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*jens pov*

We ended up at this little Chinese restaurant and we both ordered our food.

"So, what happened with you and Ben exactly?" Leah asks and takes a bite of her her rice. "Mm, well, it was actually very sudden. It's not like I planned everything out to end things with him. It actually came up, when he was trying to...ya know.." I say.

"O-oh, you two were gonna..." She says slowly and I shake my head no. "No! That's why I stopped him, and I told him how I really felt before I lead him on." I explain and she nods. "Well how did it go?" She asks interested. "Oh my god, Leah, he was heartbroken, I don't even wanna talk about how I hurt him.." I say and look down.

"Well at least you told him, better sooner than later." She says and I nod. "Yeah, I just couldn't do it anymore." I shrug.

"Well, Kate said she wanted a "break", and I was honestly relieved, but I wish I would've just ended things with her then." She shrugs. "That probably would've been too much on her. Sorry, but your girlfriend is one drama queen." I raise my brows.

"You're one to speak!" She laughs and playfully kicks my leg under the table. "Ok but I know when and when not to be dramatic." I defend myself. "Mhm, whatever you say baby." She shrugs and sips her water.

"I-uh, I actually have to see Kate tomorrow.." Leah says quietly. "Why?" I ask. "Well, she actually was at my house today when I was trying to see you. But I wanted to see you so badly, so I just left, and I said we could talk tomorrow." She explains and a soft smile starts to form on my face.

"You wanted to see me?.." I ask and slightly bite my lip. "C'mon Jen, you know I did, after how we've been acting lately. Don't make it all mushy." She laughs and so do I.

"Hopefully we'll break up, officially tomorrow." She says and I nod. "It's funny how you gave me up to be with her and to love her, but now you're trying to get her out of your life." I kind of laugh, but then I realized that was harsh.

"Uhm, yeah I started to realize some things I guess..." She says in a different tone. "Im sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that, I didn't think-." She cuts me off. "It's ok, it is kinda of funny though." She shrugs and I nod awkwardly.

"I just- seeing you with Ben, it made me rethink everything, and my decisions.." She says and I tilt my head. "What are you saying?" I ask. "I-I don't know, I just wasn't happy ok?" She says kind of frustrated and I nod. "Oh yeah, no, I get it." I assure her and we just continue to eat.

I don't know if she was trying to get to the point out that she missed me, or maybe she likes me. But I know that I'll get it out of her.

*leahs pov*

"Leah?" Jen says while we're watching a movie on her couch. "Yeah?" I tilt my head and look at her. "Did Kate ever know about us? Did you tell her?" She asks. "You and these questions." I roll my eyes trying to change the subject. "I'm serious." She tilts her head and I sigh.

"No. I didn't think it would make anything better. Besides, you said it yourself, you know how dramatic she is." I say and look back at the tv. "Oh, so she thinks we're just friends?" She asks. "We are just friends." I raise one brow and she looks down.

"You know what I mean, we had a connection, well, we have a connection. You know our friendship isn't just hugs and cuddles." She furrows her brows and I smirk to myself. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I shrug.

"But I don't care what she talks to me about tomorrow, I just know I'm breaking up with her, that's for sure." I nod. "Mmkay." She sighs and turns back to the tv.


"What the fuck do you mean- no! You can't leave me, my dad is in the hospital Leah, how heartless can you be?!" Kate yells. "I'm sorry to tell you Kate, but that's not my problem, it's your family and it's not my job to comfort, especially since I'm breaking up with you." I cross my arms and she runs her fingers through her hair.

"Fuck. And to think I wanted to live with you!" She says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, why did you think that?" I ask being a smart ass.

"I just don't think we're good for eachother." I say trying to calm her down. "You know what, fuck this, I don't even care, I was gonna leave you anyways!" She says getting louder and she walks to the front door. "Yeah, ok." I nod with sarcasm.

"Ugh!" She groans and storms out slamming the door. Finally, she's gone, maybe not in the best way, but at least it's all over with.

I plop on the couch still thinking about it, then I call Jen.

"Hey, I did it, we're over." I say with relief through the phone.

"Thank god, so now what?" She asks.

"Well, I was kinda hoping you could come over, andddd hang out." I say and bite my lip.

"I was thinking the same thing.." She says softly.

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