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"yeosang! No wait!" Seonghwa yelled and chased after him, but yeosang never stopped running. eventually, seonghwa started running after him until he caught up with him, he tugged him backwards and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "Please don't go, please" he whispered desperately, as he could hear yeosang sob continuously.

"don't touch me! I said let go!" yeosang tried prying his hands off but no avail against seonghwa's strong grasp. "let go of me! I hate you!" he wiggled, trying to get out of his grub, but seonghwa was too strong against him.

"you don't mean that... Please don't go..." seonghwa almost begged at this point, since his voice was shaking and he thought he sounded to desperate, but he doesn't care. "I admit what I did was wrong but please give me another chance. I swear I won't be an asshole this time. I swear." he felt yeosang shake his head in his grip. "Yeosang..." he whispered desperately, voice shaky and poor.

"please, just let go of me. forget about me." yeosang closed his eyes as another tear rolled down his cheek, biting his bottom lip to suppress more tears just like numerous times. "you want to be free again, so let me go and live freely." he whispered, seonghwa shook his head rapidly and held him tighter.

yeosang shifted a bit, waiting for a brief second. seonghwa had a little bit of hope inside his heart that yeosang might forgive him, but he definitely did not expect what was about to happen next. yeosang moved one of his hands and pulled out the ring that was on his finger, as he got hold of one of seonghwa's hands and grabbed it, putting the ring in the palm of his hand as he let out another sob.

"no, no, no please don't do this to me. don't leave me alone. please stay with me. please..." seonghwa started crying, sobbing between his words. "please don't let me go... please... I love you." yeosang froze, yes, seonghwa has told him before that he loves him, but right now, he sounded to needy and desperate.

yeosang started shaking, "no." gathering all of his strength, he managed to push seonghwa's arms away, running away from him.

"YEOSANG! YEOSANG NO! YEOSANG!" Seonghwa started chasing after him, but it was no use when yeosang suddenly extended his hand for a cab, entering it quickly and the driver started driving. seonghwa started chasing after it, yelling out his name many, many times. yeosang looked back and saw seonghwa still running after him, as he put his hand on his mouth and started crying heavily. eventually, Seonghwa gave up when the figure of the cab disappeared.

he fell down on his knees and started crying like little kids cry when their moms ain't home to feed them. his life was black and white, yeosang was there right in front of him, painting his world into colors he would've never imagined it before. he started sobbing swiftly, "yeosang... yeosang..." he whispered his name countless times, closing his eyes for a brief second, hoping that he'd wake up in the same bed as yeosang, wanting for this nightmare to end. he opened his eyes, but not did a single thing change.


˚. Two months later


a mess. a literal mess. that's what seonghwa looks like right now.

curled up into a ball on his bed. ever since yeosang left him behind that day, he started crying non-stop and haven't talked much since that day. he would hardly go out with his friends anymore, at this point, he doesn't even care about the company issues.

he had set up hongjoong to do his work at the company for a while, until he heals, but he didn't. he didn't even think he could ever move on from yeosang, the boy that he cursed to death.

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