32-Maybe One Day

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*jens pov*

I felt my heart break into a million pieces when I opened that door, and saw Leah kissing her ex girlfriend. I immediately pulled the door shut and quickly started walking down the hall. Tears were already streaming down my cheeks when I heard heels hitting the ground behind me. "Jen! Stop!" Leah calls out but I keep walking until I get in the elevator and press the button multiple times.

But Leah came and stopped the doors from closing. "Jennifer, please." She says softly. "If I were you Leah, I would just walk away..." I say very bluntly with tears still falling. She tilts her head and looks at me.

I give her a look, and she lets go of the doors, and they close. Leaving me alone...crying...in an elevator..

I can't talk to her, not right now. I'll give her a chance, but another time. I can't even look at her face knowing that her lips have touched Kate's...again.


I decided to call in sick at work. I just can't seem to get myself together today, so I just didn't even bother. I'll just lay here, watching sad movies, and eating ice cream. Drowning my sorrows like I always do when something else happens in my shitty life.

To think that I left work early, to surprise Leah, and maybe go out to eat or something. Just to find her with someone else. I was trying to be closer to her, I know she hates how my job is. And I guess she couldn't wait any longer...

I ended up taking a 3 hour nap, but it got interrupted when I heard a knock at the door. I just laid there and waited for it to go away, but it didn't, they just knocked harder.

"Fuck! Ok! I'm coming!" I yell as I crawl out of bed, I stop and look at myself in the mirror, shocked at how trashy I look. But I just say fuck it and keep walking.

I get to the door, and right when I open it, Leah just walks straight in without even looking at me. "Look, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry you even saw that, she came onto me! I was trying to get her to back off." She rambles on and starts to pace, I listen to her, and slowly shut the door.

"It really wasn't my fault! Please just forg-." She stops when she finally makes eye contact with me. She eyes me down, probably realizing how much of a bum I look like. I cross my arms and kind of just fumble with my feet as she stands there looking at me.

"Leah...what are you doing here?" I ask softly. "I-I'm here to explain, we need to talk about it." She says out of breath. I sigh and scratch my head. "Please, don't shut me out, you know I wouldn't hurt you...why would I go back to Kate after leaving her for you?" She tilts her head.

I just stand there, not saying anything. "Kate came into my office, wanting me back, I tried to tell her to fuck off, but you know how she is. She kissed me, then you came in." She explains.

"Why was she even there? She came all the way to your work?" I ask and she sighs. "She recently applied for a job at my building..." She shakes her head. "What?! Why the fuck would you give her the job?!" I ask pissed. "I didn't know! I didn't even know she applied! I knew we had a new worker, and when I went to meet them, it was her." She shrugs.

"Leah why didn't you tell me?" I ask confused. "I was going to, but I was trying to find the right time, I didn't want you to be worried." She says and I sigh. "I was going to tell you...I swear..." She says, and I see tears start to form in her eyes.

"You have to fire her..." I say and she looks up at me. "Jennifer, it's not that easy, I can't jus-." I cut her off. "What do you mean 'It's not that easy.'??" I mock her.

"She kissed you! She came onto her boss, that's technically sexual assault!" I say and she sighs. She looks up for a second, like she's thinking, then she looks at me and nods. "You're right...I'll fire her." She says and I nod.

"Ok...good.." I nod, she slowly walks closer to me and caresses my cheek. "You believe me don't you?" She asks. "Yes, I do, I'm sorry.." I say and she tilts her head. Then she pulls me into a hug.

I hug her back, and I can tell, just by her grip, how sorry she is. I know she's telling the truth. But the whole situation just makes me upset, seeing how fucked up Kate is. But I trust Leah.

She pulls back, and she has some tears on her cheeks. "Awe baby, don't cry, it's ok." I wipe her tears. "I just don't want to lose you.." She sniffs and I smile. I bring my face to hers, and kiss her lips. I feel her smile against my lips. Then we hug again, I'm just happy she wasn't actually cheating on me.


I went back to work the next day, Leah took me, and she just picked me up. "Did you do it?" I ask her. "What?" She asks while driving. "Did you fire her??" I ask. "Oh, yes, I did, ok? So stop worrying." She says annoyed. "Good. I'm proud of you."I nudge her arm and she shakes her head.

"Now I have to explain to my dad why I fired a new worker, not even after a week of working." She sighs and I tilt my head. "Does your dad...know?" I ask and she tilts her head. "Know what?" She asks. "That you have a girlfriend, that you're gay." I say. "Oh, yeah! Wait, no. He knows I'm gay, but he doesn't know about you." She says and I raise my brows.

"Oh...so your whole family knows you're gay?" I ask. "Mhm, the family I'm close to at least." She says. "And they're ok with it?" I ask. "Yep." She says. "Mmm." I nod.

"You?" She asks. "What?" I ask playing dumb. "Does your family know?" She asks and I furrow my brows. "Oh-yeah, totally, yeah...no, they don't know. None of them know." I say and she pouts her lip. "I'm sorry baby." She holds my hand. "It's ok...I don't plan on telling them anyways." I shrug and she looks at me.

"So I'll never be able to meet your family?" She asks and I can hear the tone in her voice change. "They wouldn't accept me Leah..." I say and she sighs. "If they really love you, then they will at least accept you." She says and squeezes my hand. I smile and look down at our hands.

"Maybe one day." I smile and she nods.

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