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hello ma'am" soobin said outside the door of the mansion.

Seulgi stared confusedly, "who are you and what do you want?"

"I am a friend of the boy in this house ma'am, I came to see him."

Seulgi eyes the boy from head to toe, "oh, he isn't here, security, get this boy outta here, I don't wanna see his face again."

"B-but ma'am, ma'am!"

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Nancy breathed heavily overthinking, "I shouldn't have done that, I'll go and tell him everything." Just when she was about to step out the door, seulgi entered.

"Nancy, have you taken your medicine?" she asked.

"oh mom, I was just gonna come to you right now." Nancy smiled sadly.

Seulgi looked at her, "what is it? Something wrong?"

"Well mom...I did something wrong." Seulgi nodded.

"what's it?" She asked angrily,

"Well, mom, i... i have a lover." seulgi's mouth agaped.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" she rolled her eyes.

"mom...no...I did something bad...i...he asked for a picture and I sent...I sent yeosang's picture to him..now he thinks yeosang is me." Seulgi's looked at her with big eyes.

"you...you sent him yeosang's picture? For real?" Nancy nodded, "so this is why that boy came here earlier..." she whispered to herself, a slight smirk on her face, "how can you send his picture? Do you know what will happen if seonghwa or your dad find out?" She facepalmed herself, "just don't talk about it."

"I know mom... what I did was wrong. But atleast I can aapologize to him, you know." She fiddled her fingers.

"just close this." She sighed, "do you know what will happen if your dad knows? he has heart issues and you know how he is sensitive! If he knows he'll be disappointed in you. don't tell anyone, I don't allow you to do that! Just don't talk about it again." Nancy nodded. "And I'm gonna take your phone and laptop. And you have to forget about him." Nancy nodded sadly as seulgi took both her laptop and phone and made her way to the door, opening it.

'I did something really bad. This is very wrong.' She thought to himself.

'You don't know your mistake has made a whole new way for to me to separate them. I can't thank you enough for that Nancy.' she smirked darkly as she closed the door after herself.

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"how was the food?" Yeji asked once they got outside the cafe.

"It was good, I think i have eaten a lot." Yeosang smiled as they walked.

"I'm glad you liked it." She smiled, "wait, let me call seonghwa, he can pick us up." Yeosang nodded and she took out her phone, "hello, seonghwa, can you come pick us up? we are at the cafe very near to the streets, okay, thanks." She hung up, "he'll be here." Yeosang smiled, a few seconds pass, "oh, silly me! I forgot my bag inside, wait for me, I'll go pick it up and come back right now." Yeosang nodded and seulgi entered the cafe again, leaving yeosang on himself.

"Well, hello, beautiful." Soobin appeared outside the bushes, walking towards yeosang with a smirk.

Yeosang looked at him confused as he had his arms crossed over his chest, staring at the boy confused.

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