➣ 20 :: 𝙇𝙐𝙎𝙃 𝙇𝙄𝙁𝙀

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seonghwa entered the house as he sighed, thinking of a way to fix this. when he was thinking, a voice interrupted him from his thoughts.

"son, you came back early?" Seulgi walked towards him.

seonghwa let out a little smile, "yeah." He tilted his head.

"seonghwa, is something wrong?"

seonghwa stayed silent for a few seconds before he sighed, "mom, we did something bad."

Seulgi raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"yeosang, he didn't tell anything to my father, Jane did." Seulgi looked at seonghwa with big eyes.

"What? that lame girl...I'm gonna go talk to her myself."

"no mom, don't do that." Seonghwa sighed "mom, why would you do such thing?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "you almost killed the boy, why would you push him?"

"s-seonghwa...son...there must be a mind understanding. I promise I didn't mean to do that, he fell off and I tried to catch him but I almost fell with him too."

seonghwa sighed as he knew so well that she did everything on purpose, but he thought he could give it a go as everything had already been messed up and not in place.

"i...i'll talk to you later, I need to do something right now." he turned around and when he was about to go upstairs again, nana bumped into him.

"oh! sorry sir."

"Oh, it's fine, I'm not on myself."

"wait." Nana turned around, "nana, do you know where yeosang is? I can't find him anywhere." nana nodded.

"he's at the yard sir." Seonghwa nodded and made his way outside, after a few seconds, he found him near the edge of the pool as always, looking at the city, he had something wrapped around him probably to avoid the cold, as he had a cup in his hands which smelled like coffee, seonghwa walked up to him after a while, he stood beside him without a word. Yeosang turned his head and saw him already staring at him before seonghwa spoke up.

"I was looking for you."

yeosang blinked twice, "something happened?"

"no, nothing did." Seonghwa nodded and yeosang turned his head and looked at the city again. "I was wondering, maybe you could go with me in a walk?" Yeosang turned his head.

"n-no, I don't like walking." He looked away.

"I know last time when we were out together things weren't good, but I'll make sure it won't happen again." seonghwa looked at him with hope in his eyes.

yeosang shook his head after two seconds before he turned his head and looked at the older, "i don't want to, you can go." he said calmly as he turned around and began walking away with the cup in his hands.

"please." yeosang stopped on his tracks and seonghwa smiled knowing that he convinced the boy.

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"Jane, Jane?!" Seulgi yelled.

"yes yes mrs.park?"

"do you have any idea what you did? How dare you go and tell seonghwa about what happened!" seulgi rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"w-what? Mrs.park I never said any-"

"stop talking! if something else comes out of your mouth ever again, I'm going to kick you out of the house and then you have to live in the streets! so get my word!" she turned around angrily and exited the kitchen.

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