➣ 29 :: 𝘛𝘖𝘙𝘌𝘕 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘛

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"I should go for a walk." Yeosang wiped away his tears, "I need to get everything off my mind." and with that, he stood up and rushed downstairs, not even saying goodbye.

walking down the streets, no birds, no trees, just bare streets and barely anyone. thousands of tangled up thoughts inside his head, all merging into one.

that was until he felt something wrap around his mouth and he blacked out.


yeosang slowly woke up in what seemed like an abandoned place, first thing he notices is, he's being tied up on a chair, unable to move. "wh-WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" He freaked out.

"woah there, princess." he heard a voice say from the corner of the place, seeing someone familiar with a smirk on his face. oh no. He thought. "Well, pretty, anything you want to say?

"wh.... what am I doing here? What do you want from me?!" He started to wiggle on the chair but every try was a fail and useless.

"stop trying to move. No one is gonna hear you. You're in the forest." Poor yeosang was so shock right now, this all made no sense. Soobin, the boy that had been claiming to be his boyfriend, had just kidnapped him to an abandoned place in the forest.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Yeosang yelled whe his eyes started to get teary.

soobin chuckled and approached the younger, "baby, you know who's crazy I am for you, right" he grabbed his chin but yeosang wiggled out of his grin.


"tch, you're pretty sassy, but oh well, don't worry, I'm going to call lover boy right now." Soobin pulled out his phone and dialed a number, after a few seconds, it got answered.


"oh, hi, asshole, or should I say, park seonghwa?" Soobin chuckled, I called because, well... your pretty husband is with me right now."

"what? What is he doing with you?! What have you done to him?! I swear I will kill you!"

"Bruh, talk nice, you wouldn't want me to hurt him do you?" Soobin mocked.

"Let go of him! Don't hurt a single strand of his hair! Let me talk to him!"

"here, loverboy wants to talk to ya" soobin rolled his eyes and put the phone near yeosang's ear.

"yeosang?! Are you there? Are you okay?!"

"s-seonghwa, he's tied me up, please come... I'm s-scared" yeosang sobbed and tears started streaming down his face.

"don't worry, don't worry I'll be there, I'll save you, don't be scared"

"Okay, okay that's enough, i demand money, I'll send you the amount and address, remember if you bring cops with yourself you probably will never see him again. Understood? Yeah bye" he hung up and looked at yeosang who was trembling. "Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone, money, and you." He smirked.

~ 20 minutes later ~

"Open up that door!" They heard someone yell, soobin smirked"

"Well here goes that jackass, let the show begin." He stood up and opened the door. "Don't move a bit, or I'll end your life." He pointed the gun to seonghwa's head, Seonghwa nodded, soobin grabbed the bag of money from his hand, "come in" seonghwa complied and entered, the sight he saw broke his heart.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, don't cry, I'm here, I'll get you out of here." Seonghwa quickly ran to yeosang and untied him, "you're okay, we'll get out of here now"

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