➣ 38 :: 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃

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"I'm late for work. I promised to sign the papers." Seonghwa facepalmed himself, "I should get going, it's going to be late. I need to sign those papers first." seonghwa got hold of his jacket and stood up, walking towards the bathroom door, only to hear the door being locked from outside. "Hey!" Seonghwa said confused, "who locked the door?! I'm in the bathroom!" seonghwa sighed, after a few seconds, he let out a chuckle and an adorable laugh crept up in the corner of his lips. "is it you?" he asked while smiling.

yeosang, on the other hand, didn't know what to do nor what this meant, at all. he didn't want seonghwa to leave but he knew the boy had to leave and go for work eventually, he thought maybe they needed to talk after what happened hours ago. "why have you locked me up in here? you wouldn't want me fired from my own company." seonghwa said while smiling, leaning his head against the door.

yeosang huffed. God, what am I doing...? no! he deserves it! He pouted and curled up his toes in order to reassure himself that locking seonghwa in the bathroom is a good idea, maybe today the boy didn't have to go to work and maybe, just maybe, spend some time with him. "Are you going to open the door?" Seonghwa let out another chuckle as he heard the boy huff.

"hey, yeosang!" Nancy entered their room and yeosang flinched, "oh, sorry, did I scare you?"

"oh, n-no, you didn't" yeosang side-eyed the door and stood in his tracks.

"where is my brother? I want to talk to him."

yeosang's heartbeat increased. god, I wish he makes no noise. if she finds out that I have locked him up in the bathroom, I'll be insulted. yeosang internally screamed, "Uh....I....don't know? I think he left for work already."

so he locked me up because he didn't want me to go work. seonghwa smirked as he eavesdropped the conversation.

"oh, really? He usually takes his car though..." Nancy tilted her head, making yeosang almost sweat. "Well, okay, then, I'll wait until he comes back." Nancy turned around and closed the door after herself. Yeosang walks towards the door and opened it, peeking to see if no one was there, then he closed it and looked at the bathroom door, then he turned his head and walked towards his room, closing the door.

"god, why have I even locked him up?!" Yeosang bit his bottom lip, "this is so weird. And embarrassing and makes no sense!" He sighed, "what am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell him? That I locked him up because I didn't want him to leave?! I'll seem desperate. what if he— no, he won't ask. I won't let him out till evening, then I'll say it wasn't me who-"

"-that locked me up?" yeosang stopped talking and turned his head towards the voice, seeing seonghwa behind him with a smile. yeosang got terrified for a second, he thought he had locked him up. without saying anything, he walked out of the room and seonghwa followed after him, seeing yeosang cutely open the bathroom door, then glaring at seonghwa, then back at the inside of the bathroom, then back at seonghwa.

seonghwa let out a chuckle as he approached the younger, "thanks for locking me up, though, it wasn't so hard getting out of there."

"how did you- get.... out?" yeosang tilted his head and looked at seonghwa nervously, then back at the key in his hand, wondering if seonghwa had stolen the key. what if he's a ghost? or what if I forgot to lock the door? what if-

"I used a second key in the bathroom drawer." seonghwa shrugged with a light chuckle.

"wh- there was a second key in the bathroom? I mean.. it's absurd and stupid! how can there be another key in the bathroom? What if I had left the key and never opened the door? or what if I had walked out of the room and never opened it again? what if-" seonghwa pulled him by his waist and hugged him, making him widen his eyes and shut up.

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