➣ 27 :: 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘋 𝘖𝘕𝘌𝘚

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seonghwa huffed as he made his way upstairs, he rubbed his nape as he held the doorknob, hesitant since it was already eleven, the boy might be sleeping, but he finally opened the door and entered their room.

he was hesitant at first, not waiting to see the younger's face because he couldn't find just the right words to say. he admits that what he did is wrong, he should've believed yeosang instead of a man, but really, he never knew yeosang ; too. so how could he believe someone he doesn't know?

he hesitantly grabbed the doorknob of yeosang's room, opened the door after a few seconds, he was shocked to see yeosang sitting on the edge of the window while his hands from the top of the glass to the bottom, tears visible in his eyes. yeosang turned his head and saw seonghwa standing awkwardly in the doorway, he sniffed in an attempt to stop tears from coming, as he balled his hand in a fist.

seonghwa took a few slow steps towards the younger as he bit on his bottom lip, "we should talk." yeosang looked at him for a few seconds before turning his head, looking at the window.

"there's nothing to talk about." seonghwa sighed deeply, as he had prepared himself for the answer already.

"we really should talk, you know, we can't understand each other if you keep running away from me." seonghwa asked in an extra deep voice, a concerned look on his face. Still, yeosang was unconvinced. Seonghwa took a deep breath, preparing himself for the next words. "I admit, what I did was wrong." He stopped when yeosang turned his head and looked at him with cold eyes, he sighed as he continued, "and I should've believed you and not him." seonghwa looked down, at this point, he felt ashamed to even look at the boy.

"it's okay." Seonghwa hastily raised his head and looked at yeosang already staring at him, through his soul. "you can't believe someone you just met, either." that was what broke seonghwa's heart, into thousands of pieces. He truly felt bad for the boy, he knew that he was broken inside, yet he managed to look so beautiful. god, how can someone be so beautiful? seonghwa looked at the boy with concert, but his thoughts got washed away as yeosang suddenly stood up, making his way towards the bed.

"i...tomorrow, it's yeji's birthday... and... she wanted us to come, especially you. so I said yes." Yeosang, still unbothered, kept his focus on the bed's sheets, fixing them.

"you can go, I don't feel like it." seonghwa looked at the boy in disbelief.

"but...she really wanted you to come. I promised her." Seonghwa balled his hand in a fist. Yeosang turned his head to look at him, he sighed.

"I don't want to. you can wish her a happy birthday in my place." Seonghwa just looked at yeosang, hoping that he'd be convinced, instead, his hopes got washed away and his face formed a frown when yeosang, so unbothered, got into the bed and pulled the sheets on himself, closing his eyes. seonghwa huffed, knowing that the boy is just too stubborn.

"well... okay." seonghwa turned around and closed the door. yeosang opened his eyes once he took a sign of him gone, he huffed and pulled the sheets down, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't have time for a birthday party." he mumbled before closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep with many, many thoughts.

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"seonghwa, I heard today is yeji's birthday, how is it going for you?" Nancy asked sarcastically at the morning table when seulgi glared at him with a look that can kill, directly telling him to shut up to which Nancy just rolled his eyes to, seonghwa didnt really want to answer, but he sighed when he saw sehun glaring at him.

"I got invited." seonghwa said nonchalantly making sehun raise a brow.

"you mean, you got invited." Nancy clapped her hands when seonghwa sighed.

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