➣ 14 :: 𝙇𝙀𝙏 𝙄𝙏 𝙂𝙊

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"Mom! Dad! I'm so glad you're back!" seonghwa quickly hugged his parents and flashed a bright smile.

"we are too, son." sehun smiled towards the boy, but his smile got wider as he saw who was looking from behind. "yeosang! my son! come here!" yeosang slowly took a few steps going towards him, as sehun hugged him a tight embrace. "let's go to the living room, nana, Jane, help Nancy and seulgi to their rooms." seulgi rolled his eyes.

"I don't need anyone, this is my house! I'll go myself! ah!" she turned around and made her way upstairs.

"she'll never change." sehun sighed, "let's go." seonghwa and Yeosang nodded as they three made their way to the living room, They sat down on a couch and sehun sat down on another one.

"how have things been? have you guys gotten to know each other?" he asked with concern.

"uh, yeah, things are...okay." seonghwa fiddled with his fingers knowing fully well he was lying.

"yeah okay...I hope you're not lying." seonghwa just nervously smiled as his phone dialed.

"I have a phone call, I think I'll go out a bit." seonghwa excused himself and stood up, walking away.

it was silence for a few seconds, "yeosang." yeosang raised his head looking at sehun in confusion, "I want to ask you when you're alone, are you really okay here?"

yeosang looked at him for a few seconds, "y-yeah." sehun raised his brow, "I'm okay, un....." yeosang stopped for a second before he smiled a bit, "I'm okay dad." sehun smiled brightly, "well...you do know what to call me after all." He stood up as yeosang stood up aswell, "I'm going go for to my office, come to me if you need anything." he patted his shoulder before flashing a smile one last time, he turned around and walked away, yeosang sighed for a few seconds before someone came down the stairs, walking directly to him.

seulgi grabbed him harshly by his sleeve, dragging him upstairs with herself to him and seonghwa's bedroom, as he opened the door and pushed him there, closing the door.

"look at me you son of a stripper." She pointed her index finger at him, "who are you? who are you that you think so highly of yourself? That you think you can match the park family?" she chuckled, "I'm not going to let you stay here any longer, so enjoy your worthless little life in this mansion, I'll make your life hell that you'll run back to your house crying! you understood me stripper's son?"

yeosang manage to speak after a few seconds, "my mom is not a stripper."

seulgi tsked, "what? So why did she die? Did she die because the men in the in club didn't agree to hook up with her?"

"My mom is not a stripper." yeosang repeated darkening her eyes.

"I'm going to make sure you'll pay!" she turned around and slammed the door shut as yeosang stood there dumbfounded.


it was an hour pass and yeosang felt a headache, as he opened the door and walked outside, making his way to the stairs as he walked on one, before he felt himself black out, but he managed to balance himself by grabbing the stair-hand, but what he feels next is someone pushing him down the stairs, he blacked out.

mom. mom. bring me with yourself.


three hours later.

yeosang woke up with his whole body aching, he turned his head as he realized where he was. hospital.

"uncle..." he said in a low voice.

"Yeosang, yeosang! I'm here! Right here, son, are you feeling better?" sehun grabbed his hand.

"un....cle....where...where am I?" he asked his eyes halfway shut.

"yeosang, you fell down the stairs, thank god you are okay." sehun rubbed his hand as he held them tighter, suddenly the door opened and it revealed none other than seonghwa, he had a worried expression on his face as yeosang turned his head and looked at him.

"are you okay? why aren't you aware where you are heading?" seonghwa put his hands on his hip.

"yeosang, are you sure you're okay? I'll call on a doctor if you-"

"I'm fine uncle. I'm really okay." he smiled, seonghwa looked at him as he saw his smile, gosh, how much he liked the smile on the younger's face.

"can we go home now?" yeosang asked as he stood up and leaned back on the hospital bed frame.

"yeosang, are you sure?" seonghwa asked.

"yes. I want to go home." sehun nodded as he helped the boy stand up, seonghwa quickly made his way to his car and opened the car door for yeosang, to which he widened his eyes, but accepted.


"mr.park! Welcome home!" nana said happily.

"thank you nana." Seonghwa nodded.

"oh my! sehun! what happened son?" seulgi ran towards the three as she faked a smile.

"he fell off he stairs, but the doctors said he's fine so we brought him home, the doctor will visit him again tomorrow in the morning, so he needs to rest, we got his medicine, nana, he needs to eat the pills at three everyday, don't forget." sehun turned his head, nana nodded.

"yeosang, did you fall off or.....?" sehun asked with a brow raised.

yeosang stared at seulgi for a few seconds, "i....." he started at her again before he turned his head to sehun, "I blacked out and fell."

"hmmm, okay, you know you can tell me anything right?" Yeosang nodded. "Okay, now don't tire yourself, seonghwa, bring him to his room." Seonghwa nodded.

"oh, sehun, I'll help him myself!" seulgi quickly took his hand and led him upstairs, as sehun and seonghwa were standing there dumbfounded.

they finally reached the room as he pushed yeosang in. "what a shame...you're so lame. did you like it? why couldn't you just disappear! don't worry, one day you'll leave once and for all." Seulgi stopped laughing when he saw a bandaid on the side of his forehead, "and by the way, nice bandaid." she turned around and slammed the door.


"Are you serious?!" nana asked with mouth open.

"Yes! So serious! I even saw it with my own eyes! Here!" Jane showed her the phone.

"My god! Shes so cruel!" nana sighed, "you got a video of it? what if the boy died? Why didn't you help him instead?"

"Oh come on... why is that my business? everybody wants him out of this house so I really enjoyed seeing him fall."

"Nonsense... by the way, does mrs.park know you saw the whole thing?" Jane shook his head a 'no'. "You should tell mr.park!"

"Why should I? I don't care. He just came here for a few days and is already the owner of his house." Jane rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure mr.yeosang knew she pushed her off." nana widened his eyes, "but I wonder why didn't he say anything? He told mr.sehun that he fell himself!"

"Why can't you take the hint? He's scared! Nobody was going to believe him anyways."

"I doubt that! he probably didn't want to ruin the family because if mr.sehun knew then he'd have kicked her out of the house! Now don't talk big! Go do your work!"

"Oooof! I don't want to clean the stairs!" Jane rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! We are maids, so this is not our business, let's do our work."

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