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seongsang nation this is your chapter!!! >3

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"why did you do that?" yeosang sighed as he unbuckled his seatbelt, clearly confused.

"why did you give him your number?" seonghwa gritted his teeth at the last word.

"because he asked for it!" Yeosang rolled his eyes, "can't you be more obvious?!"

"yeah! I can't be obvious! Because you are my husband and no one should flirt with you!" seonghwa raised his voice.

"husband? until yesterday you were treating me as a piece of dirt!"

"Because it was different!" seonghwa growled as he smacked the steering wheel.

yeosang flinched, he stayed silent as he looked at him with big eyes, "okay." he opened the car door and slammed it shut.

"I fucked up. I fucked up!" Seonghwa yelled, smacking the strewing wheel for the second time that afternoon.

yeosang rushed upstairs as soon as possible, as tears started rolling down his cheeks. "So I was a piece of dirt, like I thought, why did you even kiss me?!" he slammed their bedroom door shut as he sat down on the bed, his face on his hands. "I really thought he changed." he was a sobbing mess.

"look at me! I'm so dumb! crying for someone who doesn't even care a bit for me..." he stood up and wiped away his tears, "I should go out, maybe I need a fresh air to forget everything." he reached for his phone and put it in his hoodie pocket, going downstairs.

"mr.park, you're going somewhere?" Nana asked as he saw yeosang coming down the stairs.

"yeah...I need air." yeosang smiled.

nana nodded, "okay. be careful." Yeosang nodded and flashed a smile, closing the door.

"oh, hey yeosang!" yeosang was greeted by a spooky-bug-eyed-face once he got out of the house, clearly regretting every life decisions. great. her. "Are you going somewhere? I just came here! I can give you a ride!" she said almost immediately, making yeosang cringe.

"uh, n-no, it's fine, I want to jog." Yeosang started waking but was stopped by yeji's extra cute aka the disgusting witch's voice.

"Aww, please, for me? I want to give you a ride. Come on." She pouted making yeosang internally scream for having been listening to such a creep.

"uh... okay." Yeosang mumbled quietly and yeji smiled brightly.

"okay, well get in." She smirked once yeosang turned around and walked towards the car, entering it. let's see how much of a wreck you are, when I'm destroying you completely senseless. she walked towards her car and entered, "well, let's go." She smiled and started the car.

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"mr.park, you signed a wrong place." jisoo, an employee of the company said with a light chuckle.

"ah, what?" Seonghwa drifted off his thoughts when he realized what she meant, "oh! shit!" Jisoo chuckled. "sorry, I wasn't on myself."

"ah, it's okay sir. I'll get you a new paper." She smiled and Seonghwa nodded, honestly, if he had been the employee and the boss did something like this, he would've smacked himself on the face, he was glad his secretary, jisoo, didn't. "here, you need sign in the places I've put stickers."

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