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but uncle... please let me atleast tell seonghwa... he is your son and might find a cure for you.

yeosang, I don't know what you're trying to do but what I know is, you'll make a good decision.

yeosang flinched and wiped away his tears when he heard the door slam shut. it was obviously an angry seonghwa, and with the divorcement papers. seonghwa opened the door and quickly made his way towards him, Yeosang stood up from the bed.

seonghwa looked at him for a few seconds before smacking the table with power, putting down a pen and some papers. "Sign those, divorce me and go live freely." He looked directly into his eyes, as yeosang cried too much, it wasn't even much of a use to cry anymore.

"I won't sign these." Yeosang looked away.

seonghwa sighed, trying to lessen his anger. "answer me or I'll force you to sign these papers!"

yeosang just looked at him, "look, you're so angry right now. we'll talk later." he turned around and started walking away.

seonghwa took a deep breath and scurried towards him, pinning him to the wall, the way they could hear each other's breathing. they looked at each other for a few seconds before seonghwa pulled away and stood there for a second, yeosang just said nothing and turned around, closing the door after himself.

"AH!" Seonghwa screamed and kicked the table, causing one of the the legs to break. "what's  happened to me...I'm not the type to be hung up over someone."


~ two days later ~

"uncle...uncle... are you okay?" yeosang grabbed his hand tightly.

"I'm good yeosang, you don't have to come here all the time." Sehun looked at his side and smiled at him.

yeosang smiled back, "uncle, all I want for you is to feel better. please don't mention it."

"I am feeling better yeosang. you need to rest too." Sehun smiled, "how are things?"

yeosang smiled, "well, nothing pretty much changed, they are all doing good." yeosang's smile quickly faded and Sehun seemed to notice the change of tone in his voice.

"how is seonghwa? did something happen?"

"actually... he... he keeps on asking me where I was that night when I stayed with you...I refused to tell him, so... h-he brought divorcement papers." Yeosang finally looked up at sehun, who was now in utter shock.

"he asked for divorcement?" he licked his dry lips when Yeosang nodded slowly. "what did you do?"

"I refused to sign them."

sehun looked at how his bottom lip quivered when he talked, he reached for his face and cupped his cheek, "you really are a promise keeper. thank you for this. I promise I'll make it up to you," Yeosang nodded and closed his eyes to prevent any tears from falling. sehun smiled and cupped his chin, "i promise."


yeosang entered the house at night, the first thing he feels is someone tap their shoulder from behind. "where were you?" yeosang bit his upper lip, he turned around after a few seconds, to make sure, just to make sure, of course.

seonghwa. great.

"I think I asked you a question." Seonghwa repeated again, yeosang looked at him, "are you going to answer me?" seonghwa asked again, this time annoyed. yeosang don't. he's never going to understand. just stay strong. don't say a word. "JUST ANSWER ME!" Seonghwa yelled making yeosang flinch.

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