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seonghwa woke up with a loud groan, as his alarm rung at 8:20 and he stretched himself, almost falling off the couch. god, when will I enjoy my bed again, he thinks.

he didn't see yeosang anywhere so he went downstairs to the kitchen, "Jane, make me a coffee." Jane nodded and after a minute the coffee was ready, she placed it on the table, seonghwa quickly drank it.

"what's the rush for mr.park?" Jane asked confused to why he had been in such a hurry.

"because I have a meeting today , I'll be back late for lunch so you guys might aswell not wait for me. I'm planning on having lunch at the company." Jane nodded and seonghwa grabbed his jacket, going out of the house. his phone vibrated as he opened the car door and quickly started the car, answering the phone.


"uhm .. hello mr.park, I called to tell you that the meeting will start in the afternoon."

"what? Really?"



"I'm already in the car .. well .. okay." seonghwa sighed as he hung up. "I knew something was odd today, like why should I start a meeting at eight?" He rolled his eyes, "Let's just get this started with." He stopped the car and got out of it, entering the company.

"hey mr.park! Where is mr.sehun?" one of the employees asked seonghwa while he started walking with him.

"he's in a trip." Seonghwa answered.

"Okay, I was asking because we have some papers that need to be signed for the new employees that have signed for the job."

"bring them to my office later." The employee nodded and stopped walking as seonghwa opened his office door, he sat down on the chair and leaned his head back on it, he just sat there doing nothing a whole thirty-minutes, as a pair of flashbacks came back upon his mind.

"I apologized for something I didn't do, one day the truths will be shown, that day I'm not expecting apologies."

seonghwa was cut off of his thoughts when someone knocked on the door. "come in." Seonghwa said as he sat still on the chair.

"mr.park, here are the papers." the employee handed a couple of papers to seonghwa as he took them, and started looking through them, "mr.park, informations are written in the papers such as age,gender, country and address." Seonghwa hummed.

"these are a lot, why didn't you bring them sooner?" seonghwa took out his pen and started looking through different applications.

"mr.park, some of them gave their applications a few days ago and you seemed bothered by something so I told them they could wait a few more days."

"you did good." Seonghwa smiled, but raised his brow when he realized that the employee was still standing there. "why are you standing there?"

"uhm mr.park, there's a lady outside that's saying he needs to meet you and tell you something." seonghwa's attention was still on the papers as he hummed.

"I'm busy right now, she can come back later."

"but mr.park, she insisted that she should meet you because she said there's something important you need to know." seonghwa raised his head and looked at the employee, he nodded.

"okay, let her in." the employee nodded and walked towards the door, opening it.

"here madam." the lady smiled and entered.

"nana? What are you doing here? it's not your day off." Seonghwa asked confused as she sat down on a chair.

"I know sir, but I needed to tell you something certain important." seonghwa put down his pen and turned all his attention to nana.

"okay, I'm listening." nana cleared her throat.

"sir, you know the thing about mrs.park pushing yeosang down the stairs?" seonghwa hummed in confusion. "well sir... it's that... after the incident jane talked to me that day.. and she told me certain something that you need to know."

"okay, nana, don't be so flustered, just tell me."

"well sir, it's that, jane told me that day earlier that miss seulgi was the one wo pushed yeosang down the stairs and yeosang knew it." seonghwa teared in confusion.

"what? what are you saying nana? Can you be clearer?" seonghwa tried not o sound too domestic but fire was already raging inside of him.

"mr.park, jane told me that yeosang knew it was mrs.park who pushed him off and he didn't even sign up a petition for it, which means that sir yeosang never said anything to mr.sehun." seonghwa was dumbfounded for a few seconds before he stopped blinking.

"what are you talking about? I don't believe this. why would my mom lie?" seonghwa leaned back on the chair.

"mr.park, here." nana handed him the phone and it was the recording of mrs.park pushing yeosang down the stairs on purpose. Seonghwa gasped, eyes widening.

"i don't understand! Why would my mom do this?!" seonghwa fisted the table.

"mr.park, sir yeosang is innocent, that day earlier, mrs.park didnt let jane or me bring him the medicines, and he hasn't eaten them since yesterday morning.

"but I asked him yesterday earlier why would he accuse my mom of such thing and he said that I should let it go because he apologized already!" seonghwa sighed deeply, trying to stop his anger from rising and definitely not just shatter the table in pieces.

"I also came here to tell you that sir yeosang isn't feeling very well." She took a breath, "he's been skipping every meals everyday."

"What do you mean?" Seonghwa asked slightly angry.

"he's been skipping meals sir seonghwa, he tripped three times on the stairs yesterday, and he keeps saying that he's fine, he skipped every meal yesterday, I brought him dinner after you guys came back but he refused to eat it." She sighed, "it's been going on for two days, he just says that I shouldn't be worried, sir, he skipped breakfast today too." Seonghwa's eyes were really red right now.

"why is he doing this..." he mumbled to himself.

"mr.park, sir yeosang is innocent, if it was someone else they'd have signed up petitions for murder attempts." nana stood up, "I just told you this because I think that what you are doing to him is not good, he's innocent and doesn't deserve to be treated like this." seonghwa stood up with her.

"thanks for telling me nana, I'll make sure to talk to him." nana nodded.

"well, I'll get going, if mrs.park finds out I told you this, I'll be kicked out and probably will live in the streets so you know I wouldn't want that?" She rolled her eyes playfully.

seonghwa chuckled, "no, I won't let that happen." nana left the office, seonghwa sat down on the chair and rested his hand on the table, processing what he had just heard. "why mom? why? how am I gonna face him now?" he tilted his head closing his eyes, as he dialed a number.

"yes mr.park?"

"tell everyone that the meeting had been cancelled, I have something I need to take care of."

"okay mr.park."

seonghwa stood up and left the office immediately, he needed to talk to yeosang about everything.

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