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*jens pov*

I'm sitting at this restaurant waiting for my blind date that Leah picked out for me, and honestly, I have never wanted to kill myself more than I do right now.

He's already an hour late, and I'm just debating on getting up and leaving at this point.

I stay for like 2 more minutes with my face in my hands since I'm miserable. Then I look up when I hear the restaurant door open. And you'll never guess who walks in...Ben...

I scooch closer into the booth so he can't really see me. I hope he just goes to whatever table he's heading to, without coming to have a conversation with me, that would especially be weird if my date showed up while he was talking to me.

A couple seconds later, I see no sign of him from my view, so I sigh and close my eyes. Then I hear footsteps, and so I look up expecting to see my date, but it's Ben. "Hey!" He says. "Oh hi. What are you doing here??" I ask. "I'm actually- on a blind date..." He says and looks at the empty seat in front of me. "You've got to be kidding me.." I mumble and rub my forehead. "What?" He asks. "Nothing-uh- look, I'm your date.." I say and his eyes widen.

"Really? That's a relief.." He says and I shoot him a look. "No! Not in a bad way, I'm glad it's you." He explains himself, and I just motion my hand at the seat for him to sit down. "Oh-right." He chuckles and sits down. "How are you, we haven't talked in a while." He says. "I'm ok, and you?" I ask and sip my water. "I'm good, I'm great now." He smiles and I force a smile.

Eventually we order our food, and just sit in silence. "You look amazing, by that way." He says randomly. "Oh-thanks." I smile. "I mean- you always look great, but I just thought I'd say- ya know.." He rambles on. "Yeah, I get it, thanks." I nod and smile.

"So-I'm guessing you know Leah, obviously." I say and put down my fork. "Yeah, for awhile actually, just through the school since we've both been sponsors for awhile." He explains and I nod. "How do you know her?" He asks. "I met her the same day we met actually, at the carnival." I say and he nods.

"Gotcha.." He nods. "I'm sorry about the last time we were together, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just couldn't help myself." He shakes his head. "You're fine....don't feel bad about it. I know I'm pretty irresistible." I joke lightning up the mood and he laughs.

"You're right...you are.." He says and looks into my eyes. "Hmm, well, this was nice, I'm glad I didn't get set up with a total weirdo.." I say and giggle. "Haha, yeah." He laughs. I raise my hand to call over a waiter, and one comes over here. Ben ends up paying even though I said I could.

"Thankyou." I say to Ben after the waiter takes out plates. "Of course." He nods. "Well...I should get going." I say and start to stand up but he grabs both of my hands over the table, so I sit back down as he's holding my hands. "Jennifer.." He says and looks at our hands. "What?" I ask confused.

"Look....I know that you feel like you don't really click with me, and that you're not really feeling it. But, I really really like you...and I just want to let you know that if you give me a chance, I will treat you the way no one else ever has, because you deserve it. You deserve the world, and I'm willing to give it to you." He says holding my hands tighter.

"Ben...you don't know anything about me-" He cuts me off. "I know-I know, but I want to be with you and find all that out together..." He tilts his head. "I don't know..." I look away. "I'm not telling you to be in a relationship with me right at this moment. But please, just, don't block me out, think about it." He says.

I look back at him and smile lightly. "I'll think about it..." I say and stroke his hand with my thumb. "Just-give me time, ok?" I tilt my head. "Of course, I'll wait for you." He says sincerely and nods. "Thankyou.." I smile and he smiles back. "I better go now.." I say and take my hands back. "Ok, I'll call you..." He says hesitantly and I nod. Then I get up out of the booth and head out.

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