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"yeosang! it's your turn!" yeosang turned his head and looked at yunho, "since seonghwa is your husband, your gonna have to play with him." Yeosang turned his head and looked at seonghwa, seonghwa looked at him for a few seconds, he nodded.

yeosang slowly stood up in his seat, until yunho whispered something to him. he hesitated for a few seconds before he let out a small 'huff' , indicating that he should do it, there's no way he can get out of this.

he slowly started, using his index finger and pouting it at himself.

"you" seonghwa said suddenly, "i" he said another assumption when yeosang pointed his index finger at himself once again, yeosang then pointed the index finger at seonghwa, "me" yeosang closed his eyes for a brief second, before he pointed his index finger at seonghwa again. "Me" yeosang shook his head, then he started all over again.

he pointed his index finger at himself, then at seonghwa, and the wrapped both his index fingers together. Seonghwa tilted his head a bit, "i...you...us..." yeosang shook his head, he made a heart, and threw the heart to seonghwa, "love...for me?" yeosang facepalmed himself making the others giggle.

yeosang then tried again, this time, he did it step by step. Firs, he pointed his index finger at himself. "i" Seonghwa said, Yeosang nodded rapidly, then he drew a heart in the air, "heart.....love" Yeosang nodded quickly, then he pointed his index finger at seonghwa.

it isn't what I think...is it really? is it? Seonghwa looked at him for a few seconds, "i...love...you" yeosang eyes shot open, and a little smile made its way to his face, seonghwa really did find the answer. "I love you." seonghwa repeated again, this time, directly staring into yeosang's eyes when he repeated it again, "I love you." Yeosang stared at him deeper than ever, too dumb to actually know that he meant it, or not too dumb.

"for fuck's sake seonghwa, it was obvious" jongho rolled his eyes, "I found it out just by the first time."

"it was my round, not yours." Seonghwa gave him a sarcastic smile.

"yeosang, how can you survive him?" Hongjoong rolled his eyes, "he's still the same spoiled brat he used to be a few years ago." That earned him a smack on the thigh from seonghwa.

"shut up, will you?" seonghwa gritted his teeth.

"oh, look, he's telling me to tell you when he cried like a girl when he was immature and his parents punished him by throwing a cockroach into his room making him-" seonghwa pinched his thigh shutting him up.

seonghwa turned his head and looked at yeosang dead in the eye when he noticed him quietly laughing, "what is so funny?" he asked madly.

yeosang's head shot up, "uh, n-nothing" he looked away and chuckled when he noticed there was a pout on seonghwa's face.

"Basically, seonghwa is scared of anything than can fly, any insects." Yunho commented making seonghwa lower his head and facepalm himself in embarrassment, an action that made everyone burst out laughing.

"can y'all stop insulting me insulting me?!" seonghwa whined, an action that made yeosang's heart flutter.

"No, if it indicates you getting embarrassed in front of your husband, then no." jongho said sarcastically making seonghwa roll his eyes.

"yeosang?" everyone turned their heads to see a boy standing a few inches away from them, clearly having his stare on yeosang.

yeosang turned his head and saw someone he least expected to see. "Yeosang!" The boy ran up to him and hugged him tightly, an action that made the smile on seonghwa's face fade. "What are you doing here? When did you get here?!" He pulled away as he held yeosang's face in his hands.

Seonghwa couldn't take his eyes off the two. something was igniting in his chest, a fire, something he never thought so, the position he's in now... jealousy.

"hyunjin..... you're..." Yeosang was confused.

"yes yeosangie! It's me! I can't believe I got to see you again!" The 'hyunjin' guyhugged yeosang again, creating all those flames in seonghwa's eyes.

"What does he think he's doing..." seonghwa murmured to himself, his face a shade of red due to jealousy.

"how are you here? who are those?" Hyunjin asked as he pulled away from the hug, glaring at the people behind. "Yeosang, who's that boy?" He whispered into yeosang's ear, yeosang turned around and looked at where hyunjin was pointing at. of course.

"oh, that's..." Yeosang lowered his head.

"I didn't mean to ask, but if looks could kill I'd be dead right now... his stare is right creating a hole in my skull." Hyunjin said making yeosang let out a light chuckle.

what's so funny, huh? Seonghwa gritted his teeth, he stood up, walking towards them. He couldn't hold in his jealousy anymore.

"What is he doing?" Hongjoong whispered to the others, they just kept staring, but their mouths got wide open, when seonghwa wrapped an arm around yeosang's waist, pulling him close to himself. What made them more shocked, was when seonghwa smirked smugly.

"Hello, I am seonghwa, and you are.....?" Seonghwa asked pretending to sound enthusiastic.

"Im hyunjin, a childhood friend of yeosang's." Hyunjin straightened his hand to shake. seonghwa looked at his hand for a few seconds, before he decided to grab it and they shook hands. "May I ask, what are you two?" Hyunjin blurted our the question making yeosang turn his head to the side and look at seonghwa, who looked back at him before licking his dry lips.

"I'm his husband."




did I head it wrong?


I didn't.


"h-husband?" Hyunjin asked confused.

"yes. we just got married." seonghwa pulled yeosang even closer, arm still wrapped around his waist as he looked at hyunjin smugly, noticing the sudden change of expression on his face.

hyunjin noticed his intention, so he loved a challenge. "oh, I'm glad, I didn't know he was into his boys."

"Well now you know." Seonghwa gave him a fake smile, "well, baby, should we go back home? It's late already." seonghwa turned his head and shot the question at yeosang, making him look at him and gulp. He nodded after a few seconds and Seonghwa smiled, "let's go back, baby"

"Wait" they turned around, mostly it was yeosang, since seonghwa DIDNT even bother to look at him, acting with him like a piece of dirt. "yeosang, give me your number." seonghwa's eyes darted to hyunjin like an arrow, his face turned into an instant annoyed face when he heard the question. hyunjin noticed the sudden change on his face, "so that we can keep in touch and maybe... hang out sometime?" Seonghwa looked at him dead in the eyes, the two exchanged death glares.

"s-sure... yes." hyunjin smiled and handed his phone to yeosang, yeosang added his number to his contacts, the whole time, seonghwa was a jealous mess.

"thanks, yeosangie." Hyunjin looked at seonghwa, noticing the flames in his eyes as he smirked, thinking that he had won. "Well, we'll catch up later, bye yeosangie." he kissed his own hand, then put his hand on yeosang's cheek.

that's it.

he had enough.

seonghwa grabbed yeosang's hand and intertwined their fingers, "if you excuse us, we need to go home." he turned around and dragged yeosang with himself, without even saying goodbye to the others. Yeosang looked at their hands, and couldn't understand why seonghwa seemed bothered...

his mind on thoughts of assumptions, clearly not being aware of the only thing he couldn't even think of. that seonghwa was jealous.

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