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yeosang got ready as he wore a gray hoodie and a pair of blue jeans, that made him look tiny and smol. he left his hair as it was, just brushing it a little and it fell on his eyes. the bell rang which indicated that they were already here, with a sigh, yeosang made his way downstairs and opened the door.

"hey." he mumbled with a slight smile.

"YEOSANGNGNGNGNG!" wooyoung yelled making him flinch.

"hey woo" yeosang stood in the doorway to welcome everyone.

"hey yeo!" jongho said happily with a bag on his shoulder.

"hey" he said his voice almost inaudible, everyone came inside and seonghwa was the last one, yeosang looked away when he gestured for him to come in, seonghwa just nodded as he made his way inside and yeosang closed the door.

"DAMN! THE FOOD SMELLS SO GOOD!" Wooyoung yelled.

"WHAT DID YOU MAKE YEOSANG?" San yelled after wooyoung scurrying straight to the younger, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"i uh.. made Samggye-tang, Bibimbap, Japchae, and tteokbokki."

"TTEOKBOKKI!!" mingi and wooyoung yelled in sync as they ran to the kitchen.

"Let's go to the kitchen!" Yunho scurried to the kitchen as everyone made their way to there aswell. Being the evil friends they were, they set seonghwa and yeosang to sit with each other.

"damn yeosang... how do you cook so well?! This is what heaven tastes like." Wooyoung hummed as he tasted the tteokbokki.

"my mom taught me." yeosang mumbled.

"your mom? where is your mom?" Hongjoong asked while he munched on the rice.


yeosang looked down, biting his bottom lip avoiding anyone's gaze. seonghwa sent hongjoong a death glare making him flinch.

"I'm so sorry yeosang, it's okay if you don't want to answer, I didn't mean to ask such thing." Hongjoong quickly apologized.

"it is fine." yeosang smiled.

"yeosang, your cooking is so good! do you think maybe one days you can come over to my place and we will cook something?" Jongho asked ss he glared at seonghwa, flames in his eyes. He smirked as he saw the state the older was in.

"sure" yeosang mumbled.

"really? that is gonna be so fun!" Jongho started eating again.

"i have a new piercing...and it basically hurts." wooyoung cooed.

"really? Let me see it." San scooted his chair closer watching wooyoung's ear.

"do you have piercings yeosang?" yunho asked smirking not expecting the answer from the younger.

"yes." everyone gasped.

"WHAT?!" Wooyoung yelled, "YOU HAVE PIERCINGS?" his breathing hitched as Yeosang nodded slowly.

"So we all have piercings! This is so good!" Mingi rested his chin on his hand.


"my parents are gonna come back tomorrow, have you still not thought about what I said?" seonghwa asked yeosang once everyone else had left, waiting for the younger to say something.

"please don't ask this." yeosang avoided the older's gaze.

"okay, you just tell me, why did you marry me yeosang? just say a word!" seonghwa asked with hopes in his eyes that the younger will say something.

"because" yeosang quickly said as flashbacks came back to his brain.

i want you to promise me that you'll marry my son.

i want you to promise me that you'll stand this and that you'll protect your marriage.

i want you to stay with my son.

"because uncle sehun wanted it." he said after a few seconds as he looked away.

"hmmmmm, my farther wanted it..... guess he loves you so much." seonghwa hummed sarcastically, "whatever, I'm going to sleep." Seonghwa walked past the younger as yeosang stood still there, overthinking everything.

"I almost broke the promise!" yeosang blinked a few times, "i need to do this for my uncle." he sighed as he made his way outside, looking at the view the place held, wondering how he had ended up making this stupid promise. after a few seconds just standing there and looking at the world, yeosang heard the sound of a little bird as he followed the sound, it led to a place in the yard where the bird was in a cage, flying up and down.

yeosang stared at it sadly for a few seconds before a brief smile made its way to his lips, "you want to be free, don't you?" he sighed deeply as he watched the bird tweeting, "you want to get out of that cage and fly freely, you want to taste freedom, don't you?" he took a step towards the cage, "do you want to be free and fly everywhere you desire, or will you prefer staying in this house and live like a slave? which one would you choose?" he inhaled a deep breath as he watched the bird tweeting now and then, "I cant free myself, atleast I can free you." he opened the cage door and the bird quickly flew. "maybe one day someone will free me too."

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