but he didn't answer. So I stand up and start to look for him around the club. It's a really big club so he could be anywhere.

Eventually I give up, and debate on just calling a cab to go home. But then I look over and I see him at a couch with a whole bunch of other dudes.

"James! What the fuck?!" I say while walking over to him. He flinches and looks up at me and so do the Luther guys. "Ohhhhh hey youuu." He slurs. "Who's this beauty?" A guy on the edge of the couch asks. "This is Jennifer, my wife." He says and closes his eyes slowly.

"I'm not your fucking wife, and you said you were going to the bathroom." I say with an attitude. "Calm down baby girl." A guy beside James says. I roll my eyes and put my attention back on James. "You brought be all the way out here just to ditch me, and I didn't even want to come!!" I say getting really frustrated some I didn't want to come in the first place.

"Just chill with us mama." The dude at the edge says and pulls me onto his lap. "Don't fucking touch me!" I stand up quickly then I turn and slap him in the face really hard. A the guys gasp and laugh. Then the guy stands up fast but the other dude grabs him and calms him down. "Fuck this, and fuck you." I say to James and walk away.

I walk to an empty couch and just sit down with my face in my hands. I wanna cry, but I'm more pissed than sad. Then I feel someone put there hand on my shoulder. "James, leave me alo-" I stop when I look up and see her.

"Rough night?" She asks and sits beside me. "Men." I say and roll my eyes. "Ohhh, say less, I know exactly what you mean." She says and crosses her legs. "Why are they such assholes? Honestly, it's not that hard to just be a genuine person." I say and rub my forehead. "I don't know, their brains are less developed." She says and I giggle. "I'm just tired of them." I shake my head.

"Well, that's why girls are better.." She shrugs and I look at her with a smirk. "I see..." I grin and nod.

"Well I-" I cut her off. "What's your name???" I ask quickly. "Wow-uh..." She gets surprised. "It's sorry, I've just been dying to know your name ever since I saw you at the carnival." I say probably sounding a little too sincere. She smiles and tilts her head. "Leah." She says softly. "Leah....I'm Jennifer.." I say to her.

"Lemme take you home." She says. "It's ok , I was just gonna call a cab.." I assure her. "No, I'll give you a ride." She insists and stands up. "I-ok.." I say slowly and stand up.

We walk outside and she takes me to her car. We get in and I give her directions to my apartment.

"Yeah, this is it." I say and she slows down. "Thankyou so much." I say and unbuckle my seatbelt. "Of course, anytime." She winks, I smile and open the door and get out. "When can I see you again?" I ask standing outside of the car. She looks away for a second and sighs. "I can give you my number if you want.." I say hesitantly. She smiles and nods, then she gets out her phone and hands it to me.

I type in my number and give it back. "I'll see you again soon." She smiles. "I hope, bye." I smile back and she leaves. I go to the lobby and take the elevator to my apartment room. I'm happy that I finally got her name, and her number, so that's a plus.

I go straight to my room and plop down on my bed. Then my phone starts to ring and it's an unknown number. I smile to myself then I answer it.

"You couldn't wait huh?" I giggle through the phone.

"Well it's been about a week." They say through the phone. And I realize it's not Leah, it's not even a girl.


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