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"you finally made it." mrs.park smiled and motioned for them to sit.

"thank you! we are too, especially my daughter." Yoon-ah smiled as she wrapped an arm around yeji's shoulder, who also had a shy smile on her face. "so, where are the two handsome guys?" Yoon-ah then asked as he sat on the couch along with the others.

"oh, seonghwa, he's upstairs, and sehun, he usually comes home late. He'll be back soon though."

sounds of footsteps were heard from the stairs coming down, as all of them turned their attention to the one coming down the stairs. park seonghwa.

yeji has always had a dream about him, not just her but people in particular. seonghwa was wealthy, he had everything, looks, personality, friends, happiness, everything you could call it. his father was a rich ceo and he lived in what you could call a mansion. he spent his 22 years on useless things, visiting bars, spending time with girls and boys, but he never actually hooked up with anyone. he just wanted to live his own life without anyone interrupting him from it.

"seonghwa! Oh my! Handsome!" Yoon-ah cooed as he stood up to give the boy a hug."

seonghwa smiled as he returned the hug, "hm, you know that" he pulled away from the hug.

"I have my daughter with myself, yeji, say hi!" She said as he smiled.

seonghwa looked over to the girl and just let out a little smile, as everyone stood up and even his own mother hugged him, due to having such handsome energy.

"my son is always like this, I told him we had guests, so that's why he's so organized." his mother winked at him which caused seonghwa to roll his eyes.

seonghwa wasn't into girls. in fact, he never knew about it, either. he didn't know what to call his sexuality ; straight, gay, bi, nothing ever helped him. but he knew he wasn't into girls, and he knew very well yeji liked him, so he'd just deaf himself in situations like this. He wasn't planning on coming out anytime soon.

"uhm, where's mr.sehun?" Yoon-ah said as her eyes were searching.

"he'll be here, I'm sure, and he'll meet this gorgeous girl."

the sound of the doorknob jiggling and the sound of footsteps approaching the living room echoed through the whole house, making a smile appear on all of their faces.

"mr.park! how glad am I to see you!" yoon-ah smiled.

"I'm glad, too." Sehun returned the smile, "Yeosang, come in." And with that, a new figure entered the house, standing beside sehun.

"Who's this gorgeous boy?" Yoon-ah smiled towards yeosang who just looked away in return.

"This," sehun started, "this is my future groom."

he finished as everyone's eyes went wide. nobody could believe what they were hearing, not even seonghwa. sehun turned his head to seonghwa, who had a raging look on his face, as he grabbed his car keys and made his way outside.

"seonghwa! Where are you going?!" Mrs.park yelled but it was useless, since he has already went outside and left.

"nana, show yeosang his room and make sure to make it clean." Sehun then said as he nodded at yeosang and yeosang followed the maid, sehun made his way towards his office. after a while, mrs.park followed him.

"do you have any idea what you are doing? That decision will ruin your son's life!"

sehun turned his head to her, "I'm a father and I know what's good for my son."

"but, you do realize that he's a boy!"

"So what if he is? I'm sure seonghwa is not into girls." Sehun said in a calm tone.

"sehun, you will ruin his life. He's your son. You can't make him do such thing just because you're his father!" mrs.park fisted his hand on the table.

"I'm his father, I know what's good for him and what's not. And I know what's you have in mind, making him marry some girl? That's not going to happen."

"sehun! As his mother, I'm never going to agree with this decision! You lost your mind, you need to rethink! what will people say? park seonghwa the handsome boy has married a boy?! our reputation will be farewelled! I can't believe you!" She screamed at this point.

"whatever you're going to say, I'm not listening to you. whoever that doesn't agree with my decision, the door is opened." He pointed to the door.

"what? so you're going to kick me out of my own house?" Mrs.park almost fainted at this point.

"I didn't say I'm kicking you out of my house, I said the door is open, and whoever is going against my word, can pack their things and get out of the house."

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