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seonghwa angrily made his way to his dad's office, knowing that he was gonna be there at the moment. he went in without even knocking, "father? father? can we talk?" he said as he stood in front of sehun. sehun sighed as he hummed, still keeping his focus on some papers. "dad, why did you do that?" seonghwa put his hands on his hip.

"did what?" Sehun asked carelessly as he was keeping his attention on the papers, not even bothering to look up and look at seonghwa.

"dad, you know exactly what I am talking about!" Seonghwa put his hand on the table, causing sehun to look at him and sigh.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, so please elaborate?" sehun put his hands on the table as he was waiting for his son to say something.

"about this marriage! Why would you do that? I said already, I don't want to marry!" seonghwa tilted his head as he was trying not to be angry.

"hmm" sehun stood up from his chair, facing seonghwa. " so what are you trying to say?" he said as he put away his glasses.

"listen, dad, please, please stop this." Seonghwa put his hand on his eyes, " dad, tell me one reason why you are doing this."

"seonghwa, I'm doing this for the good, for your own good."

"how are you trying to do this for my sake when you're making this all too hard for me?" Seonghwa put his hand on his mouth as he sighed, " dad, I don't want to marry in general, in fact, someone I haven't met my whole life! just because he's a relative?"

"seonghwa, you're my son, and I know what's good for you. I know you are not interested in girls, and you don't have to worry about it. yeosang is your best choice, he'll be with you, you're just angry because you have to marry, you won't find a better one in the future, I know this is hard for you, but one day you'll understand it, and for yeosang, you're going to know him, you're going to love him in the future." sehun sat on his chair turning his attention to the papers once again.

seonghwa sighed, as he knew he will never get out of this, " you want me to marry? Like for real?" Seonghwa raised his brows, "fine, okay, I'll marry him then." as he finished he left the office immediately.

sehun sighed as he put on his glasses.


"nana, bring me a headache pill and a glass of water." Seonghwa said as he went to the living room.

"coming right up mr.park" nana left to bring him his offer.

"I'm going to marry him." seonghwa said as he went to the living room and sat on a couch.

"what?" Mrs.park asked with big eyes, "what are you talking about son? Are you crazy? You are going to marry that stupid? his mother was a stripper, and I'm sure he is too! So how can you agree on something like this? Besides, you can marry yeji! She's wealthy and-"

"mom," Seonghwa cut her off as he took the pill from nana and the glass, he put the pill in his mouth and took a sip of the water, he licked his lips before talking, " I don't like marriage in general, so who's yeji, anyway? I don't like her, so please stop bringing that up." Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"but son, that's not good! what will people say? park seonghwa married a boy?! I'm your mother and I know what's good for you!"

"dad said the same thing" seonghwa mumbled to himself.

"did you say something?" mrs.park sat next to him.

"nothing, I just said that this marriage should happen soon. My father wants me to marry, and I'll do what he wants. I'll marry him tomorrow." seonghwa stood up but mrs.park grabbed his hand.

"son, don't do this, please" at this moment, she almost begged.

seonghwa nodded his head as he slowly pulled his hand away, he made his way towards his room upstairs. "god sehun oh god sehun, I cant let this marriage happen, yeji has to be the one marrying my son, not some son of a stripper!" She sighed, " nana, bring me a glass of water."

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