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"yeah, yeah, is this a really good idea? I mean, yeah, what? are you serious?" Seonghwa sighed into the phone as he parked the car, "but what if he notices? my life will be over!" seonghwa huffed, "yeah, okay, I promise." He rolled his eyes and hung up, "hongjoong really wants me to do this..... well...I can be an actor sometimes." He shrugged and got out of the car, closing the car door.

he then pulled out his keys and opened the door, closing it slowly, not to make a noise. he noticed yeosang's shadow getting close, indicating that he was coming to the noise. so he took it as an opportunity and leaned back on the door, hand on head.

"are you okay? had a rough day at work?" Yeosang approached the older and scanned him, he looked pretty exhausted. or that's what he thought.

"yeah, I'm fine" seonghwa massaged his temple, "I'll just go change" he said in an extra tired voice,taking a few steps but tripping on purpose, making yeosang gasp.

"you are not okay, did you catch a cold?" yeosang said concerned, looking at seonghwa all worried and curiosity plastered on his face.

seonghwa noticed the sudden tone change in his voice and smirked, he began fake coughing.

"you caught a cold!" yeosang scolded him and playfully smacked his head.

"ow! it's not my fault!" seonghwa rolled his eyes, "well, I'll go change." He then scurried upstairs leaving yeosang all concerned. After a few minutes, yeosang finally decided he should go upstairs and check up on him.

there, he saw seonghwa on their shared bed, covering himself with the sheets, plenty of tissues on the ground and the bed, coughing and sneezing. yeosang oofed, making seonghwa look at him with puppy eyes.

"does anywhere hurt?" Yeosang suddenly asked as he sat down on the bed.

"my head aches really bad." seonghwa pretended to sound desperate and closed his eyes.

"I'll go bring you a painki-"

"NO!" Seonghwa got hold of his wrist making yeosang turn back and look at him confused. Seonghwa widened his eyes as he yelled, "i m-mean, I don't want a painkiller." Yeosang raised a brow.

"okay, did you have to yell like that?" Yeosang let out a light chuckle, "then, what do you want?"

"I've heard that... forehead massage helps headaches." Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, he doesn't even know where did he get this lie from, but anything will help at the moment.

"forehead massage" Yeosang mumbled to himself as he looked hesitant for a second, "o...kay" he extended his hand and placed it on seonghwa's forehead, massaging it slowly. seonghwa let out a sigh of relief as now yeosang was taking care of him.

he looked at him with hearts in his eyes, smile on his face as he saw how concerned the younger was. Maybe he really meant something to him, or he would've left him and told him to take care of himself.

after a minute, yeosang stopped and removed his hand. "better?"

"Better." Seonghwa smiled and lied down, closing his eyes so that he'd look 'tired.'

"let me check your temperature." yeosang then slowly placed the palm of his hand on his forehead, he raised a brow and seonghwa swears he almost had a heart attack his plan had been caught. "strange, you're not hot." yeosang bit his bottom lip when he saw seonghwa trembling. no, he was not acting. he was really trembling. and if you wonder why, because maybe yeosang found out about his plan and maybe he'll never talk to him again or will call him a liar or-

"Do you want me to make you soup?" Seonghwa widened his eyes, astonished that this time the world didn't go against his wills. "I'll take that as a yes. I'll be back in a while." Yeosang stood up and walked downstairs, leaving the boy amused.

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