➣ 24 :: 𝙉𝙊𝙒 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙉

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yeosang woke up in the bed with the sheets over him, his vision was blurry for a few second s before everything came clear, he panicked and jumped up, when he realized he was in the bed. After a few seconds trying to collect his thoughts, he sat still on the bed and rubbed his nape.

when did I get here?

who brought me here?

what am I doing here?

I didn't sleep here...?

his thoughts were interrupted from the door opening, as nana entered with a big smile and tray in hand, walking towards the desk and placing the tray down, breakfast.

"here's your breakfast sir yeosang." she turned around but stopped on tracks.

"wait." nana turned around fixated his gaze on the boy, "did i sleep here?" Yeosang asked after a few seconds of silence.

nana flashed a big smile before answering, "sir yeosang, you fell asleep outside on the bench, it was freezing cold." Yeosang nodded motioning for him to continue, she smiled before continuing, "mr.seonghwa carried you to here." yeosang's eyes widened and nana chuckled at his reaction.

"you mean..." yeosang looked at nana with big eyes as she nodded with a bright yet amusing smile.

"yes, he carried you braided style." yeosang gasped and put his hand on his mouth, nana chuckled once again before he walked towards the boy and sat down on the bed next to him. "you see, mr.park has a soft and harsh side, sometimes he can be harsh, but soft too. So don't you worry, I'm sure he'll end up falling for you eventually." She winked at him before she stood up and walked out of the room, leaving yeosang a flustered mess.

"i don't know what to understand." he stood up looking outside the window, as always.

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"I just... it's not like I care about him anyway." Seonghwa shrugged being done with all the stupid opinions coming from the other two.

"but.... he's your husband after all." yunho pouted.

"yeah, a temporary husband." Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "I just can't understand him, he skips literally every meal, and yesterday he fell asleep on the cold bench." He rolled his eyes once more.

"he fell asleep on the bench?" wooyoung mumbled to himself, "where did he sleep?"

Seonghwa stopped eating and put his fork down for a few seconds, he bit his bottom lip.

"i asked you a question, are you deaf?" Wooyoung asked again.

"i...i might have carried him to.....the bed." Seonghwa mumbled slowly.

wooyoung and yunho's eyes widened, "don't tell me you....." yunho gasped when seonghwa looked away, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"YOU... YOU CARRIED HIM BRAIDED STYLE DIDNT YOU?" Wooyoung yelled making everyone at the cafe turn to look at them, he looked at the people for a brief second before giving them a thumbs up, everyone went back to eating their breakfast and wooyoung sat down, yunho's hand still on his mouth and a blushing seonghwa's hand on his forehead.

"and you say you don't care about him? If you didn't, you would've just left him.l you really should stop lying... and above all, stop lying to yourself!" Wooyoung hissed angrily giving seonghwa's head a light smack.

"if I had left him my father would have gotten mad at me! so let me have my breakfast in peace! I said he and I is impossible!" yunho rolled his eyes getting the respond from the older.

"Fine, I'll let it go... for now." Wooyoung side eyed yunho before they started eating again.

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"I really need to talk to my brother.. I need to tell him it was me and not yeosang!" Nancy hissed but huffed when he found out her phone is with her mom and not herself. Suddenly the door opened and revealed nana.

"here's your coffee miss Nancy." She bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

"thanks nana..." she mumbled slightly, "WAIT!" Nancy yelled making nana flinch and turn around.

"did I do something wrong miss?" Nana asked worried.

"no, no no! You didn't! It's just... ugh... nana... help me... out?" nana tilted her head indicating to how she should help, "I need your phone to call my brother." nana nodded after a few seconds and handed her the phone, Nancy squeaked and snatched the phone from her hand. "You can leave, I'll bring it back to you when I'm done." Nana nodded and turned around, closing the door after herself.

"so now... don't be anxious... just do the right thing. Telling my brother that it was me who was in a relationship with soobin and not yeosang..." she exhaled a big breath before inhaling, as he dialed seonghwa's number.


"h-hi... seonghwa.. it's me, Nancy." She slightly panicked.

"who's phone is this?"

"doesn't matter, where are you, anyway?" She asked while biting her index finger.


"leaverightnowandcomebackhomeineedyou." Nancy said apparently not waiting a second.

"wait... but I-"

"waiting! Love you! Bye!" She practically hung up and huffed, "I'll just tell him what I did is wrong."

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seongsang posted selcas today and apparently I'm drooling over my babies. hehe :) anyways, do you think Nancy will do the right thing or retreat? thanks for reading this chapter! 🖤

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