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seonghwa woke up with a loud groan, "my head still hurts." he whined, his voice raspy having just woken up. he walked downstairs right to the kitchen to take a painkiller, but his face got shocked from what he saw.

breakfast ready on the table, the painkillers in the other side wit a glass of water, he tilted his head, "why does he act like he cares about me? yeah, me neither!" he rolled his eyes but his face softened at how the breakfast was designed, nothing was less on the table. and he was hungry, he didn't eat dinner either, so he hastily went to the table and sat down, eating his breakfast.

it was like twenty minutes after he finally stopped eating, he decided to wash the dishes since he was too bored, or something else?

he went to the living room to find yeosang and maybe apologise to him for what happened last night, but nowhere to be found. he searched everywhere when he saw him, outside in the yard and standing still, watching the view. seonghwa sighed as he made his way outside and saw him just standing there, looking at the view and sometimes the sky, seonghwa really found the boy attractive as he had a beautiful side profile, but nobody could help his stubborn ass that seonghwa was a jerk sometimes.

he slowly approached the younger, as yeosang turned his head to the side and saw seonghwa standing, he turned his head to the view again.

Seonghwa stood there awkwardly, "t-thanks for the breakfast." Seonghwa rubbed his nape.

"it's fine." yeosang said crossing arms over his chest and looked down.

it was an awkward silence before seonghwa cleared his throat, "im sorry"

yeosang turned his head, then his whole body to to the older, "for what?"

seonghwa sighed, "for overnight, i didn't mean to be harsh."

"okay." yeosang turned his attention to the view again, seonghwa tilted his head trying to find the right words to say, his thoughts were interrupted when he saw a drip of blood falling onto the floor, he watched where it came from, and finally found the source on the palm of yeosang's hands as it was red through some bandaids, probably because the cut was deep.

"what happened to your hand?" Seonghwa asked with concern as he approached the younger.

"huh?" yeosang looked at his hand, "it's nothing."

"what do you mean it's nothing?" seonghwa sighed, "show me your hand." yeosang just stayed silent, seonghwa rolled his eyes as he grabbed his wrist and pulled him close, finally getting a better view of his hand. he removed the bandaids and his eyes widened when he saw the wound, it wasn't too deep yet was.

"did you cut your hand because of the glass?" seonghwa looked directly into yeosang's eyes.

yeosang just looked down as he slowly nodded. seonghwa tilted his head, "come with me." he dragged him with himself inside to the kitchen, he first cleaned the wound as he found some bandaids and got hold of yeosang's hand, carefully placing the bandaids on them, yeosang watched him the whole time at how careful seonghwa was for him not to feel pain, yet he had so much pain.

"does it hurt?"

yes, it does.


"the pain will go away soon."

yeah, but what about the pain in my heart?


seonghwa let go of the younger's hand as he hoped the younger wouldn't see the blush on his cheeks, but quickly went back to his old self. "have you eaten breakfast?"

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