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"here's the place." Seonghwa announced as yeosang hummed, opening the car door and both of them made their way towards the place, seonghwa had a present in his hand. The two made their way towards the birthday party when a bunch of cheers got heard.

"yeosang! Seonghwa! You are here!" Wooyoung cooed as he ran towards the two, hugging yeosang tightly. seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"no hugs for me?" he fake pouted when hongjoong fake gagged.

"no, sorry, yeosang is the one to be hugged." That made yeosang chuckle a little, seonghwa turned his head and looked at how bright his face looked, but back to his pokerface immediately when wooyoung started wiggling his brows.

"seonghwa! You're here!" Yeji shouted from the hallway scurrying and jumping to his arms, making san roll his eyes, hongjoong and wooyoung huffing in synchronization.

"yeah, haha." Seonghwa helplessly patted her back in an attempt to pull away because she was practically squeezing him, not to mention the height difference, he literally had to bend down to hug her. his fake laugh made wooyoung and jongho stop from bursting out laughing their asses off.

"I thought you weren't gonna come." She smiled as she pulled away, "and you." She looked at yeosang making him look away. "Guys, this is seonghwa, and his husband." Yeji said sarcastically making hongjoong roll his eyes.

"wow! what's his name?" A girl asked in the crowd.

"yeosang, kang yeosang." Yeji asked making yeosang tik this head, how does she even know my full name. He raised his brows for a brief second. seonghwa noticed a couple of boys in the corner looking at yeosang with big eyes, some of them whispering to each other, he wrapped his arm around yeosang's waist pulling him closer, making yeji grit her teeth, jongho and san agape their mouths.

"look, he's getting possessive already." Wooyoung whispered to yunho, Yunho nodded.

"Anyway, guys, first things first, i'd like to apologize to yeosang." Yeji said in an extra cute voice making seonghwa raise a brow, "yeosang, I sincerely apologize, since we have to eat on a table and not the floor, I tried to make the maids understand but, we have to eat on a table. You need to suit yourself." she said sarcastically making wooyoung roll his eyes, hongjoong gritted his teeth. "I know it might be hard for you to eat on a table since you were taught to eat on the floor in your village, how can we eat on the floor?" She pouted as seonghwa licked his dry lips.

yeosang turned his head and looked at yeji for a few seconds, "maybe, if you guys train on yoga, you will be able to eat on the floor." he said, no sarcasm in his voice, just in a normal tone with a normal face, making the whole crowd laugh. seonghwa watched as yeji gritted her teeth, he let out a light chuckle, hongjoong chuckled and wooyoung couldn't hold himself, as he laughed horribly for a few seconds,until san smacked his shoulder making him stop.

"hmmmm, okay. well, guys, this is yeosang, seonghwa's husband, you see, he married him without even considering seonghwa's opinion. well, he appeared out of nowhere, and now is the owner of the park family's mansion." She stopped for a brief second as she looked directly at yeosang, "you can say they never met each other in their lives, well, yeosang, you finished college. you were born in a village, weren't you? can you tell us how it feels like to live in village?"

the whole crowd turned their heads to yeosang, waiting for him to answer, including seonghwa, who looked at him, despite their faces being so close and the arm wrapped so perfectly around his waist, yeosang looked at her for two seconds, "yes, I finished college." He nodded, "yes, I was born in a village." He stopped for a few seconds, "living in a village is different than living in a big city. There are neighbors there. they care for each other, everyday, in the morning the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. there's a lack amount of cockiness, people are happy. you can say, life in a village is simple and happier than in a city." he finished, the calmest than ever, making hongjoong clap for him, next wooyoung, then the rest of the crowd as Seonghwa smiled proudly and looked at yeji, notching the expression on her face, he pulled yeosang closer.

"yeosang was born in a village. He came to a rich family because he didn't have a house to live in, as you see. In your guys opinions, is this a good thing? in my own opinion, this is really lewd, and pathetic." she said sarcastically, as yeosang looked down, balling his hand in a fist trying to prevent any tears from coming down. Seonghwa noticed the look on yeosang's face as he looked at yeji, she was proud that she made yeosang feel sad after all.

"sometimes, our biggest mistake, leads us to our happiness." Seonghwa said as yeji turned her head, she looked at him as he unwrapped the arm around yeosang's waist, intertwining their hands together instead. This action made yeosang raise his head as he looked at their hands, then at seonghwa who looked back at him. This also made the others agape their mouths, when wooyoung squeaked, yeji looked at their hands and gritted her teeth, she almost exploded from anger. "so, please don't look at everyone as yourself." seonghwa said as he smiled, holding yeosang's hand tighter in his, as yeji let out a fake smile. Seonghwa handed the present to yeji, as she took it from him, "let's go." Seonghwa said as he turned around, both of them started leaving as wooyoung finally let out his laugh.

"why did they leave? They just came."

"who was he? He was gorgeous."

"they are perfect for each other."

several comments were said from the crowd when the pair left, making yeji angrier as he made his way inside her room, completely regretting about making this whole birthday party thing.

yeosang and seonghwa made their way outside, their hands still locked as seonghwa wasn't pulling away, yeosang just held onto his hand as they made their way to the car, seonghwa let go of yeosang's hand and opened the door for him. why did he do this? yeosang thought to himself when he went inside the car, later then seonghwa went inside and started the car, the two made their way home.

during the ride, it was silence between them. yeosang looked out the Dino's when seonghwa glared at him most of the time, they finally made their way home as yeosang opened the car door, but seonghwa grabbed his wrist, which made him turn around and look at seonghwa. "we need to talk." Seonghwa said as yeosang stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Later, I'm tired right now." yeosang slowly pulled his hand away, as he got out of the car. seonghwa huffed, as he rapidly got out of the car and entered the house. he looked inside and saw yeosang making his way to the hallway, he scurried to him and grabbed his sleeve, making him turn around.

"what are you doing? let go." Yeosang said, trying to back away but seonghwa held his sleeve tighter, "I said let go of me." yeosang repeated, this time anger evident in his tone.

"not until we talk!" seonghwa complained, "I'm trying to fix my mistake! and you don't let me, you keep running away from me!" seonghwa said angrily when yeosang pulled away his hand.

"is that how you are trying to fix your mistake? anger yourself?!" He said louder than he intended.

"I'm not!" Seonghwa took a deep breath, "I'm not angering myself!"

"then what are you doing? Isn't that anger?!" Yeosang argued back with the same tone. "I don't want to talk about anything." He turned around and started walking away.

"you are so cocky! you do realize that?" seonghwa said making yeosang stop in his tracks, as seonghwa made a few steps towards him, standing behind him. "You are someone who scurried from a village to marry me." yeosang waited for a few seconds as he turned around.


it was harder than he intended, but that's what someone gets for talking about his honor. seonghwa closed his eyes and turned his head, looking at a new angry yeosang. yeosang turned around again and walked away, leaving seonghwa all for himself.

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