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character development, hehe, when I say you'll love me more for this chapter, I mean it. 🖤


"yeah, okay, okay, bye" seonghwa closed the door, leaning his back on it. finally some silence. gosh, silence felt good sometimes. maybe you don't always have to hear wooyoung yelling, hongjoong squeaking, San and wooyoung all lovey-dovey, and most of all, jongho all flirty with yeosang. he didn't have any feelings for yeosang, or that's what he thought so, but jongho and yeosang just didn't settle in his mind. he huffed, making his way towards the living room, seeing yeosang playing video games on the phone he got him.

he looked at him for a whole minute, gosh he's pretty. seonghwa didn't realize he was smiling like a loser, until yeosang turned his head and saw him looking at him. seonghwa got embarrassed and cleared his throat, finally approaching the younger.

"can i sit?" he asked, this time, gentleness in his tone. yeosang looked at him for a few seconds, before he nodded slowly. Seonghwa sighed as he sat down on the couch next to him, his husband. It just didn't settle in his mind that he was already married, and with someone he want. But now, he starts to think yeosang isn't that bad. he should atleast try to get the good in him. "what are you playing?"

"bubble fighter." yeosang responded calmly, his eyes still focused on the phone screen.

"hmm, I play that game too." seonghwa hummed, "actually, there's this level I can't pass. can you try?" he pulled out his phone and unlocked it, waiting for yeosang to say something.

yeosang turned his head and looked at him, he nodded after a few seconds. Seonghwa smiled and gave him the phone, yeosang grabbed it and put his own phone down, his eyes started to focus on seonghwa's phone screen, he started the level.

During the whole time, seonghwa's eyes were focused on yeosang, the way he focused on the game, the way his eyes were wary of every move, his eyes big and focused, his lips soft and pink... seonghwa licked his lips. the way his hair fell so perfectly soft on his foreheads covering his eyes, every now and then shaking his head to remove the hair on his forehead. seonghwa watched as the boy struggled because of his hair, he was hesitant for a moment before he moved one of his hands, tucking a piece of hair his bleached blonde hair behind his ear.

yeosang turned his head and looked at him with big eyes, as now their faces were only centimeters apart. seonghwa looked at him deeply, they held eye contact. this time, none of them broke it, they just kept staring, it was like one of them wanted the other to look away, but neither of them wanted to lose the game.

seonghwa slowly started closing the gap between them, as yeosang just looked at him, unmoving. Their faces were only inches apart, yeosang's eyes were fluttering shut whenever seonghwa closed an inch between them, as seonghwa slowly closed his eyes and leaned in, doing what his heart has been telling him to, and this time not his brain.

what he feels next is soft lips against his own. fireworks exploded in his stomach and swarm of butterflies bursted from his tummy. This was his first kiss and he never thought it would be with a boy. with his cousin. seonghwa put his hand behind yeosang's head, pulling the younger closer.

Seonghwa kissed him slowly and gently, not wanting to mess things up. he doesn't even know why he's doing this ; but he knew from the bottom of his heart that he had been longing for this moment. now, there is no denying that he completely fell for the one and only, kang yeosang. his thoughts got messy and his heartbeat increased, he thought he had fucked up.. but all the negative thoughts got washed away, when the younger started returning the gesture.

the kiss only lasted for ten seconds, but it felt like hours,days,years... for him. Seonghwa pulled away. with their foreheads connected, eyes still closed, he processed what just happened. he kissed yeosang. but he doesn't regret it, sometimes it's okay to follow our hearts and not brains. yeosang gasped softly when seonghwa moved his hand from the back of his head to his waist, pulling him closer, connecting their lips again.

this time, the kiss was longer and more passionate. yeosang chose not to kiss back the second time, letting seonghwa take the lead. a part of seonghwa chose just to pull away and run upstairs, but other part of him told him not to. and that's what he did, this time kissing him passionately.

yeosang gasped when he felt seonghwa's tongue trace his bottom lip. Seonghwa doesn't even know what happened to him, suddenly, he's started to see the younger differently. the only one time seonghwa saw yeosang was when he was with his mom, young. but now, he's definitely not what seonghwa imagined him to be. Angelic, beautiful, gorgeous.

seonghwa pulled away after what felt like forever, already feeling all the butterflies in his tummy. he pulled away and saw the younger slowly open his eyes, suddenly shy. seonghwa let out a slight chuckle, when he noticed the younger was blushing.

"you want to sleep or...?" seonghwa spoke up first.

"i...im going to sleep." yeosang stood you rapidly and was about to go upstairs, when suddenly seonghwa stood up and grabbed his wrist, making him turn back.

"goodnight, sangie." the nickname made yeosang's heart flutter, he really doesn't know what has happened to seonghwa, but he does appreciate it.

"g-goodnight seonghwa" yeosang said shyly as he turned around and quickly ran upstairs, covering his face with his hands. the action that made seonghwa's heart flutter, and he knew that he couldn't hide his feelings for the younger.

did you expect that?👀

-did you expect that?👀

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