➣ 22 :: 𝙄𝙏 𝙒𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉

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It was afternoon and seonghwa, after thinking for a long time, decided that he should atleast talk to what yeosang has to say, even if he was never gonna believe him anyways, he has to. They have to talk, and they need to.

it was 2:30 in the afternoon when he finally dropped off home and headed towards the door, when he saw yeosang outside with the same boy that apparently claimed to be in a relationship with him. his boyfriend.

seonghwa frowned when he saw them talking, so he walked towards the two with an angry expression on his face.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" Seonghwa was ready to punch him but the boy stepped back.

"woah woah, not so fast, I was here to talk to my boyfriend, nothing else." That comment made yeosang roll his eyes and seonghwa ball his hand in a fist.

"What the hell are you saying? I'm not your boyfriend! Just say the truth!" Yeosang balled his hand in a fist, this time with anger in his tone.

"come on, baby, don't act like we don't know each other. We can just run away! You told me yourself that you curse him!" soobin said with a pout.

"What the heck are you talking about? Is yeosang your boyfriend?!" Seonghwa yelled the last part.

"yes, he is my boyfriend. And we are going to run away." Soobin said bluntly, seonghwa turned his head and glared at yeosang angrily when yeosang just shook his head.

"He's lying! I swear I don't even know him! Who paid you?! Just say the truth!" At this point yeosang was sobbing.

"baby, stop the acting. There's no need to keep it a secret anymore. He knows that we are together so we can just run away from here and from this asshole!" he got hold of yeosang's wrist and dragged him with himself, seonghwa took hold of yeosang's wrist and tugged him back.

"Let go of him!" seonghwa growled.

"No! He is my boyfriend! You fuck off!" soobin growled and that was a second when seonghwa practically held him by his collar and punched him causing him to fall on the ground.

"get the hell out of here!" Seonghwa growled before he tried to punch him again but was stopped by yeosang, seonghwa just pushed his hand away as he glared at soobin.

soobin chuckled as he stood up wiping the blood away from his nose, and practically wiping his lips as there was blood on the corner of his lips. "kid, that's my boyfriend. We are together, and he told me he loves me. So no, you fuck off, jackass!" soobin mocked, seonghwa's eyes darkened and that was when seonghwa completely lost it, as he punched him again this time harder than before, he fell on the ground once more and seonghwa started kicking him, left thigh, right thigh, his stomach, his tummy, his legs, as yeosang tried using all of his strength to stop him, soobin was covered in blood.

"yoongi! Throw this asshole out of here and I don't ever want to see his face again!" Seonghwa yelled.

"Yes sir." Yoongi nodded and picked soobin up, quickly getting him out of the mansion.

seonghwa turned his head and glared at yeosang who was scared, "how are you gonna explain this?!" Seonghwa looked away to avoid losing his temper.

"I told you I don't know him! I was outside for some air and suddenly he dragged me with himself here!" yeosang said trying to protect himself.

"the boy said himself that he's your boyfriend and you're still denying it?! You know what, you're such a liar! you have no honor, if you had, you wouldn't have married me being in a relationship! You are so messed up and lewd!" yeosang's eyes got watery and he looked at seonghwa deeper than ever before. "He's out of here, and since you're so stubborn and won't divorce me, i am going to try and forget about this since I have honor unlike you! And my family!" seonghwa growled pointing his index finger at him.

yeosang looked at him tears almost coming down his face as he was trying hard not to just break down right now right there. "No! I am not going to let this pass! Call the police!" Yeosang grabbed his phone but seonghwa captured it and threw it away, causing it to break into pieces. "What the hell are you doing?! Then you call the police!" yeosang yelled.

"shut up! And I am not going to do that! Police aren't going to help!" Seonghwa growled back as yeosang's tears started streaming down his face and he started sobbing.

"but I'm telling you... I didn't do anything. i have honor! you got to believe me! I'm saying the truth! I am not going to let the dirt get on my name! I didn't do anything! I swear he's lying!" Yeosang didn't realize that he was practically screaming.

"Stop! and don't think I am going to believe you because you're so lewd and such a liar! And remember we are never husbands! you'll never be! Never! and I make a promise!" yeosang tilted his head waiting for him to speak. "that until I am alive, i am never going to come near you and will never touch you! Not even the slightest! I am going to treat you as a slave and you'll soon understand what you did is wrong!" seonghwa pushed past him and yeosang balled his hands in fists, he closed his eyes as more tears were running down his face.

"why? why.... I didn't *sobs* I didn't do anything..." he cried heavily as he wiped away his tears by the hem of his hoodie, he walked and sat down on a bench in the yard and started crying heavily. "i *hiccups* i promised uncle sehun... how am I gonna break this promise... this is so *sobs* pressuring..." That was the last sentence he said before crying himself till evening.

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