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"mr.park! welcome home!" Nana smiled as he let the two in, seonghwa nodded. seonghwa glared at yeosang, nodding as yeosang nodded in return, the two made their way inside.

"seonghwa!" Seulgi yelled running to the two, "where were you?!"

"Son!" sehun said worriedly as he ran to the two, "it's been two days, where were you?"

seonghwa glared at yeosang, "there...was a little incident." seonghwa nodded.

"incident? don't tell me you fell of the motorcycle again...." Sehun sighed as he watched seongwha's arm, covered in bandages with his jacket over it. Seonghwa just remained silent.

"are you okay?" Seulgi asked worried as he sent yeosang a disgusted look.

"I'm fine" seonghwa nodded and flashed a little smile.

"okay then, you need to rest since you hurt your arm." Sehun said and seonghwa nodded, turning around, yeosang after him helping him get upstairs.

"seonghwa! Where were you dude?" Seonghwa was greeted by San in his room with a big smile, "you disappeared for two days!"

"oh, San, you're here" Seonghwa smiled as the younger pulled him in for a hug.

"ah" seonghwa slightly groaned by the pain in his sleeve.

"oh, sorry." San pulled away and apologized.

"so...let's sit?" Seonghwa said, san nodded.

"I'll... go to my room." yeosang said quietly as he stood up, "I need to clean your wound in two hours so call me over." He said closing the door after him. Seonghwa sighed.

"so... please elaborate." san wiggled his brows, seonghwa rolled his eyes smacking the others arm playfully.

"he saved me." seonghwa sighed, "he just... saved me that's all" he shrugged when san raised a brow.

"Did you even thank him?" san rolled his eyes.

seonghwa turned his head and sent him a death glare, "of course I did!" He rolled his eyes, "I just... said thank you, that's all." He leaned back on the couch. "Ouch" he hissed in pain.

"Mind telling me what happened there?" san pointed to his arm covered in bandages.

"I fell off my motorcycle." seonghwa said nonchalantly as he closed his eyes, internally fell off guard by the question.

"do you even have one?" San hissed, "stop lying! It looks like a bulletshot!" seonghwa shot his eyes open as he brought his hand to san's mouth.

"shhhh, someone might hear you!" Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "that asshole, soobin I mean, he kidnapped yeosang, and I went to help him. But he shot my arm, and we couldn't do anything for a day. I was unconscious the whole time, he helped me go to the hospital, I actually had a surgery." He sighed, San widened his eyes and gasped dramatically.

"why the hell am I not surprised." he rolled his eyes.

yeosang was fiddling with his fingers when he slowly opened the door, the two were unaware that yeosang was peeking through the door, well, not peeking, really, just hearing them since all san did was practically shout and yell.

"so... anything between you two?" San wiggled his brows, "ive seen the way you look at him." He smirked.

seonghwa's expression changed from soft to serious in a second, "how do I look at him?"

"like you're in love."

seonghwa bit his bottom lip, "like I am in love?" He chuckled, "are you serious?" San nodded, "you're saying that I have to be in love with him I'm order to save him? I'd have done it if it was for anybody else anyways." he licked his lips, "I just had pity for him, so please don't mix love and pityness."

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