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it was morning when seonghwa was fiddling with his fingers in his room, walking back up and down trying to find an excuse to rescue himself from this marriage. he doesn't wanna marry, especially to that boy. "found it!" He snapped his fingers as he opened his bedroom door and made his way to yeosang's room, opposite his.

he opened the door carefully, shocked the he was already awake and was sitting on his bed, seonghwa sighed as he knocked on the door. "can we talk?" yeosang turned around and saw seonghwa clinging onto the door, he nodded as he stood up, seonghwa smiled as he made his way inside and shut the door.

"listen, I know you don't have bad intentions, I know that you don't want this marriage just as much as I don't want it! so come with me, we will talk to my father and you can tell him that you don't want to marry me, then he'll hopefully decline this decision and both of us will live a happy life!" seonghwa watched the boy with big eyes, admiring his features, but hell, that wasn't going to stop him from stopping the marriage.

yeosang just looked away, not even bothering to let out a 'hum'

"listen, why do you want to marry me?! We have never met each other in our lives, you don't know me at all, I don't know you! So why are you marrying someone you don't even know a bit about?" Seonghwa sighed as he got no response from the boy, "okay, I get it, you're timid of my father, but just come with me, we'll talk to him about this, you know, I'll talk to him that none of us are happy with this, so he'll give up, you don't have to talk, just come with me." seonghwa finished as he made his way to the door, but turned around when he saw yeosang not even looking at him, he rolled his eyes as he returned to the boy.

"look at me, why are you agreeing with this stupid decision? I know you don't want to marry me! tell me why do you want to do that? Did my father force you? or did he threaten you to marry me?" Seonghwa said in a calm tone trying to convince the boy but it was useless. "hmmm, I know,I know why you are agreeing with this! marrying the son of a ceo, a model, free money, live in a mansion, free food, that's why you're marrying me?! what a lack of personality!"

yeosang turned his head to look at him, "you just said earlier that we don't know each other, now how can you decide on someone's personality?" He said in a calm tone.

seonghwa widened his eyes, " okay, just tell me why do you want to marry me, just give me one reason!" he said as he raised a finger, but only to get silence from the boy in return. he sighed as he made his way towards the door and slammed it shut, making yeosang flinch.

after he left, yeosang's tears immediately streamed down his face. "god, please give me strengh."

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