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grab your holy waters for this chapter hehehe ;)


it was around the morning, seonghwa was the first one to wake up as usual, he groaned, stretching himself, before he got out of the couch with a long yawn. suddenly, he felt pain in his sleeve, which indicated that the wound should've been cleaned already.

he stood up and walked to the bathroom, after a while, he got out and made his way towards yeosang's room. The door was closed, he was hesitant for a moment if he should go in or not, but eventually, he gave in because of the ache in his arm.

he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, his expression changed from worried to shock in a second, seeing yeosang on the edge of the window, he was awake already. He huffed, approaching the younger male. "morning." he smiled a little.

"morning." Yeosang mumbled after a few seconds.


"uhm... m-my wound..."

"oh!" Yeosang got up and quickly made his way towards the drawer, taking out tissues and bandages. Seonghwa sat down on the bed, yeosang sat down next to him.

Yeosang started untucking the bandage around seonghwa's arm, cleaned the wound and then tucked new bandage around his arm. seonghwa looked at him with hearts in his eyes, but who was he, anyway? I'm straight, I'm straight, I'm straight, I'm straight, I can't fall for him nononono-

"there you go" seonghwa flinched, it was clear as day he was tangled up in his messy thoughts, yeosang's warm voice startled him, "did I scare you?"

"oh, no no, you didn't! I was thinking. haha" seonghwa laughed awkwardly, yeosang just watched in silence, taking in everything he could think of in the moment.

"uhm, it's... done." Literally, seonghwa wasnt even listening. He was too busy looking at the brown eyes next to him, he didn't even realize yeosang was looking back at him, regardless of the proximity between their faces, only inches apart. They held eye-contact for a few seconds, seonghwa slowly started leaning in.

5 inches.

4 inches.

3 inches.

2 inches.

1 inch.


a loud shriek made both of them flinch and yeosang quickly stood up, walking outside. Seonghwa huffed and stood up after a few seconds, following the boy as he had gone downstairs.

"what happened?" yeosang walked into the kitchen seeing nana on the kitchen counter, with a lint roller in his hands, clearly panicked.

"mr.park... theres a cockroach..." nana said shakily, yeosang chuckled for a brief second before seonghwa entered the kitchen.

"what happened there?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"sir! there's a big cockroach there!" Nana climbed off the kitchen counter, handing seonghwa the lint roller, "bye!" she ran out of the kitchen as soon as possible. Seonghwa looked at the lint roller in his hand, looking over at yeosang, who just looked back at him. Seonghwa bit his bottom lip, he didn't want yeosang to know that one of his biggest fears were cockroaches, basically every insect.

"here, you do it." Seonghwa handed the lint roller to yeosang, yeosang rolled his eyes and grabbed it, scanning the kitchen.

"AH!" Seonghwa screamed making yeosang cover his ears, "ITS THERE!" Seonghwa yelled. "THERE THERE THERE!" Seonghwa chanted yelling.

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