➣ 15 :: 𝘖𝘜𝘛 𝘓𝘖𝘜𝘋

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"mrs.park, you asked for me?" jane stood in the hallway.

"yes. I did, I need you to do something for me, a big something."

"at your serve madam, I'm going to do whatever you suppose." seulgi smirked darkly.


"mr.park, I got your coffee." jane placed the coffee on sehun's office table.

"thank you, Jane." she turned around, "Jane... is there something you wanna tell me?"

"u-uhm..n-no mr.park...why do you ask?" She fiddled with her fingers.

sehun raised a brow.

"uh...a-actually, there's something I want to tell you sir." sehun removed his glasses and paid total attention. "mr. yeosang.. he didn't fall on accident."

"what do you mean?" sehun furrowed his brows.

"what I'm trying to say is, sir... sir yeosang told me mrs.park was the one who pushed him off." sehun stood up.

"what are you talking about? are you sure you didn't exaggerate?" jane shook her head a no.

"believe me mr.park...his words, not mine." sehun tilted his head.

"yeosang doesn't lie... I'll go talk to her about this. Thanks for telling me." sehun quickly got out of the office.

"hmmm, let's see who gets to be kicked out first..... yeosang." jane chuckled darkly.


"seulgi, what the heck are you thinking?" sehun entered their without even closing the door.

"what do you mean?" Seulgi stood up.

"you were the one who pushed yeosang off the stairs weren't you?" he massaged his temple trying to stop his anger from rising.

"what? what are you talking about? you know I did not!" Seulgi shook her head.

"stop lying to me! you are lying to my face! The poor boy almost died because of you!"

"sehun! that's not true! How do you believe such things?" she yelled.

"because I do! and yeosang doesn't lie!" he licked his lips, "listen...if this is true, then....... we are gonna divorce." seulgi's jaw dropped.

"What?! Do you have any idea how crazy you sound right now?! you are gonna divorce me after thirty years together for a stupid rumor? you have no proof I actually pushed him off!" she yelled.

"don't yell to my face! Seulgi, listen..." he inhaled, then exhaled, "you need to quit this acting, you need to leave the boy alone! I have a trip coming, so collect yourself! My cab is waiting for me, when I come back, I hope everything gets fixed." he pushed past her angrily from the other door, as seonghwa entered right after sehun left.

"mom...what was all that about?" seulgi dramatically sat down on the sofa, massaging her temple.

"son...your father told me a lot of bad things... because of your husband." she huffed.

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? What are you talking about mom?"

"What I'm trying to say is your beautiful husband has told your father that I was the one who pushed him off! He slandered me...son." she fake sobbed.

"Mom, are you sure?"

"Yes! Your father! He told me a lot of things! And he told me that...that..." she fake sobbed.

"What mom?" Seonghwa put his hands on his hip with an angry expression on his face.

"that he'll divorce me! because of your husband, he accused me of something I didn't do!"

"Mom...don't be sad please."

"Seonghwa...you have no idea how terribly hurt I am. Your father believed someone who came here yesterday and now someone who's been with him for ages...after thirty years, he told me he'll divorce me..that's horrible. Seonghwam you did a big mistake marrying that rural... I knew that this day would come... my house is ruined." she started fake sobbing.

"mom, mom..don't be sad please, I'll go talk to him." seonghwa had an angry expression on his face.

"No, son, don't do that. I'll let myself be slandered, that way everyone can be happy as your father wished to."

"Mom, you are my mom, and He has to pay for what he has done." seonghwa gave her a reassuring smile before he got out and walked to their room.

"let's see who wins this round, rural." seulgi smirked mischievously.


seonghwa entered their room startling yeosang as he was looking out the window, "what do you think you are doing?!" seonghwa angrily walked towards him. "How can you accuse my mom of such thing?!"

yeosang tilted his head, as he was trying to understand what he was saying, "what do you mean?"

Seonghwa chuckled, "stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about!"

"can you tell me what have I done instead of making yourself angry at me?" yeosang looked at him in confusion.

"you went to my father and told him that my mom was the one who pushed you off the stairs! how could you place that blame on her when she hasn't done anything?!" seonghwa facepalmed himself.

yeosang stayed quiet for a while, "I've never accused anyone in my life, and will never."

seonghwa tsked, "look at that! you're lying to my face right now!"

"I've never lied in my life."

"oh, so you're an angel and we didn't know, right?" Seonghwa put his hands on his hip.

yeosang turned his gaze to somewhere else, "i didnt do anything, I haven't told anything to my uncle."

seonghwa's eyes darkened, "so you mean my moms lying? stop lying! you need to apologize to my mother for this! Because of this, my father has thought of divorcing! what will you earn from ruining their relationship?" seonghwa growled at him angrier than before.

"I'd never do something to do that and if their relationship messes up because of me then I'll be sadder than all of you!" yeosang tried to sound calm.

"I'm not believing anything you're saying. you're a snake, nothing but a big liar!" seonghwa turned around and slammed the door shut, making yeosang flinch and tears streamed down his cheeks.

'i didn't do anything? god please help me.' yeosang closed his eyes in an attempt to stop his tears from coming down but it was useless, as every tear he had accumulated started streaming down his cheeks.


seonghwa slammed the door shut angrily, "he's still lying to my face!" he sighed, just when he saw his mom with a suitcase, "mom, where are you going?"

"I'm going to leave the house son."

"What? Why? because of him?" Seonghwa hissed.

"Son...you can't be happy if I'm in this house, this way everyone can be happy and you two will be happy too. I can't live in this house knowing that my groom hates me without me doing anything." she fake sobbed.

"Mom, I'm sure this is a better way. Please don't go, I'll make him apologize."

"seonghwa..I've never been slandered in my whole forty-six years of living.. I'll come back once everything gets settled..." she started walking towards the door.

"mom, are you sure?" Seulgi nodded innocently.

"okay, take care of yourself. come back soon." Seulgi walked out of the house, his face turning into a devious smirk.

I'll make your life hell son of stripper.

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