➣ 41 :: 𝘖𝘊𝘌𝘈𝘕 𝘌𝘠𝘌𝘚

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"okay, there, seonghwa, we need to finish these assignments." hongjoong folded the papers and extended his arm for seonghwa to grab them, only to see the sight of the older having a pen on his hand, resting his cheek on his hand, which rested on the table, smiling.

hongjoong looked at him for a few seconds, "seonghwa" he rolled his eyes when he got no response from the older, "EARTH TO PARK SEONGHWA!" He yelled making seonghwa flinch.

"what?" seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"you saw yourself earlier? You've been daydreaming again. oh! and jisoo told me what you did earlier that day too!" Hongjoong pointed his index finger at him, as he shifted and moved his chair close to seonghwa. "now tell me, is it because of him?" he said with big eyes and a smirk.

seonghwa looked at him for a few seconds, "how do you even know I was thinking about him?"

"by the stupid smile on your face, I know it. now tell me, what did he do to make you smile like that?" he put a hand on seonghwa's shoulder, slowly moving his hand down, wiggling his brows.

seonghwa shoved his hand away and leaned back on his swivel chair, "okay, fine, maybe I was thinking of him a bit..." he smiled to himself, when he saw hongjoong's mouth open, "what?"

"I haven't seen you like that in awhile, now tell me, have you told him you love him?" He asked clapping his hands, making seonghwa chuckle at his best friend's adorable actions.

"Tell me dear joong, why are you so interested in my life? Aren't you going to get a partner for yourself?" This time, the mock was in seonghwa's tone. he smirked when he realized hongjoong's face turn into a dark shade of red.

"yah! why would you ask that? did I ask you when yeosang married you?" hongjoong playfully rolled his eyes.

"oh c'mon joongie, we all know you have hots for jongho." seonghwa said with a slight brows-wiggle.

hongjoong turned his head and looked at him for a few seconds, "okay, but like, not too much." he huffed, "I feel like he likes someone else."

seonghwa's eyes grew a bit dark, "someone else? who else does he like of our group?" he intertwined his fingers and rested his elbows on the table.

"I can't tell you. it's stupid." hongjoong sighed. he turned his head and looked at a now dark seonghwa, "but first, I need to dig my own grave."

"why'd you dig your grave? I'm not a murderer." seonghwa chuckled.

"okay, okay, but promise me not to kill me right here right now." Seonghwa nodded slowly. hongjoong gulped and took a deep breath, he closed his eyes, well, he's dead already. "i think it's..." He opened one eye to see if the expression on seonghwa's face changed, but it was still the same, dark poker face.


"y-yeosang." hongjoong shut his eyes, after a few seconds of not getting a response, he opened one eye, seeing seonghwa not on the swivel chair anymore. "oh? where did I go? wait, am I dead already?" hongjoong gulped, "well, Kim hongjoong, it was worthy of you." He huffed when he turned around, seeing seonghwa with both of his hands on the table, looking at him dead in the eyes. "AH!" He screamed, "wait, I'm not dead yet?" he pinched his cheek and looked at seonghwa, "aha ha ha" he let out an awkward giggle, "fancy seeing you here."

"what. did. you. say?" seonghwa said through gritted teeth making hongjoong gulp. "tell me that was a joke joongie, I need to hear these words." Seonghwa said with little smile, teeth gritted.

"j-jongho likes y-yeosang." Hongjoong bit his bottom lip.

"aaaaaah" seonghwa bit his bottom lip, he nodded before making his way to the chair and sitting down, "you know what," he cleared his throat. "yeosang.is.mine" he said through gritted teeth, "and anyone who tries to steal him, I'm forced to murder." he leaned back on the chair, "and you better kiss that apple as soon as possible or he'll be dead." he pointed his index finger at hongjoong.

"I agree." hongjoong huffed, "I definitely agree."

"and you should-" seonghwa's phone vibrated and he looked at the caller ID. "ah, it's dad." he picked it up, "hey, dad."

"hey, son. are you available this evening?"

"yeah, the meeting is over. I just have some more assignments to finish."

"son, there is something certainly important, I need you to get home when evening comes."

seonghwa blinked a few times, "dad, something happened?"

"oh, no... I just want everyone to be ready. don't be late." he hung up.

seonghwa looked at the phone confusedly and then looked at hongjoong, who seemed to be just as confused. "what was that?"

"my....father. He said he wants me to be ready for dinner." seonghwa sighed, "I mean, it has to be something important."

"hmm, then you should comply his word." Hongjoong nodded, "whatever happens hwa, remember that I'm always here, not just me, the others too. I'll always be here for you." Hongjoong put his hand on top of seonghwa's with a smile.

Seonghwa smiled, "thanks, joong. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."

"no problem, now finish those or I'll not let you go home!" Hongjoong hissed, seonghwa chuckled at his best friend's weird behavior, changing from soft to aggressive in a second.

"okay, okay." Seonghwa smiled and grabbed the pen.


I hope you know that you are loved.
I'm in the mood for writing these days lol so I just published a new book 'fuckboy' you can find it on my profile now.
promise is coming to an end soon! grab holy waters for the next chapter . also thanks for 2.9k+ readers, I really appreciate it.
I'd appreciate if you guys show some love to my new book.🤍

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