➣ 16 :: 𝘾𝘼𝙉'𝙏 𝙃𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙐𝙎

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yeosang was inpatient as to what was happening and what he had done, he heard that mrs.park had left the house so he decided to call her, to find out what happened.

"yes?" mrs.park answered.

"uhm..mrs.park..its me, yeosang."

"you? why are you calling me?!" she almost growled.

"Mrs.park, can we meet please? it's important."

"okay. the purple studio, be there in five minutes." she hung up as yeosang took a deep breath, hopefully he'd get some clues as to what he had done.

yeosang walked out of the house with his wallet and started making his way to the streets, after asking for addresses he finally found out the purple studio, with a sigh he entered as it had two floors, he didn't find her in the first floor so he walked towards the second, as he finally saw her, and walked towards a chair she was sitting on.

"why are you here? for apologizing?" mrs.park didn't even look at him.

"mrs.park, I'm sure there's a misunderstanding, I haven't told anything to my uncle." yeosang said calmly as he stood in front of her.

"I know." The answer came out quick.

yeosang blinked a few times in confusion, "I didn't get it?"

"I know you haven't said anything." She smirked.

"why?" yeosang asked with pain his eyes. "i was worried for you miss, I wish you haven't chosen such way."

Seulgi stood up, "you were worried for me?" She chuckled, "I told you that the first day you came into that house, you should've been gone, but what did you do? You didn't comply me, and now you are going to pay for it. Told you I'd make your life hell." Yeosang turned around to leave as he wasn't having it but was stopped when he heard her speak again.

"when your mother died, I was so happy, I said that atleast we had survived from her, but you came." yeosang avoided blinking from tears getting down his face, as his vision was getting blurry, indicating that he was slowly starting to break down, but he stopped himself.

"how did your mother die? did she die with pain?" she chuckled, yeosang turned around with a blank expression on his face, not angry or anything, just a simple expression, "you look so much like your mother, you know." she took a few steps to him as she started swirling around him, "your silence, your face, your behavior.." yeosang just blinked in silence. "You do realize that your mom is a stripper right?" She stopped in front of him making yeosang close his eyes for a brief second before he opened them again.

"you have no right to talk about my mom like that." he said trying to stop crying and looking stupid.

"oh? what are you gonna do? It's not my fault that your mother committed suicide because she hooked up with men."

"I said you can't talk about my mom like that." Yeosang repeated, with a blank expression.

"what if do? are you gotta stop me?" She chuckled.

"if it requires, i'll stop you." yeosang finally blinked.

"you slut." seulgi's eyes darkened, "I'm not gonna let this pass on you, stripper." yeosang turned around as he couldn't stop himself from crying, walking away.

Mrs.park chuckled as she's been so proud for making him break down like that.

yeosang rushed out of the cafe, as he tried to stop every tear from coming down his face, he saw a taxi so he straightened his arm, he told the address and he returned home, breaking down.


"I really hate all of this! I can't deal with all of us joong!" Seonghwa yelled in anger.

"Okay, but do you have evidence that he actually has accused your mother? I mean, proof comes first right?" Hongjoong asked.

"Hongjoong, are you sayin that my mother is lying? I don't know, I honestly don't know! I wis I never agreed to this marriage, my life's been terrible every since that boy came into it!"

"But seonghwa, you cant just blame the boy without actual proof, did you ask him about it?"

"I did, and all he says is that he hasn't done anything! god, help me." he sat down massaging his temple.

"Seonghwa, you shouldn't be so anxious right now. I'm sure things will get better." Seonghwa nodded with eyes closed as today has been an exhausting day,


seonghwa had returned home and immediately walked towards their room, as he saw yeosang sitting on the bed and looking at the floor.

"get up, we are going." seonghwa commanded as he handed yeosang a jacket since it was kind of cold outside.

"where to?" yeosang asked not taking the jacket. seonghwa sighed as he grabbed his arm and stood him up, making downstairs. They reached outside and yeosang wore the jacket, seonghwa signaled for him to get in the car to which he did, as seonghwa started the car and drove.

it was silence, "excuse me, but can you tell me where are we going?" seonghwa didnt answer and kept driving, yeosang sighed as he watched outside the window, a few minutes pass and finally the car stopped. seonghwa opened the car door and got out, he walked towards yeosang as he opened the car door for him, yeosang got out of the car and looked at him in confusion when he found themselves standing in front of a cafe which had three floors.

seonghwa looked at him and tilted his head, yeosang took a breath and they went in side by side as they finally reached the third floor. "Why are we here?" Yeosang asked confused.

"for something important." seonghwa simply answered, but soon yeosang's answer was questioned when he saw mrs.park sitting at a table, staring at the two with amusement.

Seonghwa grabbed yeosang's hand and they walked towards the table, standing in front of mrs.park as yeosang took a quick glare at seonghwa before he turned his glare back at mrs.park, who had a devious smirk.

"Apologize to my mom." Seonghwa commanded to which yeosang blinked a few times.

"so that's why we are here? for me to apologize for something I haven't done?" he glared at seonghwa with was glaring back at him with a blank expression. it was silence for a few seconds, "sorry." yeosang mumbled looking at seonghwa.

seonghwa cringed, "not me, apologize to her." yeosang turned his head to seulgi.

"sorry." seulgi smirked when he heard the word coming out of his mouth, "I apologized for something I haven't done, but I'll let myself be slandered. One day the truths will be shown, and that day I am not expecting apologies, I'll let it go, but your consciousness will not let you sleep in peace, if you have conscience, of course." his eyes were watery as he meant every word he was saying, seonghwa looked at him with pain in his eyes, but yeosang quickly pushed past them, and after a few seconds seonghwa followed him.

yeosang rushed out of the cafe, when Seonghwa grabbed his arm, "where are you going?"

yeosang pushed his hand away, "stay away from me. Don't touch me ever again!"

"where do you think you're going?!" seonghwa yelled.

"home!" yeosang was stopped by seonghwa once again.

"How are you going to go home? You don't even know the address!"

"I'll go myself!" Yeosang raised his voice.

Seonghwa sighed, "get in the car."

"I don't need it. I'll go myself!" Yeosang turned around and started walking.

"god" seonghwa facepalmed himself, "fine!" He yelled as he made his way to his car, going to their company.

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