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~ 1 week later ~

if you were to ask seonghwa how his life is like, he'd go straight to the main point that it's the best he had ever wished it to be.

everything that happened in the past few days, has been the most magical thing that had ever made it's way to yeosang's life.

yeosang admits, seonghwa does have a soft and horrible side. right now, the one side staying with yeosang is what he appreciates from the elder. he can't take in what just happened that one night he decided to finally, maybe, give seonghwa a little visit.

he doesn't complain when seonghwa immediately tackled him to the bed and started attacking his facewith kisses, one for each day they hadn't met each other. not did he complain when seonghwa picked him up and swirled him around the room, yelling like an excited little baby when his mom agrees on buying him candies.

or neither, did he ever think that seonghwa would finally speak up for him. flashbacks made it's way to his head, a smile made it's way to his face.


suddenly, the door opened and they both turned their heads to the door, only to see Seulgi entering with the most horrible look on her face, anger and disgust.

"what the hell are you doing here you little monster! you can't be in this house anymore! leave!" seulgi scurried towards yeosang, moving her hand up to slap him, when suddenly, seonghwa grabbed her hand and pushed her back, taking her by surprise.

seonghwa then got hold of yeosang's wrist and dragged him downstairs with himself, then outside the house as they stood in front of the house entrance. "everyone! Come out here!" Seonghwa shouted. after a few seconds, everyone in the house walked outside, standing in the doorway confused.

"Listen well all of you. this guy over here is my husband. and from today on, any of you who would be the reason of a single tear he sheds... I won't even have to warn you what would come afterwards." seonghwa said through gritted teeth, making everyone's mouth wide-open.

sehun smiled proudly, he looked over at seulgi and saw the look on her face, he got even more proud when nana suddenly started clapping, then Jane, then Nancy as they looked at the pair with affection.

"YOU GO BROTHER! I ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU! BRING YEOSANG AND GO LIVE HAPPILY!" Nancy Shouted as she jumped up and down, making seonghwa chuckle. sehun wrapped an arm around Nancy's shoulder.

"go live happily." sehun smiled towards yeosang, when yeosang broke into a big smile, seonghwa pulled the boy into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"it's just you and me. you and me."


suddenly, he felt arms wrap around him from behind. without turning around, he smiled as he knew who exactly who the arms belonged to. "what are you thinking about?" Seonghwa asked as he nuzzled his face onto his neck, inhaling his vanilla-like scent.

"just, everything in general." yeosang turned around, he swears his heart melted when he saw the bright smile on seonghwa's face. seonghwa's arms were wrapped loosely around his waist, now they are in their own house, yeosang is not going to be blamed for everything anymore.

"I now know why you were always quiet. why you never agreed to divorce me." yeosang's smile faded when he heard the elder, "and I know even if I get you the whole world, I still can't repay for everything I have done to you in the past yeosang." Seonghwa sniffled, "but I promise you, from now on, I'll never let anything get on our way. I'll never let you shed another tear because of how much of an asshole I was. I mean, I'd be silent too, if I also made a promise."

"Don't say that." Yeosang shook his head, "you didn't know."

"I mean.. I know but.. still, I want to make everything up to you, but I don't think that's possible." yeosang frowned, he was amazed how seonghwa could change from a happy pill to a sad and depressed rat in seconds.

"I wouldn't want to, but..... you look like a rat when you frown." yeosang had to hold in a cackle. the way seonghwa shot up his head and looked at him, his reaction was just too funny for yeosang not to just laugh right there right now. eventually, he started giggling and pushed seonghwa away, running out of the bedroom and scurrying downstairs.

"COME BACK HERE!" Seonghwa yelled and chased after him. seonghwa started chasing after him through the whole house, he had to admit, yeosang was a pretty good runner. however, seonghwa didn't give up as he finally managed to catch up with yeosang. "GOT YOU!" grabbing him by his shirt and tugging him backwards, he turned him around and picked him up, swirling him around.

laughter and giggles filled the whole house, as it felt exactly like euphoria to both of their ears. yeosang never stopped giggling, hence that's why seonghwa started laughing aswell ; seeing yeosang laugh was definitely his favorite thing.

"put me down!" yeosang protested in between giggles.

"no, not until you repeat what you had told me earlier."

"you look like a rat!" Yeosang repeated, causing both of them to burst out laughing again, laughing at the top of both their lungs. Seonghwa swears he would need a new pair of lungs by tomorrow, he just laughed so much that he suspects his own lungs to be expire by now.

"you repeated it again?!" Seonghwa feigned hurt, making yeosang roll his eyes.

"I said put me down!"

"not until you apologize!" seonghwa gritted his teeth, causing yeosang to giggle again.

"I'm sorry." Yeosang mumbled slowly between giggles.

"didn't quite get that. Could you repeat, please?" Seonghwa smirked.

"you clearly did hear me!" Yeosang whined cutely, causing seonghwa to burst out laughing. "I am sorry! There you go!"

"That's good." Seonghwa smiled and put yeosang down on his feet, as he still had his arms wrapped around his waist. he couldn't imagine what it would be like to live without yeosang anymore. neither did he want to ever think about it.

they just looked at each other for a few seconds, before seonghwa connected their lips. yeosang closed his eyes and and wrapped one of his arms around his neck, supporting him. seonghwa was the first one to pull away, preparing himself for his next words. "sangie, can we just... end this? i want to start all over again..." seonghwa smiled sheepishly, feeling the red tint on his cheeks soon appear.

yeosang bit his bottom lip and looked at him for a few seconds, before he decided to tease him and pushed him away, running upstairs.

"I WILL GET BACK TO YOU FOR IT!" Seonghwa yelled and stopped for a few seconds, before he started laughing and followed him upstairs. "seriously, will you?" he plopped on the bed next to yeosang, before yeosang turned his head and looked at him with a big smile on his face.

we love nature.

we love to make people happy.

we love bringing joy to houses.


we just love.

a word, only seven letters. a word that's so easy said, that's so easy pronounced and so easy written, had the biggest impact on yeosang's life. life might not be perfect, but there's one thing that brings all of us together.

and that's love.

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