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it was morning and seonghwa made his way to the kitchen, where everyone were at the table and were ready eating.

"seonghwa, come here, eat breakfast" mrs.park said as seonghwa smiled and sat on a chair.

"how's it that you're eating breakfast? You've been skipping it for the last two days." his sister, Nancy said as she reached for a spork.

seonghwa just rolled his eyes, he searched for someone but nowhere to be found. "where is yeosang?" He asked as he reached for a napkin.

"don't know, don't care." mrs.park answered sternly.

"where is he dad?" Seonghwa asked again this time directing the question to sehun.

"he's in his room." sehun answered calmly.

seonghwa hummed as he stood up and went upstairs.

"where does he think he's going?!" His mother yelled as she saw seonghwa going upstairs.

"he's just going to bring his lover down." Nancy smirked.

mrs.park turned her head to her with a frown on her face, " you shut up!" She yelled as she rolled his eyes and cleaned her mouth with a napkin.


seonghwa made his way upstairs as he knocked on the door, " can I come in?"

yeosang turned his head, as he stood up and opened the door slowly, gesturing for him to come in.

" what are you doing here?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes, " we are having breakfast downstairs! so let's go and eat breakfast." Seonghwa grabbed his sleeve.

" hey, it hurts" yeosang said in a low voice, " and I'm not hungry." Yeosang tried getting his sleeve back but seonghwa held it tighter.

" I said let's go and eat breakfast, don't disobey me." and with that, he pulled his sleeve and dragged him downstairs with himself.

sehun saw the sight of seonghwa dragging yeosang downstairs with himself and with a slight pout on yeosang's face, he chuckled as he saw the two.

Mrs.park rolled his eyes, " if he didn't want to eat, maybe he wasn't hungry, you don't have to go to him practically all yourself."

" sit next to me" seonghwa commanded to which yeosang just sighed to before complying.

" I see you two are so cute already!" Nancy cooed as she saw the two.

" yeah, we really get along, don't we sangie" seonghwa turned his head to yeosang as he smiled.

yeosang looked at him with big eyes before he glared at sehun, to which he just nodded, yeosang stayed silent.

" I said don't we sangie?" Seonghwa repeated the question, with a little bit of growl in his tone.

" y-yeah"

" good, now give me your dish" he straightened his arm, yeosang looked at him curiously as he didn't know what to do, he was surprised that seonghwa was acting like this all of a sudden, but he let it a go as he saw seonghwa's hand still straightened, he handed him the dish as seonghwa filled it with food.

" now eat all of this, I heard you skipped breakfast the few days" he put down the dish for him.

yeosang just looked at him with big eyes as mrs.park was shocked, not having expected seonghwa to act like this so suddenly.

after they ate breakfast, nana cleaned the table and seonghwa stood up.

" I'll go to the yard, hongjoong's gonna be here" he stood up and made his way towards the door as yeosang stood up and went straight to his room.


" seonghwa, dude, did anything else happen?" Hongjoong asked him once they decided to walk to the yard.

" nothing, just a new something" seonghwa tilted his head. " I'm going to marry him, and it's today"

" what?" Hongjoong asked with big eyes, " are you sure about this seonghwa? You just told me that you guys don't know each other!"

" I know, and I did say that, but whatever my father says, I'll obey." he put his hands in his pockets, " my father's gonna understand the decision he made is wrong, so I'm gonna show it to him how wrong it's." Seonghwa smiled proudly when hongjoong just frowned.

" but seonghwa, you won't be happy like this, there's no way, I'm gonna go talk to your father and say that you don't wanna marry him." Hongjoong started walking when seonghwa grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.

" leave it alone, there's nothing you can do. i won't let him control me, I'll just marry him and then I'll hand him to my father since my father seems to like him so much." Seonghwa inhaled, then exhaled, " but let's leave it alone for now, I was thinking we could go to a cafe today, the eight of us." Hongjoong nodded.

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