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seonghwa stretched himself, getting out of the couch. honestly, he's been used to it. he arched his back, huffing. he really did miss his bed, now he wishes he could just sleep on the floor instead, since it was way more comfortable.

"why did I kiss him..... now I'm embarrassed." he sat still on the couch, facepalming himself, his cheeks heated up by the thought of what had happened yesterday. "ah, why would he be flustered, he kissed me too, so....." he shook his head and got out of the couch, making his way downstairs.

"oh, seonghwa, you're here" yeji said in an extra cute voice catching seonghwa off guard. "I've been waiting for a long time." she kissed his cheek, making him freeze. "Seonghwa oppa?" She pouted.

"uh... yes... yeah?" seonghwa was completely not having it, she was just too annoying.

"Seonghwa oppa, im having a pool party. all of my friends are coming and everyone else from school back then. I want you to come, please?" She pouted trying time persuade the boy.

seonghwa sighed as he reached for an apple on the table, taking a bite, munching on it, he swallowed it before he spoke up, "no, I can't, sorry."

yeji pouted, "pleaseeeeeeeee seoseo" Seonghwa cringed by the nickname, yeji had been calling him that stupid name ever since highschool and he wanted to shut her up already.

"I said I can't." He repeated again, this time, annoyance evident in his tone, Yeji pouted, nonetheless she nodded.

"nana, can you give me a painkiller?" both of them turned their head to the voice, seeing yeosang rubbing his eyes. how cute, seonghwa thought. yeosang was wearing loose jeans and a white hoodie, covering his whole hands, looking absolutely tiny. his neck visible as seonghwa looked at it the whole time, hair fluffy and it fell on his forehead.

"here, mr.park" nana handed him the pill and a glass of water, yeosang took it.

"thanks." He smiled a little making seonghwa's heart flutter, he turned his head and saw the two looking at him. he saw yeji with a stupid pout on his face, he rolled his eyes as he turned around, going upstairs without a word.

"yeosang!" seonghwa exclaimed after him but he was already gone. he turned his head and saw yeji still pouring, he sighed as he turned around, walking upstairs. He finally reached the room and entered, knocking on yeosang's door. he knocked but he got no response, he rolled his eyes as he opened the door, seeing yeosang sitting in his bed, playing on his phone. Seonghwa huffed, approaching the younger male. "why didn't you answer me?" yeosang just kept his focus on the screen, not even paying attention to the boy. Seonghwa sighed, "I'm talking to you."

yeosang raised his head and looked at him, "you said somethin?" seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"I did. I said why did you leave?" Seonghwa sat down on the bed, his eyes dark.

"because I wanted to?" yeosang answered, his response almost a question.

"you wanted to..." seonghwa hummed, "well, okay, actually, she asked me to go to his pool party, but I rejected." he plopped on the bed. He raised his head when he hit no response from the younger, "not asking why?"

yeosang sighed, "why'd you reject?" he put his phone down as he asked.

"because... I don't know." seonghwa rolled his eyes, Yeosang nodded as he stood up, walking outside, forgetting to close the door. seonghwa huffed as he good up, sitting on the bed. Suddenly, he turned his head and saw a book on the edge of the window. he raised his brows as he stood up, closing the door, then he approached the book as he picked it up, looking through it.

"today, I came back home and I passed class. my mom is so happy, and I am too. my mom said he'll make me strawberry vanilla-flavoured cake. I am so happy." he read it, "looks like a memory book." he flipped another page.

"my mom is so ill. and she's depressed. doctor said she doesn't have much time left." he flipped on another page.

"my mom is not here anymore. she's gone. now I am alone. someone without mother or father, alone." Seonghwa's heart dropped, he hesitantly flipped another page as he sat down on the bed.

"uncle sehun visited me today. he brought me some groceries and also felt sorry for my mom, he didn't come to the funeral, but I'm not mad at him, I know he's been busy."

another page.

"today, uncle sehun visited me and asked me to marry his son. I don't know what to do, how can I just marry someone I don't know?" Seonghwa widened his eyes, hands ready to flip on another page.

the door opened and yeosang entered, seonghwa hid the book behind his back. yeosang looked at him suspiciously as he looked behind his back, he had the book in his hand. "what are you hiding?" He asked seonghwa, fear in his tone.

"i...it's nothing." Seonghwa stood up and shook his head.

still, yeosang wasn't convinced, he approached the boy, "why would you read that book?" he asked him, scared.

"i... i didn't read it. I mean, I read a little but not all of it." seonghwa said confused.

"why would you read my private stuff? give me back that book!" yeosang approached him, straightening his arm.

"no." seonghwa stepped back, the book in his hand.

"I said give me that book." Yeosang sighed, annoyed.

seonghwa smirked, "no, until you wont tell me why it's so important." Seonghwa smirked and took a step back, teasing the younger.

"because it's my private stuff and it doesn't have anything to do wit you!" Yeosang walked forward the older, he was beyond scared that he had read something, he didn't want to mess up everything.

"you want it? then come and get it." seonghwa hoisted the book in the air waiting for the younger to make a movie. Yeosang sighed as he approached the elder, straightening his arm to grab the book when in a second seonghwa snatched it, hiding the book behind his back.

yeosang oofed, "I said give me that back!" He said annoyed.

"why don't you get it yourself?" Seonghwa said with a smirk, making the younger annoyed. Yeosang tried snatching the book away from him, straightening his hand behind seonghwa's back, but seonghwa moves the book and hoisted it in the air.

yeosang was now beyond annoyed, instead, he tried getting the book back. he jumped to reach the book but unfortunately, seonghwa was taller so he couldn't reach his hand hoisted up in the air. Seonghwa smirked as he realized he won, amusingly looking at the younger.

"will you give me back that book?!" yeosang said annoyed, jumping now and then to get the book back. seonghwa shook his head making yeosang sigh angrily, as he took a few steps towards the elder, seonghwa taking steps back, backing against the door of the closet. yeosang tried reaching his hand, but it was a fail as both of their hands now were hoisted in the air, yeosang stopped when he realized how close their faces were. inches apart. the intoxicating smile the elder was giving him, it made shivers run down his spine.

vibrations and flashbacks of last night went through both of their veins. they continued to look at each other, they held eye-contact. faces so close, thoughts so similar.

'my father asked you, why did you marry me then?' seonghwa looked through his soul.

'i wish I could tell you I didn't force you into this marriage. I wish I could tell you I promised uncle sehun.' yeosang just stared back at him.

eventually, yeosang snatched the book away from him and backed out, making a gap of space between them. "why is that book so important to you? why don't you want me to read it?" Seonghwa asked.

"because... b-because my personal life is in this book. you can't read my personal stuff." yeosang looked away and quickly turned around, walking outside without closing the door.

Seonghwa sat down on the bed, exhausted. "why is he so protective over a piece of wood? or there is something he doesn't want me to know?" he sighed, once again, thousands of thoughts running through his head.

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