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1 year later


"ah, s-seonghwa... ah" yeosang moaned loudly when seonghwa slammed into him, thrusting fast and rough. "a-ah" yeosang arched his back upwards as seonghwa kept fastening his pace, moving deep inside of him.

"you...you don't know how long I've been waiting for this." seonghwa pulled out and slammed into him again, making yeosang moan in both pain and pleasure.

With every second passing by, seonghwa fastened his pace and moved even deeper inside of him, leaving yeosang drowning in his own moans and whines. "fuck... I love you." Seonghwa growled into his ear as he started sucking and biting on his neck, sinking his teeth onto the skin as yeosang moaned.

"Ah, I-I'm gonna c-"

"wait for me." Seonghwa commanded and yeosang complied. seonghwa fastened his speed and started thrusting faster and deeper, until he felt himself reach his high.

"a-ah seonghwa..."

"scream for me."

"seonghwa" yeosang shouted, wanting just to cum right there.

"that was not loud."

"SEONGHWA!" yeosang screamed louder than he intended, seonghwa wanted the whole world to know that yeosang was his and only his.

"who do you belong to?" seonghwa growled with a smirk, enjoying seeing the younger like this. His body and Forehead sweating, as his hair stuck onto his forehead due to sweat. his chest going up and down, breath heavy, eyes shut tightly, his hands gripping onto the bed sheets as he let out shrieks whenever seonghwa hit him even deeper inside, mouth wide-open as moans and cries of pleasure kept coming out.



"I-I'm yours"



"cum." and that's what yeosang did, not even taking a second as he came all over his stomach with a loud moan. seonghwa threw his head back and came inside of him with a moan, looking down at yeosang with hearts in his eyes.

eyes screwed shut as his mouth was still open, he kept repeating the elder's name. "seonghwa, seonghwa, seong-" seonghwa swallowed the second syllable of his name by crashing their lips together, kissing him passionately and hungrily. yeosang responded right away by kissing him back, letting seonghwa take control.

yeosang moaned into his mouth, when seonghwa's mouth closed around his and he began sucking on his tongue. Moans, whines, cries and curse words came out from both of their mouths. the room was filled with their moans and the sloppy sounds of their mouths and wet bodies touching. seonghwa broke the kiss as he realized he needed air just as much as yeosang did, a string of saliva connecting their lips, foreheads connected.

"I just... this.. god sangie.. this.." seonghwa panted against his face, breath fanning over him. "I love you.. so so much..."

"I-I love you too, hwa" yeosang whispered, making seonghwa smile brighter than ever. seonghwa pulled out and not a second pass, he collapsed next to yeosang, pulling him closer and hugging him tightly.

he pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around yeosang, cuddling him. yeosang inched closer and rested his head on the elder's chest, as seonghwa rested his head on top of the other's.


"I love you, dad." A tear rolled down seonghwa's cheek, sitting down and putting his hand on his father's grave.  "I might have not been the best son you could have, but I promise you I will never disappoint you anymore."

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