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"listen, why do you want to marry me?! We have never met each other in our lives, you don't know me at all, I don't know you! So why are you marrying someone you don't even know a bit about?" Seonghwa sighed as he got no response from the boy, "okay, I get it, you're timid of my father, but just come with me, we'll talk to him about this, you know, I'll talk to him that none of us are happy with this, so he'll give up, you don't have to talk, just come with me." seonghwa finished as he made his way to the door, but turned around when he saw yeosang not even looking at him, he rolled his eyes as he returned to the boy.

"look at me, why are you agreeing with this stupid decision? I know you don't want to marry me! tell me why do you want to do that? Did my father force you? or did he threaten you to marry me?" Seonghwa said in a calm tone trying to convince the boy but it was useless.


"Yeosang, my beautiful son." Sehun, yeosang's uncle ruffled his hair as he sat down on the couch with yeosang in his arms. he hasn't seen the boy in four months to be exact, and finally getting the opportunity to see him makes him happy. "I'm so glad to see you again."

"me too, uncle." Yeosang smiled, "what brought you here today? you barely visit."

"I'm sorry, son..." sehun smiled at him sadly, "I've just... been busy with stuff and I barely got time to come here." Yeosang nodded, "and... there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you."

"what is it?"

"yeosang," sehun took a deep breath, "I want you to... to marry my son." yeosang gasped, looking at the other in utter shock and disbelief. yes, he knows his uncle has a son, and very close to his age, but he's never mentioned him before. him now, saying this, sounds like an utter nightmare. he wasn't able to let any words out, as his bottom lip started quivering. "look, I-I know this is hard... but please don't reject my offer."

"wh...what?" yeosang slightly tilted his head to the side, suspecting having heard the thing he just heard. "you... you what?" he moved a few inches away from the elder, not taking in any of the words. he was in total shock, and his body reacted the same way. he started to become tense and slightly pulled away from the elder's embrace.

"yeosang..." sehun reached for his hands and grabbed them, looking at him in the eyes. "There's... there's a valid reason for that." he shook his head, "I know this is so creepy of me coming and demanding you out of nowhere... but this is not actually a demand, this is an offer." he nodded, "seonghwa... he's been getting out of my arms lately and I'm worried about him. and the only person to ever change him, is you."

"b-but... h-how? why me? I'm a boy..." tears started to roll down his cheeks as the look of disbelief and shock still remained on his face.

"yeosang... I.... I'm ill." yeosang looked at him strangely, not really understanding any of the words. "I... I have a heart disease and the doctor told me there's no possible way to cure it. all I know is that I don't have much time left."


"I know... I know..." sehun wiped away his tears with his thumb, "I have to go eventually yeosang, there's really no other option." he cupped yeosang's cheeks, "but right now, this is the only thing I'm asking you to do."

"but... I can't do that! I'm a boy..."

"so what? what's wrong with being a boy?" Sehun grabbed his shoulders and looked at his eyes, "you are the only person I can rely on, sang. act as if this is a man in his last seconds of life asking you to do an offer..."

"don't say that!" yeosang quickly rubbed his eyes, "please don't say that. you're going to be fine. I'm going to do everything you want me to."

"I knew you won't disappoint me." sehun nodded with a smile, "and I want you to promise me one thing." yeosang nodded, with more tears running down his cheeks. "promise me that you are going to marry seonghwa, and that you won't tell anyone a single thing about the conversation we just had."

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