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after a few minutes, yeosang came downstairs, unaware that seonghwa's friends were already there, just heading downstairs for a glass of water.

"shh, shh, isn't that some sound of footsteps?" san cut hongjoong off about his ranting about relationships and marriage.

after a few seconds the words were spoken, everyone turned their heads and yeosang appeared standing with big eyes on the hallway.

seonghwa stared at him with big eyes, this was the first time he actually took the opportunity to scan his features, his cousin, his husband. he had a little bit of lip gloss on making his lips shine from away, his silky strawberry blonde hair standing so perfectly on his head that a few strands fell on his face once he tilted his head, his eyelashes long and curly and he was wearing an oversized white hoodie making him look absolutely adorable and tiny, and a pair of black jeans hugging his thighs so perfectly ; seonghwa didn't even realize twice before his thoughts got tangled up inside his head, did i really marry that man.

after like 20 seconds, "oh my god! are you seonghwa hyung's husband?!" san cutely got up and walked towards yeosang as he saw the panic in the other's eyes, "I'm san, seonghwa's friend! it's nice to meet you." he straightened out his hand and yeosang, after a few seconds, took his hand and they shook hands.

"I'm hongjoong, I'm also a friend of seonghwa's, wow, he never mentioned how angelic you look." yeosang blushed when hongjoong smiled staring at yeosang with really big eyes, making seonghwa roll his eyes, why is he looking at him like that? he quickly shook out his thoughts.

"hey, seonghwa, you mind I call for everyone else? they should see him too, his beautiful face really needs more appreciation." San took out of phone and yeosang blushed, seonghwa saw the blush on yeosang's face as he was awkwardly fiddling with his fingers, he sighed as he knew he won't get out of this.

"WOOYOUNG!" San yelled making everyone flinch, "quick! collect everyone and head to seonghwa's house, now!" and with that he hung up and turned his attention once again to yeosang.

"oh, by the way, I really like your hair, can I touch it?" san smiled brightly showing his dimples, yeosang blushed once again before nodding slowly, as san grinned once more before touching yeosang's hair, "wow, it's so soft and silky, just like your skin."

seonghwa felt a pang in his heart. he couldn't understand why was he suddenly acting like this. having his cousin as his husband, even thought he was still against this marriage, seonghwa still didn't like the way san was complimenting his husband.

"come here, let's sit." san gestured for yeosang to sit with them.

"uh, actually i-"

"not taking no for an answer, we came here to see you! so come and sit with us." san got hold of yeosang's wrist and dragged him down the last three stairs, sitting him on the couch next to seonghwa while he sat down on his previous spot.

after a few seconds, the bell rang and san scurried to the door, opening it.

"you won't believe how beautiful he actually is." San whispered to the others as they all made their way inside.

"I'm sure he's not that-" jongho's sentence was interrupted as yeosang turned his head and saw a bunch of guys walking inside, immediately panicking, as now all of the others were staring at yeosang with big eyes.

"Is this a joke?" mingi whispered to San who just shook his head a no.

"damn, if it wasn't for seonghwa, I would've married him instead." wooyoung rolled his eyes, "HEY EVERYONE!!" Wooyoung yelled as seonghwa covered his ears.

"Can't you be any more loud?!" he rolled his eyes.

"not really, especially when this beautiful figure is here." wooyoung took a seat immediately next to yeosang as the couch was big and fit three people on it.

"Hello people" jongho lazily greeted as he made his way to one of the couches, the others sat down aswell, yeosang was panicking so hard as he wasn't expecting too many people.

"Hello beautiful, you're the husband, right?" wooyoung put his hand on yeosang's thigh making him panic. "Don't be scared, now tell me, how are you so pretty?" wooyoung glared at seonghwa as he noticed the flames in the elder's eyes, he smirked. "you know, your beauty is out of this world, I wonder how seonghwa got so lucky." Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"anyway, my names jongho. you probably know these assholes already," Jongho pointed to hongjoong and san as they chuckled, "And this is wooyoung, the sexy guy and also flirts a lot, so get used it. and this is mingi, he acts like a baby sometimes, and this one is yunho, the puppy." yeosang just nodded awkwardly as he wasn't really sure what to say in return.

"now I wonder, is your voice as soft as your skin?" wooyoung asked with big eyes as they decided to change places to the yard, gently breeze touching yeosang's soft hair.

"no" was all yeosang said. Everyone gasped.

"wow! Jeez! Your voice is kinda deep! Didn't expect that, I mean, you saw yourself? your hair is so pretty! And oh, not to mention your eyes, and your face whole, it's so angel-like!" wooyoung wrapped an arm around yeosang's shoulder making him gulp. "You're so shy, wow, don't worry, knowing us, seven crackheads, you won't get away." he smiled as yeosang just nodded awkwardly.

"so tell us a bit about yourself." Mingi started off.

"uhm..." yeosang gulped as he fiddled with his fingers, "I'm y-yeosang, and uh... I'm 20...th-thats all." he swallowed dry right after.

"Oh, yeosang, I'm the same age as you! Also San too, and mingi too, we really do share the same braincell." Wooyoung laughed making everyone else laugh except for seonghwa who was just judging them by the look on his face.

"so you two are cousins, right?" jongho blurted out the question making yeosang bite his bottom lip while playing with his fingers, as he nodded slowly.

they kept their conversation and started bickering, most of them it was just wooyoung flirting with yeosang on purpose and seonghwa trying not so hard to smack him on the face, and jongho roasting everyone while all yeosang did was nodding awkwardly and fiddle with his fingers.

"i-i have to go, goodnight guys." yeosang stood up as he ran in tiny upstairs to his room, making everyone chuckle just by his cuteness.

"i wish seonghwa weren't with him already, I would have been more than glad to make him my husband." jongho said his thoughts out loud and flinched when wooyoung cackled.

"what did you say?! I wish I could just put him in your pocket!" seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"if you really don't like him then why were you sending woo death glares, he's flirty with everyone but him, you were clearly dying with jealousy." san smirked when seonghwa facepalmed himself.

"i was so not jealous, you could have him for all I care." he leaned back on the couch.

"He was nothing like how you described him to be, like, he's a sweetheart, and I'm sure there's a reason he married you seonghwa, you shouldn't be harsh to him, he's so tiny and cute." san stared at his place when everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm not harsh with him, this relationship will end up in a divorce." seonghwa closed his eyes.

"but you're going to fall into your own trap Hyung!" san crossed his arms over his chest.

"what trap?" yunho asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"seonghwa's planning on making him fall for him and then leaving him alone like a toy!" hongjoong smacked seonghwa's thigh and sending him a death glare, seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"what?! seriously?! then I'll tear you apart with my bear hands!" jongho aid with an extreme angry face.

"you'll end up falling for him, this is not good." mingi leaned back on the couch.

"we'll see about that."

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