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yeosang sat on the bed and just in a few seconds, he broke down, he searched for his mom's photo in his pocket and took it out, he looked at it as more tears were streaming down his face. "what am I gonna do? am I gonna mess things up?" he hugged his mom's photo tightly. "God, please, help me, help me make the right choice, help me from these people." But after a few minutes, nana entered the room as yeosang quickly wiped away his tears.

"Mr, I have to clean the room for your luggage and stuff." Yeosang nodded as he stood up and waited for nana to finish.

Just in a few seconds, sehun entered the room. "nana, can you give us some privacy?" Nana nodded and he made his way towards the door and left.

sehun looked at yeosang, before he grabbed both of his hands, "yeosang, I promise you no matter how hard things get, you will be happy in the end. so please don't break my vow, okay?" Yeosang nodded as tears that he accumulated in his eyes started streaming down his face like a waterfall. "Come here" sehun pulled the boy to his chest in a tight embrace, as yeosang was crying once again in his uncle's arms.

seonghwa was angrily driving as he was making his way towards his favorite bar. "joong, collect the boys." and with that he hung up as he was just too angry to hear the other one talk on the phone. "I'm never going to let this marriage happen! he's a boy! and I have never come out to my family! how selfish of my father to bring a boy home and then say that he'll be his future son? I am never going to agree to this!" He yelled angrily as his phone vibrated. "God, mom, what do you want?!" Seonghwa picked up his phone and hung up, not even wanting to answer his mom as he just wanted to be alone at the moment.

he arrived at his usual club as he knew that his friends were already going to be there, he angrily made his way inside as he made his way towards their usual spot. "man, you seem angry, something happened?" One of his friends, jongho asked as he opened his phone.

"you could say what hasn't happened!" Seonghwa almost kicked the table.

"Woah, calm down seonghwa, whatever it is, you can tell us, we will find you a solution." his best friend, hongjoong sighed. "so tell us what happened?"

"it's not something you guys can find a solution for!" Seonghwa tilted his head head, "I'm forced to marry someone I have barely met!"

Everyone's eyes went wide, "what?" Wooyoung, another friend of his yelled. "what do you mean marry someone you never met?" Yunho asked him.

"I just came downstairs because we had guests, and then my father, out of nowhere, comes in with a boy and then shouts that he is his future groom!" seonghwa punched the table in fist.

"woah, bro, calm down, but did you say a boy?" San asked as he smirked.

"I have never come out to my family!"

"but seonghwa, you are so gay, I remember you told us you have no interest in girls, so why making it hard?" San patted his back.

"san, I'm not ready to marry, in fact, even if he's a relative! He doesn't even know me, I don't even know him! how can he just marry someone he doesn't know like that?!" Seonghwa sighed.

"you said a relative? so what's he to you in particular? Enlighten me with a longer introduction. " Mingi asked as he took a shot.

seonghwa rolled his eyes, "my cousin. my father's sister's son."

"Seonghwa, I know this is hard, but you have to respect your father, he made the decision, I'm sure he knows what's good for you." jongho took a shot as he looked at the other nervously, seeing how the flames in his eyes ignited more and more.

"by what?! By ruining my life?!" Seonghwa sighed, "I'll take care of this, I won't let this happen, I'll make his life hell!" He yelled and stood up, grabbing his jacket and scurrying to the club exit.

"he'll end up falling for him, just watch." San took a shot as he smirked towards seonghwa.

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