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alone. all alone by himself. he missed his home. He missed his village. He missed his flowers. The flowers he used to water everyday. he missed how he used to wake up every morning at the exact time, he missed the times the streets were quiet and the times he was always greeted the morning by the birds tweeting and the flowers blooming. the little bed he used to fix everyday after waking up. he missed his home. his old life.

but literally, what was he to do anything about it? He was just a boy. twenty-one years old. slim body. quiet. he could do nothing about the fact that he put himself in a big hole by his own hands. if only he hadn't let his uncle in that day. if only he had shut the door on him and minded his business. if only he never actually promised. Time passes, and you can't take it back. he felt like a little bird trapped in a big cage, unable to fly freely and only see the same view over and over again.

"i wish I never made that promise." he mumbled to himself after a long day of breaking down, still sitting on the same bench, not even moving an inch. he was hugging his knees tightly, resting his chin on his knees.

"Mr. Yeosang." yeosang turned his head and saw nana standing next to him, "dinner is ready, please come with me."

"thanks, im not hungry." yeosang managed to give a weak smile.

"but sir, you have skipped breakfast aswell. if you go on like this you wouldn't have strength." nana gave him a worried look.

"it's okay, thank you." Yeosang mumbled slightly and nana nodded slowly, turning around and going inside the mansion again. "hungry for my own home." he whispered to himself.

it was a minute pass when he suddenly heard someone clear their throats, he turned his head and saw seonghwa standing beside him, looking down at him with the same piercing dark gaze he used to give him when they first met, hands in pockets and biting his bottom lip. yeosang looked away, apparently not wanting to return the gaze the older gave him.

"why'd you skip?" seonghwa spoke up after a great while of silence since yeosang ended up not talking.

"i am not hungry." Yeosang mumbled, his voice almost audible but loud enough for seonghwa to hear.

"do you... want me to bring it here for you?" yeosang turned his head and saw a worried look on the elder's face, why does he suddenly care about me? I don't understand his duality. he quickly looked away and down to the ground.

"no.....thanks." Yeosang mumbled.

"okay then." Seonghwa said in a monotone tone and turned around, he quickly left. Yeosang took a deep breath after realizing he was alone once again, getting lost in his own tangled up thoughts. i wish he knew that I never forced myself into this. he closed his eyes as he tried to prevent tears from falling down when one already did, then two ; making it the third tear coming down his cheeks, eyes closed, thoughts messed up inside his head.

protect your marriage.

stay with seonghwa.

i want you to marry my son.

im sick, I won't be alive, promise me.

he buried his face in his knees as he started sobbing lightly, his eyes already a mixture of blood and puffiness due to how much he's cried the past feed days. "I got accused of having a boyfriend when I didn't, he told me a lot of bad things... he called me lewd. he called me animal. he didn't even listen to me. he told me I am nothing.. I have to be strong for uncle sehun..... i promised him.

he didn't even realize he was too tired and messed up that he fell asleep on the freezing bench, completely unconscious about the arms being wrapped around him.

he didn't even realize he was too tired and messed up that he fell asleep on the freezing bench, completely unconscious about the arms being wrapped around him

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thanks for 1k reads! ily all. sorry this chapter was so short. I promise seongsang interactions will come from now on, and I apologize for this much angst this story holds. It'll be soft in a few more chapters so please don't be mad. <3 next chapter will be longer. stay tuned🖤

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