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"Seonghwa! We are back!" sehun shouted at the doorway, with a bag in hand.

"hey, dad." seonghwa hugged him, "how was it?"

"it was great, atleast I got some air." Sehun glared at Seulgi next to him and she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, baby." She hugged him tightly, smiling.

"hey mom" seonghwa simply greeted her.

"so... where is...?" Sehun raised an eyebrow, just when a figure appeared behind seonghwa, making Sehun smile brightly. "Yeosang! My son!" He scurried towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"oh, how have I been replaced." Seonghwa rolled his eyes playfully making Sehun and yeosang laugh, yeosang's laugh was like melody to seonghwa's ears. Suddenly, his phone rang. "I'll answer this." Yeosang nodded and seonghwa quickly rushed upstairs, phone in hand. "Hey, joong"


"hello the new wooyoung" seonghwa chuckled.

"shut up! It's hongjoong! anyway... we decided to go out with the others and maybe you want to come? Oh, and bring yeosang too"

seonghwa sighed, "okay, I'll ask him, but he's a brat, so, my apologies if I come alone"


"hongjoong, joong, JOONG!" Seonghwa yelled on the phone, but it was already hung up. he huffed, "I'll go ask him" the door opened and yeosang entered, closing the door after himself. seonghwa turned his head and stared at him for a few seconds, "oh, hey, yeosang.." Seonghwa smiled nervously.

yeosang tilted his head a little, "I heard you yell..."

"oh" seonghwa scratched his nape awkwardly, "I stubbed my toe."

"you stubbed your toe..." yeosang hummed, "so when you stub your toe you yell hongjoong's name?"

seonghwa's expression changed from awkward to serious, "yeosang-"

"I was joking" yeosang chuckled, "I'll go to my room." When he was about to walk away, seonghwa quickly grabbed his wrist, making him stop and turn back.

"yeosang....i...i got something for you." yeosang tilted his head, almost getting the sentence as a question. seonghwa put his hand in his pockets and pulled out a box, looking straight at yeosang.

"what...is this?" Yeosang asked.

"this... this is an earring." seonghwa held yeosang's hand in his, "I don't know, I just got it for you." seonghwa cringed at his own words. yeosang looked at the for a few seconds before grabbing it.

"t-thanks" he said lowly. "I'll go now" yeosang turned around but tugged his hand, making him turn back.

"uh.. yeosang.. actually, hongjoong called me and told me they are going out, and they want us to go." seonghwa said nervously and looked down, still holding yeosang's wrist.

"okay, we can go" seonghwa's head shot up and watched yeosang dead in the eyes.

"really?" Seonghwa asked with mouth opened.

"yes? why are you so surprised?" yeosang was now confused.

"oh! Nothing, I just... well, get ready then. We'll drive to hongjoong's." Seonghwa said happily and let go of yeosang's hand.

"wait." Seonghwa turned around, "now?"

"Yes." Yeosang nodded.

"I'll get ready then" Seonghwa nodded and turned around, walking outside and closing the door.

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